srjim- zzvz t yhuw 4- j 5 sf5 plant shutdowns pose problem firemen fight to free driver glenn dodd of churchill drive musselmans lake received severe leg injuries when his car collided with a pickup truck owned by claude mathews of sunderland it took 20 minutes to free mr dodd from renault the wreckage of his jim holt gratitude for bowlers dear sir on behalf of cbesebrougbponds our employees and the residents of participation house wed like to thank you for your recent assistance in our bowl-a- thon 80 in markham we hope to realize approximately 7000 from this project 2000 of which has been collected to date and we ap preciate your in volvement in making this possible would you please express our gratitude to your bowling team and convey our sincere best wishes for the coming new year shirley kellock tf by william hodgson mpp york north this week i would like to write about the work of the select committee on plant shutdowns and employee adjustment of the select committee on plant shutdowns and employee adjustment an allparty committee of the ontario legislature established in october under bruce mccaffrey mpp for armourdale the com mittee has the mandate to examine the cause of plant shutdowns and fair separation agreements for workers the issue of plant closures and of pensions and severence payments received by workers in these plants has been a matter of serious concern in the legislature for many months an emergency debate was held on the matter on october 6 and on october 14 while the minister of labour the hon robert elgie made a statement to the legislature outlining policy responses to the problems raised by plant closures including amendments to the pension benefits act and the employment stan dards act the committee decided to complete the first two phases of its work before the legislature rises and to make an interim report on its work the first phase of the committees work was to develop an understanding of the industrial situation in ontario discussion with experts from the ontario government established useful sources of information clarified public policy and cleared up questions about details of pertinent legislation the second phase was an examination of six case studies of plant closures this phase was designed to give the committee an un derstanding of the economics of plant closings in a variety of industries invited to appear before the committee were representatives of management and workers for armstrong cork of lindsay skf canada limited of scarborough steep rock iron mines of ahkokan heintzmann limited of hanover essex in ternational of dunnville and bendix of windsor when possible members of the community ap peared to outline the effect that the plant closure had on the region on december 2 the committee presented its interim report to the legislature this report detailed each case study praminfri by the com- mittee including auditors reports balance sheets and records of ownership early in the new year a final report recordmg the com mittees conclusions and recommendations will be made public congratulations are in order for the members of the uaple bunor hockey association these boys won this years ontario minor hockey championship i was on hand to present scrolls from the province to each team member at a meeting december 12 gathered round santa in merry celebration we think of our friends and take this moment to say thanks we appreciate you continuing association and hope your holidays will be bright and happy stouffville optical tel 6406600 pkswmktmeoummcnnaakmt a hoik hill hardware junta i buty prtiding qmkirut chccrs and once igun it our time to thank friend and customer ox their lt j i p4trirugc w raes home hardware stouffville home hardware i uan sum nw stoufrvllt ontario l0h 1lo 1401771 christmas 6 o good friends join us as we gather together to rekindle 0 the cheerful spirit of a a traditional holiday season x 0 a merry christmas to one and all mx kjl management staff spademan disposal 6401870 6401870 mcarthur maintenance contracting snow plowing landscaping bush lot clearing grounds maintenance 6405809 four season aluminum sales al glenn stouff 64056 mean building products authorized dmltr i windows doors awnings trough fascia soffit insulation sliding storm patio doors free estimates the york county board of education evening classes at markham district high school winter term registration january 1 2march 1681 jan 7that high school 700 pm 900 pm apple doll craft carving costuming of dolls construction of