i 11 sx r 1 ct ji cnnndinn starts mon december 17 ends sat december 22 specially purchased items on sale to extent of stock we will make every effort to continue supply of advertised products but reserve the right to limit quantities regular prices indicated are our everyday low prices ouppwrnenuo rneswuimuetribuiw thursday oeeember co into- j t j p 5ms lmhliw b hfc s i c 5 rtp special purchase 8digit pocket calculator head tobeauty save hotstuf hair dryer a gift of music and time with a 407 saving into the bargain wakes one up to a favourite program or alarm controls for time snooze sleep band- selection etc smart casing 442114 reg 1699 the smart set relies on hotstuf for well- groomed hair can be used by hand or on its stand foldsfor travel has 2 heatsettings and fan speeds fastdry 1200 watts438046 gift shop at the canadian tire store nearest you see back page for address and phone number yt g