t the tribune thursday january 31 1m wxt tihxm james thomas edhorinchiof barrebeacock advertising manager established 1888 charles a nolan publisher eorromaldeptjoaiwtbowonjhnhott nsplayaoveittismqdeptilaiswhtamwimarlaeamdmaa culss office manager dormaowcoo business office eltom glow pobohj mry thursday at 54 main st stoufmba out tal 6402101 toronto phona 36116s0 stool eoptoa 25 aabacfipttons 1100 par yaar la canada s3000 ataawbara alambar ol canadian co naarasapara a and ontario waauy nainoapara aaaodatlon sasond dasa mau ragialratlobuabarobm y th tribune la ona of tha inland publishing co lknhadgreup of auburban nawapapara which in- cuoaa am ajaxwhhbjrfwckarfng nam advartlaar brampton ouardlan btuungton poet etobicou gazatta auitham economist and sun naanaitatfaurora era oamua baavar oahawa this waak mlnlm naws oahawa tha waakand a f praas milton canadian champion and tha georgetown indapandant 6402100 3611680 editorials i question salary increase on dec 31 1979 ralph corner the clerk- administrator for whitchurchstouffville rei tired his service to the village now a town spanned twentythree years those who worked for and with him tell of his excellent administrative capabilities particularly during the changeover period when the twp of whitchurch and the village of stouff ville became one only ralph himself will ever know the countless hours of extra time required in bringing the two municipalities together but all that is now history or so it seems the council is making a fresh new start or so it seems theyve approved the hiring of an administrator not a clerkadministrator with a lot less experience for several thousand dollars more than ralph corner received when he left the decision while by no means unanimous makes no sense the only con clusions one can draw are l the past administrator wasnt adequately performing his duties 2 the past administrator was grossly underpaid 3 experience counts for nothing 4 the new administrator will be saddled with responsibilities above and beyond what was expected of the previous employee our bewilderment at this decision should not be taken as a personal criticism quite the contrary from what weve been told the town has made an excellent choice however to pay more for less makes us wonder what economic wizardy was employed thirtyfive thousand dollars by whitchurchstouffville standards is a pretty lucrative figure for someone who may need a road map to find main street town made excellent choice the choice is a good one and almost automatic on feb 4 walter smith takes over the post of fire chief in whitchurch- stouffville on a fulltime basis for the town the appointment is over due chief smith admits this however any delay in filling the position has obviously worked out best for both sides for the next few months the chief will be a busy man he has some catching up to do particularly in the field of inspections this means he wont be in the office every time the phone rings but hell be on the job just the same having grown up with the department here in his 34th year he knows whats been done in the past and what needs to be done in the future however he has no intentions of going too far too fast we cant do everything all at once he said its safe to say though that one fulltime man is only the start others will be added as the need arises whats most important at this stage is the spirit of cooperation so apparent between the chief and his men such might not have been the case had the town seen fit to hire an outsider nor might it go down too well if outsiders are hired in the future lets hope this never happens image distorts the man prime minister joe clark who has been struggling against a negative image in numerous quarters can impress we can attest to this fact since we had the honor and pleasure of chatting with him last week at the conclusion of our conversation we immediately recalled a quote from the prime minister himself if you get to know me youll like me even in such a brief meeting as we enjoyed we can believe his statement television exposure is not necessarily a compliment for everyone while general appearance and gestures of the person on the screen are very clear personality and sin cerity do not always come through prime minister clark can answer questions without hesitation and with a directness which belie charges of fumbling sometimes levelled against him there is no aloofness which can come with high office in our view the prime minister is very approachable we were impressed spring scenes keep reappearing all winter the beauty of nature this scene was captured by reporterphotographer joann thompson daring one of her sojourns around the country the location is a branch of duff hi creek near cherry downs golf and country dub cone 7 pickering all aboard the election train in riding of yorkpeel thctklftone roaming around like pd known him all my life i a by jim thomas in this weird and wonderful world of journalism we folks in the weekly field and daily too i suppose tend to rub shoulders with all types of people some weird the majority wonderful most we know or at least recognize however not everywhere is this so main street stouffville is hardly comparable to dixon road mississauga my compatriot the editor of the mississauga news for example isnt likely to tip his chapeau to every person he meets between home and work much less call each by name but out in the hinterland of whitchurchstouffville things are different although changing too here we stare at the faces we dont know rather than those we do its less obvious that way on occasions however we do stray from the beaten path that leads to the arena the firehall the bowling alley the post office and the restaurant and its during such times we see those folks we read about talk about maybe even write about but seldom meet personally i can think of dozens and likely you can too those who come to mind immediately are leslie frost john robarts bill davis and pierre trudeau guy lombardo jane morgan and bob goulet turk broda remember him ted kennedy and eddie shack to mention a few each to me in his or her own way was rather special so much so the exact time and place of our meeting has remained firmly entrenched in my mind on thursday it happened again another milestone down memory lane the editors and publishers of all thirteen