i clippers on scoring spree merchants clobbered the tribune thursday december iv ims 13 sports stouffville the anderson haulage clippers came alive again in their home game against little britains merchants on wednesday december 5 it was the clippers second win in a row following a series of defeats that had pushed them down to fourth place in the league standings ken dix beaded up the clippers scoring contributing four of tbeir thirteen goal total the merchant replied with a dismal two goal tally one of them on a power play as far as the mer chants were concerned it was an exercise in futility they could do nothing against the relentless attack line of the home team it was like trying to stop an incoming tide steve price set the pace with a clippers goal early in the first period unasvsted from there on in it was a procession of goals by the clippers that had the merchants scattered like debris all over the ice checking by the borne team was not only formidable butef fective what is more they took only three penalties throughout the game they must have made their new years resolutions early ken dix picked up his first two goals of the game within seven seconds of each other at 506 with assists from harold wildman and bruce rugelis the period ended 30 to the clippers pjghf fpiputps into the second period the merchants must have been wishing the game was already over the puck entered their net at regular two minute in tervals with barely enough time for the in tervening faceoffs before the period ended ken dix collected two more with kevin bart- ley bruce rugelis- steve schell and bill ackroyd adding singles to bring the total to 91 despite their com fortable lead the clippers were not content to sit back and relax bruce rugelis what a busy man be is picked up a deguer pass to give him his second goal of the game glen gibson went on a solo foray for a single rugelis again supplied the assist for bill ackroyds two goal tally the thirteenth goal came with four minutes left on the clock when dave raymer caught steve scbells rebound to slide it behind the merchants goalie who certainly didnt need to be reminded that thirteen is traditionally unlucky it was a great game for both spectators and players for the first time this year everything fell into place- if only they could play like this all the time ion unionvuxe the unionville skating club along with the central ontario section open this years eastern canadian championships today at markham centennial centre there will be ap proximately 160 com petitors representing the t province of quebec central and eastern ontario the finalfcu will go on to compete in the all canadians at kitchener waterloo in january next year local stars cindy wilson and glen bud- dingb will be competing in the junior pairs short programme this iews from tjhe evening at 755 pjn and in the junior pairs free skating at 740 pm tomorrow evening tfce three day event which finishes on saturday will end with a parade of champions along with skating exhibitions by some of canadas top skaters programme schedule is as follows thursday 800 am jr ladies figures 930 am jr mens figures 100 pm sr ladies figures 230 pm srr mens figures 330 pm jr dance compuisorybances opening monday mens stouffville bob morley headed the field with a high triple of 884 in the monday night mens bowling league other scores were byron tuck 848 brian good 33 bill whltesm glen jackson 813 george brodle 801 bill grove 782 barry irving 780 bui johnston 744 ken bundy 717 bob bundy 709 bui carglll 696 lloyd mcvlcar 693 keith brodle 692- joe barber 678 john wilson 673 bui dart 668 john vanderllgt 667 legion ladies stouffville scores in the legion ladles bowling league held on tuesday evening at 900 pm are as follows debbie pattenden 777 330 249 lois bartley 774 306 271 anne jackson 689 222 230 237 ella nichols 648 207 249 geya lehman 630 229 227 rose fronske 629 230 215 anna fretz 617 200 231 barb zellers 614 