baptist singers at springvale service the truth aflame ensemble accompanied by dr gerry benn of london baptist seminary london ont will attend a special service at springvale baptist church gormley and kennedy roads sunday june 8 at 7 pm the six members of the group are all preparing for active christian ministry dr benn will bring the message parish leaders stouffville st marks parish council has established the following committees for the current year pastor father james adams chairman casey van maris co- chairman ursula oconnor secretary denise kennedy spiritual sig kusatz chairman maureen irwin and frank mellon way and means bob heenan chairman heather shanaghan bob lawson youth jim nevins chairman paul hulshof john coooey social joe downey chairman maureen irwin john hulshof financial and mem bership lew kennedy ladies club president carol devine mens club president bob lewis st vincent de paul society elmer burnie organist teresa kusatz choir director nick kamps mass is held at st marks school saturdays 1 at 5 pm and sunday at 1030 am weekday mass is held at the rectory tuesday to friday at 8 am cantata stouffville the junior choir of st james presbyterian church will present a cantata sunday evening at 7 pm entitled david and the giants the event is the result of many weeks of practice the cantata director is esther powell rev roy inglis memorial chalice ballantrae an engraved com munion chalice made available to the congregation by the steiiards of ballantrae united church was dedicated sunday morning by rev douglas mcleod in memory of rev roy inglis a muchloved pastor bere mrs inglis attended the worship he loved god and his church said rev mcleod he served him in every way he could his memory will be with us always the beautiful cup was used for s first time sunday when the lords supper was observed the service celebrated the congregations 120th anniversary rev connie mcleod brought the message basing her sermon on the subject thanks for the memory mrs mcleod urged listeners to think not only of the past but also the present important events are occurring here right now she said- the past is made present she stated the minister spoke of the small but dedicated group of people who were called to establish the church in the community 120 years ago of equal importarce she said are the faithful mem bers who carry on the church today special music was provided by soloist lorna wood 1he tribune thursday june 5 un 1 aamxlljlu- lnurch services to honor seniors stouffville will be held to mark the stouffville will be the ballantrae corn- senior citizens week in occasion tuesday june arranged by car or bus munity centre at the whitchurch stouffville 24 a tour of whitchurch- with tea to be served at conclusion begins june 15 christ church anglican revwfedney 2971634 sdjtdayjuaes19m trinity i 930 am morning prayer rev philip poole nursery services provided youth bible study following the service 730 pjn induction of rev philip poole reception following service thurs 8 pjn bible study christ is risen rev philip poole induct pastor stouffville on sunday june 8 at 730 pm rev philip poole will be inducted into the ministry at christ anglican church parish stouffville the event marks a milestone in the 100 year history of the congregation until recently christ church stouffville had been linked with st philips unionville under the pastorate of rev wf edney rev poole received his elementary education in peterborough and later attended high school in graduate from waterloo lutheran university he attended trinity college for his master of divinity degree heading his class with an average of eighty- two per cent toronto honors at wlu he was active in many areas including student council representative three years student senator two years chairman of the homecoming com mittee one year president of the un- versity choir two years he majored in music there completing the course with an average of 79 per cent at trinity he par ticipated in both football and hockey he was also divinity class president interest in music has been a first love he was the cofounder of the west toronto choir camp and the director of junior choirs at both st johns west toronto and holy trinity thornhill he was for three years the assistant curate at holy andtrinity at present hes studying towards his master of theology degree the parish has acquired a new rectory at 558 maystone court stouffville phillip and karen will take up residence there june 16 to mark this oc casion various activities are planned events finalized to date follow sunday june 15 a worship service will be held in the parkview home auditorium at 6 pm monday june 16 distribution of flowers with the silver jubilee club being the headquarters for this program tuesday june 17 an open house at the town library from 2 to 4 pm wednesday june 18 strawberry social in the town park thursday june 19 the friendship club will host a game night in the legion hall saturday