nnkcraf ocmripdmrikrt4f hjay new name aatni mwway maple boad is the tons of blcbaond major macxexzie hill and vaughan being the drive road between lots 45 aad 46 yb 25 concession 1 wys as sbosa oa plan of expropriation 8619 from the centre 1 lae of yoagc street to the centre line of regional bond to 38 proposed bathurst street tb 38 then being the road between lot 20 and 21 tows of vaughan fomerly township of vaughaa to a point approximately 89 metres east of the east limit of dufferlo street aad keele street proposed keele street yr 6 then being the ruad la a southwesterly aad westerly direct loa through lot 20 concession iii to the east limit of lot 20 concession iv then blng the road between lnt 20 aad 21 to a point approximately 343 metres rast of the east licit of juno street yr 55 then beint the road in a south westerly direction tbroutfh lot 20 concession iy and lot 21 concession v to a point approximately 325 metres west of the west liatt of jane street yr 55 then 1elng the road between lots 20 and 21 to the cast limit of the kings highway no 100 then being the road from the west unit of the- kings highway no 400 to k a point approximafoly 294 metres east of the east limit of 6i line veston hoad proposed veston road yr 56 then beinp the road in a northwesterly direction through lot 21 v concession v to the east it of 6tn line weston road proposed weston road yr s6 thenbeing the rqad a between lots 20 and 21 to the west limit of pine valleydrive then being the road in a southwesterly direction to a point approxi mately 313 metres west of the west limit of pine valley drive then being the road y through lots 20 and 21 to j the east limit of veston road proposed islington avenue yr 7 in the townsof uarkham and vhitchurchstouf ivillc being the boundary road between the regional municipality of york and the regional municipality of durham from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to north limit of stouffvllle road yr 14 kajor xacie3zie orveixst ye 25 prescatnaateaaa nankeraf tbkibibijne tbvasdayjsept li i ldeicxicioarpartf ngksrsjr nenaammadnmmakcr fokwm elgin mills road yr 49 regional road no 30 yorkdurham line yr 30 yorkdurham lisf yr 30 regional road no 51 y0nge street dalh0usie street yr 51 huron street davis drive yr 31 in the towns of whitchurch- stourfville east gwillim bury and newmarket being the road between lot 1 town of east gwillimbury- formerly township of east gwillimbury and lot 35 town of whitchurch stouffvllle formerly town ship of whitchurch from the boundary between the regional- municipality of york and the regional municipal ty of durham to the east limit of the kings highwayno 48 then being the road from the west limit of the kings highway no 48 to the west limit of sutton road pro- posed leslie street yr 12 then being the road commonly known as davis drive to the east limit of the kings highway no 11 davis drive yr 31 reci0nal road no 32 ravensh0e road yr32 regional road no 34 bayview avenue second street prospect street yr34 jt- bayview avenue prospect street yr 34 regional road no 38 bathurst street yr 38 in the township of georgina and the town of east gwillimbury being the road between the township of uxbrldge and the township or georgina from the south east corner of lot 25 con cession i township of- georgina formerly townsmp of georgina to the east limit of the kings highway no 48 then being the road from the west limit of the kings highway no 48 to the boundary between the regional municipality of york and the county of slmcoc in the towns of markham richmond hill aurora and ncwmarketv being the road curving in a northwesterly direction from the north limit of steeles avenue located approximately 21 metres east of the south west corner of lot 1 con- cession ii town of markhram to the road between con cessions i eys and ii located at a point approximately- 165 metres north of the north limit of steeles avenue then being the road between concessions i eys and ii to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to a point approximately 89 metres north of the north limit of lot 4 concession ii then being the road in a northeasterly and northerly direction through lot 5 con cession ii to the south limit of lot 6 concession ii located approximately 151 metres east or the southwest corner of lot 6 concession 11 then being the road in a northwesterly direction through i01 6 concession ii to a point approximately 326 metres north of the south west corner of lot 6 con cession ii then being the road between concession i eys and ii to the south limit of second street in the town of newmarket in the town of newmarket being the road in a north westerly and westerly direc tion through concession ii from the south limit of second streetto thesouth unit of huron street proposed davis drive yr 31 in the towns of vaughan richmond hill aurora newmarket and east gwlillm- bury and the township of king being theroad commonly known as bathurst street between concessions i wys and ii from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit of the kings highway no 7b then being the road and all deviations thereof from the north limit