education tax up durham region hie increase in education taxes to durham region residents will range from 27 to 43per home depending on the municipality budgetaudit chairman david sims a whitby trustee presented the figures to the durham board of education recently for approval the budget totals 94364330 for both elementary and secondary schools about 43 per cent of this will be collected through municipal levies this years figures represent an increase of 9303185 over 1979 wages and benefits are 76 per cent of the total uxbridge township will levy 2136996 claremont trustee budget too lean durham region claremont trustee linda carder feels this years board of education budget is far too lean increases for the taxpayer in pickering will be 40 per household or 1235 per cent over 1979 carder one of five trustees seeking more funds for the elementary school sector to beef up inventories said she was disappointed to find the budget increases marginal in that area she termed the document conservative and said that there are too many projects piling up that just cant be put off any longer many schools have to contend with leaky roofs which are slowly crumbling apart these are things which should have been taken care of in- previous years mrs carder added that in the maintenance allotments there is 141000 for roof repairs 171000 for window frames and 60000 for masonry conversion from oil to natural gas will be costly now but will pay off in the long run she explained she said that although claremont public will be receiving a 25 per cent increase over last year due to inflation the school will have to spend more for the same supplies the bonus sounds like a substantial amount but actually the school wont be any further ahead the board will implement a new policy giving priority to schools with kindergarten to grade eight classes with an effort to upgrade textbooks libraries and add science labs and music rooms mrs carder pointed out while the public may scream about cutting frills i dont think libraries gym nasiums or video equipment can be called unnecessary any education system must keep up with the times and these are effective teaching aids un fortunately most children never full capacity best situation goodwood webb public will be closed this june but goodwood principal richard hannah says he would like to have seen both schools operating- to capacity i like kids so naturally i would prefer to have every school in the region functioning at maximum he said that it was out of his jurisdiction to decide what webb will be used for next year but suggested a few possible alternatives many parents have said they would like it turned into a community centre providing various social activities for the area dances and wedding receptions could be held there and the formation of a day care centre isnt out of the question because one full class from webb will be going to goodwood school along with two teachers it will be necessary for a goodwood staff member to transfer the teacher wont lose his position but merely move to another school within the region mr hannah said he was unable to release further details on the staff situation atpresent he added that all rooms at goodwood will be utilized next september excluding the library due to the influx of the webb students the principal said however that the move will in no way cause over crowding the ministry has strict guidelines for numbers of pupils per classroom and we must adhere to them he pointed out library opens greenwood the old greenwood school now a public library will be officially opened sunday june 1 at 2 pm the hon pauline mcgib- bon lieutenantgovernor of ontario will attend the ceremony the building is a pickering landmark in that the late john diefenbaker attended classes here for a short time and his father was one of the early teachers funding for the project was provided by the ontario heritage foundation the town of pickering and the brougham citizens league invited guests will include may brown of greenwood one of the areas oldest citizens and a former pupil at s s no 9 the old school unused for several years was erected in 1860 compared with 243398 last year the board is allowing 60000 for the replacement of outdated technical equipment where needed this money is in addition to the regular allocations increase in funds for sup plies is 20 per cent or 600000 above last year it was suggested that 40 per student be budgeted up from 9 per pupil at the elementary level in the secondary block the proposed increase is 1789 to 12489 it is anticipated that maintenance will be up by 511000 along with 50000 needed for security systems a 30000 engineering study of all fire alarms will also be un dertaken the chairman noted that for 1979 it cost the board 1161 to educate an elementary pupil and 1858 for a secondary school student in metro toronto the figures are 1789 and 1430 respectively this is evidence of sound financial management by the durham board sims said provincial aid for this year is projected to be 50276622 an eight per cent increase over 1979 to minimize the effects of the new equalization assessment factors the province will provide anad ditional 1744000 to reduce major discrepancies within the region for uxbridge ratepayers the budget will mean 30 more per home and for pickering residents it will be a 40 in- crease ajax 39 oshawa 27 and whitby 43 learn to use a resource centre properly there are no new programs planned for 1980 but the trustee said tuition fees for summer school and drivers education programs are up to offset charges to the ratepayers still were way under levy and the people complain