june 21 fifteenth an niversary celebration for parkview home an open house and program stouffville 24 main st w 6404646 mark ham 76 main st n 2944844 contact stouffville communication is a vital link between humans but still many frictions exist in the interraction of people especially within the family unit that was an idea stressed by sylvia rosenberg director of the stouffville family life centre in a seminar focusing on family communications she was guest speaker at the final family unity month program may 28 at st james presbyterian church basing her address partly on the book making contact by family therapist virginia satir sylvia used members of the audience to explore many facets of communication par ticularly between husband and wife parents and children volunteers took on different personalities including the overly agreeable placater the bossy person who blames everything on others the superreasonable type as well as the person who feels irrelevant answer came from each empty inside sylvia explained that these personality types may not show it on the outside but on the inside they feel they are not lovable if bodies feel unnatural she bloomington christian gospel church revcwsorley pastor 945 am suinday school 1100 am devotional service 700 pjn gospel service we welcome again the lee family from brad ford they present an enjoyable program of gospel music come and enjoy it wed 8 pm prayer meeting fri 730 pm young peoples markham missionary church 313 main st n 2t5sl i sunday june 8 138 945 ajit family bibb hour presentation to familj of the year 1100 am worshij service 700 pjn sunday nigh series pastor whal about eternal security wed june 11th summei kids dubs 700 830 pjn watch bright pathway cable 10 stouffville fellowship baptist mainobrien rev dc payne pastor 6493156 10 am bible school 11 am worship service following in ones foot steps 7 pm hour of praise practical lessons from rom 14 wed 8 pm prayer bible study fri youth night phone for information all welcome memorial christian church malnstouffer rev j small june 8 1980 10 ajn sunday school 11 am worship 7 pm fellowship weekly youth programs information 6403257 stouffville united church 34 church st n minister rev jl carder sun june 8 1980 11 am worship service at the youth centre stouffville rd west of ringwood speaker rev l elfano followed by annual congreg ational picnic all of the congregation mvited chair lift available you will be welcome sx irruues presbyterian church 101 main st east 64ph95 rev ted creen sun june 8 1980 10 am is real friend ship possible today join us for a sermon on the possibilities of friendship today 1115 church school and adult discussion 7 pm childrens musical david and the giants a warm welcome to all a friendly family church stouffville missionary church 159 main street west 6403911 rev j hamilton mlnuter 4166402413 mrjclublne associate minister sunday june 8 1980 945 am family sun day school 1100 am the foundation for happy family living 700 pm film building a partnership mon 615 pm church family picnic at willow springs camp wed 730 pm youth adult prayer bible study fri 730 pm youth night youre always welcome at the missionary church springvale baptist church gormleystouffville rd at 6th cone kennedy rd rev tom hamilton pastor 8875651 sunday june 8 1980 945 am sunday school 11 am morning wori ship the security of the shepherds sheep 7 pm evening service dr gerry benn and the truth aflame ensemble wed 730 pm family prayer meeting st marks catholic church stouffville pastorrev j adams 6406665 sunday mass schedule saturday evening 5 pm sunday 1030 am held in st marks school elm road gormley missionary church rev cecil rosenberger sunday june 8 1980 childrens day a combined service starting at 950 am including sunday school promotions speakers chuck cheryl raineyjfrom the bible club movement pot luck family dinner following service 730 pm christs crusaders in charge wed 8 pm prayer service in the fellowship hall june 8th 1980 sun 945 am sunday school a class for every age 1030 am worship service 6 pm gospel rally stouffville pentecostal pastor murray steacv church 460 maih st stouffville 6405696 mccormack memorial church pastor rev w gawa vivian i rd 1 biintra no 48 945 am sunday school 1100 am there is one god 730 pm thou art my god special music mrs morton nursery supervision provided post office opened gormley gormleys new post office was opened fridayofficially george alexopoulis eastern area co ordinator cut the red ribbon before an audience of about fifty people the prayer of dedication was offered by rev jim cober heise hill brethern in christ church a canadian flag was presented to postmaster peter koropatwa by the national postal authority two of the communitys senior residents alvin farmer and roy brillinger were on hand to receive it following the ceremony visitors were taken on a guided tour of the facility refresh ments were served by the postmaster and his assistant freda hen derson