of the kings ravensh0e road yr 32 dufferin street and keele street dufferin street keele street yr 53 jane street yr 55 bayview avenue yr 34 6th line weston road yr 56 7th line pine valley road yr 57 prospect street yr 34 bathurst street yr 38 sth line warden avenue yr 65 elgin mills road east yr 49 elgin mills road teston road stegmans mill road yr 49 nashville road yr 49 elgin mills road west yr 49 nashville road yr 49 highway no 7 to the south limit of the kings highway so 9 then being the road and all deviations thereof from the north limit of the klcgs highway no 9 to a point approximately 160 metres south of the south limit of the kings highway no 11 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 11 to the north limit of queeasville side road proposed queeasville sideroad yb 77 in the towns of markham and richmond hill being the established road and all deviations thereof comaenc- iag between lots 25 and 26 from the west liatt of woodbine avenue yr 8 to the east limit of the kings highway no 11 between lots 50 and 51 concession i eys in the town of richmond hill being the road between lots 50 and 51 con cession i wys from the west limit of the kings highway no 11 to the east halt of regional road no 38 pro posed bathurst street yr 38 in the town of vaughan being the road between registered plan no 210 and registered plan no 9 from the west limit of weston road proposed islington avenue yr 7 to the east limit of the kings highway no 27 then being the vestablished road through lots 24 and 25 from the west limit of the kings highway no 27 to a point approximately 758 metres east of the west limit of lot 26 concession ix then being the road through lots 25 and 26 concession ix to the west limit or the road between concessions ix and x then being the road through lot 25 concession x to the road between lots 25 and 26 concession x located approximately 528 metres west of the west limit of the road between concessions ix and x then being the road between lots 25 and 26 concession x to the east limit of the kings highway no 50 in the town of east y0nge street gwillimbury being the road yr 51 between- concessions i eys and i wys from the north limit of mount albert road proposed yonge street yr 13 to a point approxi mately 73 metres south of the road between lots 110 and 111 concession- i eys then curving in a north easterly direction to a point approximately 58 metres east of the east limit of the road between concessions i eys and i wys then being the road proceed ing in a northnortheasterly direction to the south limit of queensvllle side road proposed queensvllle sideroad yr 77 x in the town of vaukhan and the township or king being the road between concessions 1 and iii from the north limit ofsteeles avenue to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to the south limit of lloydtown road proposed lloydtownaurora road yr 16 in the town of vaughan and jane street the township of king being yr 55 the road curving in a north easterly direction from the north limit of steeles avenue located approximately 99 metres wost of the road between concessions iv and v to the road between concessions iv and v located at a point approximately 265 metres north of the north limit of steeles avenue then being the- road between con cessions iv and v to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings high way no 7 to the south limit of lloydtown road proposed lloydtownaurora road yr 16 and being the road in lot 28 concession v from a point approximately 184 metres south of the north east corner of lot 28 con- cession v to a point approximately 64 metres west t thereof and being the road between concessions iv and v from- a point approximately 242 metres south of the north- oast corner of lot 28 con cession v to the south limit of the kings highway no 9 prtaeat name ami number f- deacriatjaaorpartaf sranaaaeaaini f rogfcway ttfi line road yb 67 mccowan si sth line yr 69 langstaff road yr 72 carrville road yr 73 dufferin street yr 53 lloydtown road king street church street yr 75 sch0mberg main street yr 76 weston road yr 56 in the town ofvaughan and tho township of king being the road between concessions vand vi from tho north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit or the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to the south limit of the kings highway no 9 in the town of vaughan being pine valley drive the road curving in a north- yr 57- westerly direction from the north limit of steeles avenue located approximately 242 metres east of the cast limit of the road between concessions vi and vii to the road between concessions vi and vii located at a point approximately 253 metres north of the north limit of steeles avenue then being the road between con cessions vi and vii to the south limit of the kings highway no t then being the road from the north halt of the kings highway no 7 to the north limit of regional road no 72 yr 72 in the towns of markham and warden avesle whltchurchstourfville being yr 65 the road between concessions iv and v from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south halt of