because we dont spend enough money but i would really like to know how we can spend more without having to raise more which means asking the public for it mrs carder said that despite the 40 increase it still costs less to educate a child in the durham system than in carleton york metro and halton missing peacock returned brougham one of two peacocks that flew the coop last week near brougham is back home safe and sound margaret hewett rr 1 locust hill told the tribune that the birds one male and one female took off shortly after their arrival the male she said was found in a garage north of hwy 7 the female at last report was still free the owner r had erected a six foot high fence to keep the peacocks confined but they cleared the enclosure with ease she felt sure theyd gone back from where they had come however when they didnt showup she called in an ad the male she said was somewhat bedraggled and very hungry his mate she feels could be in the same general area anyone seeing a bird of this type is asked to call 6834263 coop fined claremont a claremont company has been fined 5000 for the excretion of- ammonia pollutants to duffins creek charges against united co operatives of ontario were laid under the fisheries act of canada when it was learned that about 1000 brook trout died last spring a may 24 spill contained enough toxins to kill the fish within three hours a leading biologist with the ministry of the environment testified firsttime wrestlers win at regional competitions this is the firstyear goodwood public has had a wrestling teambut already the competitors have brought honor to the school with their many wins twentytwo wrestlers from goodwood participated in the regional championships at port perry recently here coach robert byers poses with first place winners curtis hermann right 90 lb class and cam todd 77 lb division joann thompson over 70000 unreported trucker evaded taxes donald f crawford age 52 of ajax started operating a trucking and haulage business many years ago as a sole- proprietorship in 1973 he in corporated the business under the name of df crawford enterprises ltd mr crawford has at times operated a fleet of up to fourteen trucks the investigation disclosed that df crawford enterprises ltd of ajax failed to report sales amounting to 3938999 from two customers in the united states one located in the state of michigan the other in the state of ohio the cor poration also did not report sales of 1811184 from ten canadian customers and in surance claims received for damaged trucks of 1441708 the total unreported income by the corporation for the taxation years 1975 and 1976 amounted to 7191891 n during 1972 and 1973 when donald f crawford operated as a sole proprietor he failed to report sales of 5659663 of which 4108851 was from one united states customer located in ohio the remainder from canadian customers he also did not report 334231 which he received for insurance claims for damaged trucks in 1974 and 1975 mr crawford did not report 7104340 of funds which he appropriated from his cor poration the total unreported income by mr crawford for the 1975 new plan for kindergarten taxation years 1972 to amounted to 13098234 r the proceeds of these sales f were either diverted to one orf more of thirteen personal bank-i- accounts maintained by mr j crawford and members of his family or in some instances mr crawford negotiated cheques through third parties and received the cash the federal taxes sought to be evaded by df crawford enterprises ltd on unreported income of 7191891 amounts to 1079196 whereas the taxes originally reported were 155220 the federal taxes sought to i be evaded by donald f t crawford on the unreported- income of 13098234 amount to 4450936 whereas the taxes v originally reported were 487409 f ninety officials attend umpires clinic in sfbuffville the whltchurchstouffvilte softball association hosted a suc cessful umpires clinic saturday at the high school with a record 90 officials in attendance from as far distant as mississauga peterborough oshawa and brampton here sharon sinclalr seated provincial umpireinchief from churchill near barrie points a new rule to left to right- cordie chong stouffville bev graham oshawa neil lafleur stouffville earl rowe goodwood stan todd goodwood and george manak markham jim thomas claremont the idea of allday kindergarten is not a new one but the area trustee feels it could work effectively within the school system here linda carder explained that due to soaring busing costs the proposal is feasible many of the boards buses carry only six children at one time which is expensive under the plan children would attend kindergarten all- day three times a week travelling with older students morning and night this could eliminate the need for twoway radios because be an the older children would available in the event of emergency she noted the trustee said she sup ported the project fully when it was first introduced by a transportation task force notwithstanding the financial advantages pre schoolers would benefit as well teachers agree that the prime learning time for the youngsters is in the morning and this way everyone would receive it mrs carder will present the program to claremont principal stan todd and says she would like to see it working at valley view in greenwood also allergy seminar durham region the next meeting of the durham north association for children with learning disabilities will beheld may 14 at rh cornish public school port perry the speakers mr and mrs bruce small will discuss allergies and their effects on a childs ability to learn the seminar begins at 8 pm i