accessories thursdays 7 30 9 30 pm art fundamentals of drawing painting perspective colour all levels welcome tuesdays 7 30 9 30 pm v bridge beginners no experience necessary only some card sense and enthusiasm mondays 7 30 9 30 pm bridge advanced instruction on a higher plane lor those who wish to improve their game cake decorating beginners design lettering flowers use of equipment tuesdays 7 00 9 00 pm cake decorating advanced multl level cakes flow icing designs experience required thursdays 7 30 9 30 pm cardio pulmonary resuscitation learn this important life saving skil in only two evenings dancercise a rruslcal and fun way to shed pounds and feel great thursdays 7 30 8 30 pm golf the basics of swmg mondays 7 30 9 30 pm english as a second language all levels welcome mondays thursdays 7 30 9 30 p m gourmet cooking mondays 4 wednesdays 7 30 9 30pm investment counselling a basic guide to real estate banking stocks etc thursdays 7 30 9 30 p m just for you ladies self awareness altitude appearance and lots more mondays 7 30 9 30 p m ladies fitness fun and fitness exercise and games thursdays 7 30 9 30 p m life drawings bfe form drawings from models thursdays 7 30 9 30 p m picture framing have fun save s do it yourself wednesdays 7 00 1 0 00 p m retirement or future planning learn now how to improve your future wednesdays 7 00 9 30 p m tropical marine biology slides exhibits film ield work optional begins jan 1981 mondays 7 30 9 30 p m hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interiors exterior commercial 115 main st industrial stouffville residential free estimates 6403075 woody lawson construction new home additions renovations free estimates 6402993 js taylor heating contr ltd smfng stoirfmmuxbrfdgt ana ph 8527157 gas s oil furnaces air conditioners authonzed consumers gas contractor i ii 1 icanadiani propane j bulk systems appliances sales 2945665 ballantrae contracting ltd additions new homes renovations barns etc concrete work for estimates call archie paterson 6404758 6 gina jackson travel consultant 28 main ste stouffville 6403526 johnheaton painting contractor high quality decorating fully guaranteed airless spray complttily insured 6404336 or frte iitlmotti 6405844 jtoaehouje houjc t traveiitd 6405451 j53 main si w ged stonehouse 6405491 ulte ptofjeddionau specializing in commercial residential carpet upholstery wall cleaning cleanup of fire water damage furnace blowbacks free estimates 2943317 8526612 ken smurthwaite heatjng ltd air conditioning duct vork custom sheet metal stouffville 6401428 goodwood masonry stonework brick block specializing in fireplaces chimneys repairs 6401299 pauls aluminum products a dmslm if 454790 out uahftd cernimm alwttaim ntrtt storm window endourt rpbjomtn1wmow fmda sungokm doon soffn storm doom etvoi trough sktho 6406211 algonquin outdoor services roofing contractor new and old roofs barn roofs repairs wood lots wanted free estimates all work guaranteed snow plowing contracts wanted stouffville auto glass trim 374 main ste 0mbr erf bm enurprtm 6402060 or 6402091 most classes 10 weeks s1500 minimum 1 5 students per class registration jan 5 7th 700 900 pm questions mr dickson 2941886 s lo chpmr director south lake aluminum siding lateil a seamless eavestrough insulation window soffit doors fascia cellulose fibre insulation free estimates rrno2 liny yakbisy 6405909 stouffville call steve noddle wilsons water wells pumps sales i service business 640 4369 clear out parquet flooring 50 per sq ft open daily 9 am5 pm saturday 10 am4 open sot doc 27ioom 4pm boxing dosole the hardwood flooring store 441 esna park drive unit 6 2 blocks east ol the don valley pfcwy hwy 404 nonnoffsteeles cal ron ander 4959582 do it yourself instructions pm 6401754 well drilling 24 years expsrlence- es well drilling 6404618 colony drywall and acoustics interior contractors commercial residential specializing in prefinlshed ceilings lathe plaster demountable partitions renovations whitby 6662343 frwestfmtrts oycks eavestroughing 6403138 6401496 aluminum siding soffit fascia eavestroughing windows doors qalv eavestrough repairs free estimates pennanen roofing industrial residential flats flecwus to yoes of roof call glenn 6403926 stouffville jerry breen general contractor new homes additions renovations kitchens estimates 4733364 this space available for your ad call 6402100 i 8 stouffville printing i office supplies lug 11 main st 6402612 merry christmas gift headquarters fm the entire family hallmark cards indsffl wrap