the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to the south limit of stouffvllle road yr 14 then being the road curving la a northeasterly direction from the north limit of queens v i lle side road sutton road morton avenue morton sideroad yr 78 metro road yr 78 stouffville road yr 14 located approximately 412 metres west of the west limit of the road between concessions iv and v to a point- approximately 85 t metres south of the south limit of lot 3 concession v then being the road between concessions iv and v to the south limit of blooalngton road tr 40 in the towns of markham aad mccowan boad whitchurchstouffvillef being yb67 the road betweenconcessions vi and vii from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then being the road from the north limit of the kings highway no 7 to a point approximately 398 metres south of the south limit or stouffville road yr 14 then being the road curving in- a northeasterly direction through lots 34 and 35 con cession vii to the south limit of stouffville road yr 14 located approxi- mately 168 metres east of the east limit of the road between concessions vi and vii then being the road between concessions vi and vii from the north limit of stouffville road yr 14 to the south limit of bloomlngton road yr 40 in the towns of markham and ninth line whitchurchstouffvllle being yr 69 the road between concessions viii and ix from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit of the kings highway no 7 then being the road between concessions vii and ix from the south limit of the road between lot 35- concession vii town of whitchurchstouffvllle formerly township of markham and lotl concession viii town of whitchurch- stouffvllle formerly town ship of whitchurch to a metres north of the south limit of lot 17 concession ix town of whitchurchs stouffville formerly town ship of whitchurch then being the road curving in a northeasterly northerly and northwesterly direction through lots 17 and 18 con- cession ix and registered plan 196 to a point approximately 206 metres south of the south limit of lot 19 concession ix then being the road between con cessions viii and ix to the south limit of aurora road yr 15 langstaff road yr 72 carrville road east yr 73 mul0ck drive and vivian sideroad pine orchard road cedar valley road yr 74 hulock drive yr 74 in the town of vaughan being the road between lots 10 and 11 from the west limit of regional road no 38 pro posed bathurst street yr 38 to the east limit of dufferin street and keele street proposed keele street yr 6 in the town of richmond hill being the road between lot 41 concession i eysand the north limit of registered plan no 3806 from the west limit of regional roadno 34 proposed bayview avenue yr 34 to the east litiit of the kings highway no- 11 x in the towns of whitchurch- stouffvllle and nowmarket being the road between lots 30 and 31 from the west n limit of the kings highway no 48 to the east limit of sutton road proposed pleasantvllle curve yr 12a and being the road from the west limit of sutton road proposed bogarttown curve yr 12a to the east limit of bayview avenue yr 34 then being the road between lots 90 and 91 concession i eys from the west limit of bayview avenue yr 34 to the east limit of the kings highway no 11 in the township of king being the established road and all deviations thereof commencing between lots 16 and 17 registered plan no 8 at the south limit of main street in the community of lloydtown to the west limit of schomberg main street proposed main street yr 76 in the township or king main street being the established road yr 76 across and through regis- tcred plans nos87 400 and 468 and as shown on registered plan number 87 as main street from the west limit of the kings highway no 27 to the south limit of the kings highways- no 9 church street yr 75 in the townof east gwillimbury being the road between lots 20 and 21 from the west limit of kennedy road yr 3 to the east limit of the road between concessions iv and v then being the road between con cessions iv and v rrom the south limit of the road between lots 20 and 21 con- cession v to the north limit of the road between lots 20 and 21 concession iv then being the road between lots 20 and 21 to the east limit of regional road no 38 proposed bathurst street yr 38 in the township of georgina formerly township or north gwillimbury being the road between lots 10 and 11 con cession iii from the west limit of woodbine avenue yr 8 to the east limit of sutton road proposed the quecnsway yr 12 queensville sideroad yr 77 morton avenue yr 78 in the township of georgina metro road formerly township of north yr 78 gwl 1 1 iabury being the established road and all deviations thereof through lots 11 12 and 13 con- v cession iii- and through lots 14 to 25 inclusive concession ii and through lots 25 to 28 inclusive concession iii from the west limit of sutton road proposed the queensway yr 12 to the west limit of woodbine avenue yr8 then being the road from the west limit of woodbine avenue yr 8 through lots 1 to 20 inclusive concession ix to the west llmlj of jackson point road pro- posed dalton road yr g cqwwua rm10ww0 ia6t i