insect control page 5 home of the handyman contd from page 4 flies mosquitoes and other small flying insects for up to four months it does not repel or kill insects instantly nor will itunction when its cage is closed its efficiency is reduced if it is hung too close to open doors or windows strips should be at least ten feet apart always dispose of the used strip in the garbage if you want the feeling of a refreshing summer breeze an electrohome oscillating fan is for you they are avail able in 3 blade sizes 9 12 and 1 6 the 9 fan is featured in this tablcid at a very special price each fan has a deluxe chrome guard and an attract ively styled base with easyto use multispeed controls the smallest fan has 2 speeds while the larger fans have 3 speeds all fans can be easily switched from straight blow to an oscillating breeze raid house and garden spray nonstalnlng nontoxic indoor- outdorbug killer 504530012 350 g vapona insect strip kills flies and mosquitoes in doors for up to 4 months for homefarm use 504578348 3 39 each 2 49 500 g slug destroyer quickly attacks and kills night- feeding slugs and snails 504606902 2 49 helps protect flowers fruits vegetables and lawns against beetles tent caterpillars ear wigs etc 504569412 3 79 muskol insect repel 8hr protection against black flies midges mosquitoes 50 ml bottle 2 98