inland newspapers had an opportunity to meet and talk with the prime minister of canada what is he like i mean whatsis he really like this was the one question i asked myself why because experience twentynine years of it has taught me that the packaged image and the real person can be two very different people but not so with joe clark he was exactly as i had imagined immaculate in his ap pearance quietspoken but straightforward in his replies friendly in his manner he called me jim and i called him joe a genuine gentleman that i liked the minute we met what impressed me most was his sin cerity his honesty plus the fact he didnt attend the gathering all giftwrapped and tinseltaped i saw no entourage of chauffeur- driven limousines just six ordinary chevrolets no wailing of police sirens no police at all no henchmen checking the points on our pencils or aides offering un wanted assistance it was a refreshing change from what i had seen previously from what i had ex pected earlier joe clark like the man who gathers up the pork and beans after the bottom falls out of your grocery bag like the official greeter inside the front door of churchill baptist i church like the service station attendant who cleans off the rear window of my stationwagon that little extra i was impressed v editors mail firemen keep out dear sir i was astounded to learn last weekthat a member of the provincial legislature was planning to present a bill giving local firemen sweeping powers including the right to enter private citizens homes in my opinion this is something the people of ontario can do without to me it would be another wedge drivenmnto private citizens rights if my memory serves me correctly a former attorney general wanted to introduce a bill giving police similar sweeping powers his resignation vas demanded by the public the press and the premier the same should apply to this man his efforts would be better spent educating the public on the proper use of wood stoves and the dangers of smoking in bed the causes of most fires today hi jones stouffville installation we found their staff helpful in terested and very professional we found out later that this is a family operation with fathers sons uncles and cousins working side by side no doubt mothers and daughters are there as well we think it is a good operation giving value for a fairprice it is reassuring to see quality of material and responsible attitudes still existing these days jim and bonnie heidema rr 2 stouffville plain people wm dear jim the stouffvillesweden committee wishes to thank the tribune for its very special coverage of the visit by the haninge sweden midget team to stouffville we feel a very special thanks should go to you and your staff and especially jim holt for the excellent reporting of the event your publication brought the swedish visit to homes of everyone in stouffville and helped make their stay a memorable oc casion our swedish friends took many copies of the tribune home to sweden as souvenirs of their stay in stouffville once again thank you very much s mr john hutchinson chairman stouffvillesweden committee dear jim i seldom read obituaries mainly because the deceased is rarely someone i know the late ivan mclaughlin would fall into that category i thought i knew him but i really didnt know him at all to me he was a good farmer a good plowman a good councilman a good neigh bor a good friend however it wasnt until i read last weeks tribune did i learn that he had served as a foster father to so many children through the years this memorial was given priority even over ivans other accomplishments and rightly so the farming the plowing the politics and even the friendships will pass- away but the home life provided children with no homes will long be remembered sincerely a good friend dear sir my wife and i own a small home in stouffville and we are presently renovating as no doubt many persons who own older homes are doing while shopping for suitable car- peting we decided to try local merchants as well as out of town companies from the beginning when we visited the girard carpet sales showroom in stouffville through the selection process purchase and finaly the dear editor through your newspaper id like to congratulate the fire committee and council of whitchurchstouffville on their decision to hire walter smith as our first fulltime chief it is indeed refreshing to leam that the municipality on this occasion at least did not see fit to go outside the town to fill this position such has not always been the case elsewhere with the end result being con- tinuous friction and turmoil chief smith im sure will do an excellent job particularly with 20 volunteers to back him up cecil rowan stouffville rr 3 r x jean mann orchard park blvd stouffville jean mann orchard park blvd stouffville has provided an invaluable service in the work of the girl guide movement here she currently holdsthree positions leader of the 2nd guide com pany stouffvilles district commissioner and deputy division commissioner for york north in november she was honored at a banquet and presented with her ten year bar jeans association with young people started back in the sos when she assisted with a girls ball team that went on to win an ontario title later she helped bead up the sunday school at christ anglican church her involvement in guiding included three meetings each month a meeting every week pins extras during the past nine summers shes been a chief overseer at camp adelaide near hallburton and this winter will assist with separate brownie and guide camps at the claremont conservation area in spite of all this jeans modest in any assessment of her accomplishments i couldnt have done it without my leaders she says jeans a director on the yorkmarkham hospital board and a 20year worker in the overseas booth at the royal winter fair she holds a bronie medallon and her llfesaving certificate jeans proud of her family that includes one son rick in his third year of medicine at queens university and two daughters debbie a graduate of st lawrence college kingston and presently working in ottawa and marianne a fourth year student in a bachelor of science of nursing degree coarse university of toronto its because of people like jean mann whitchurch- stouffvilles a better place in which to live s t ifci k 4