210 227 marlon grove 607 223 lynda bon- chef 247 201 over 200 were sue kennedy 239 barb thomas 235 chuck valleau 224 opal lehman 222 jean dart 222 mae budd 220 adele willis 218 lois marsh man 211 glenys yorke210 216 georglna sleeth 206 karen foote 204 norma tranmer 202 aldlne sinclair 207 230 tuesday mixed stouffville scores in the tuesday night mixed bowling league oh december 4 are as follows bud feaver 733 253 243 237 dave cummlng 700 279 235 bob lewis 623 226 211 sandra charlton 669 314 over 200 were rick burrows 224 212 garth good 222 bruce charlton 214 206 ron lageer 214 john nesbltt 208 randy lee 208 dave lumley 206 norm dunn 204 201 george dufton 204 marlene lumley 229 debbie burrows 226 grletle gray 217 darlene johnston 203 arlene butson 201 linda wagg 201 stouffville scores in the tuesday night mixed bowling league on nov 27th were as follows norm dunn 780 277 273 230 bud feaver 743 258 244 241 bonnie cummlng 673 250 222 201 audrey good 665 255 251 george dufton 641 273 sandra charlton 638 288 arlene butson 627 246 239 john nesbltt 621 221 219 dave cummlng 610 216 205 robert gleave 609 218 205 grletie gray 604 202 201 201 over 200 were rick burrows 243 bob lewis 233 norm stasyna 229 ann lewis 216 bruce charlton 213 allan boadway 203 ron lageer 201 gayle dunn 200 steve bell 200 wednesday ladies stouffville wednesday afternoon ladles bowling league scores are as follows high triple lois spang 814 245 257 312over 200 were ev rae 223 224 bunny munroe269 210 helen hassard 208 louise rohey 218 caroline stephenson 233 211 norma johnson 202 mae king 201 251 flo stacey 281 betty ardllla 214 barb scalfe 224 210 244 wednesday 70apm stouffville in the wednesday night 700 pm mixed bowling league lois bartley took the high triple with 852 and singles of 319 214 and 213 followed by jean dart with 792 and singles of 289 and 251 other scores were mary drewery 758 278 275 205 bill menar 727 256 237 234 bui dart 683 267 239 anna fretl 659 238 225 stan crust 638 251 215 terry james 228 orval bulby 227 byron tuck 221 219 ron mccallum 217 barb menar 216 grant drewery 216 marlon crowder 210 brenda crowder 205 brad cole 203 202 vi naylor 202 robert mcvlcar 200 i wednesday 900 pm stouffville scores in the wednesday night 900 pm mixed bowling league are as follows over 600 lisa derach 712 196 331 185 diane glasson 674 257 286 231 sandra charlton 653 211 255 187 jim deveau 637 190 164 283 john wilson 627 213 198 216 debbie kent 615 218 192 205 singles over 200 bob bundy 200 paul kent 219 nancy millar 202 paul millar 265 jacqule hare 219 stev- mccallum 283 lloyd mc vicar 215 joan mccracken 217 ron robinson 205 v 700 pm ceremonies 730 pm novice pairs 755 pm jr pairs short program lehman 205 carol smyrna 815 pm sr pairs short 264 barb hie 214 mary st progra 840 pm sr dance compulsory dances friday 800 am nov ladies mens figures 1230 pm nov dance compulsory dances 400 pm jr ladies short program johns 221 mildred ash 209 elsie alda 223 barb zellers 207 207 jean balckey 200 youth bowling ciub 525 pjn jr mens short program 700 pjn jr dance optional set pattern 740 pjn jr pairs free skating 815 pjn sr ladies short program 930 pjn sr mens short program 950 pjn sr dance osp saturday 1030 ajn novice ladies f-s- 1200 pjn novice mens fs- 130 pm novice variation dance 300 pm junior ladies fs 430 pm junior mens fs 500 pm junior dance free dance 700 pm senior ladies fs supper break 830 pm senior mens fs 900 pm senior dance pairs 915 pm senior dance fd 930 pm exhibition 945 pm presentations stouffville ladies hockey league results for the week en- ding december 9 are as follows staeeyss kinsmen 2 no scores available senior girls mcneil laboratories credit union 0 mcneil goals heather ross 3 cheryl singleton 2 ann holden 2 kelly rexgraham 1 kathy gibb 1 assists kathy gibb 3 ann holden 3 cheryl singleton 2 ica7lavm1 iga goals jackie armet cathy hayward 1 assists gloria mintz 3 joanne beach 1 l 4 m goal kim marley assists bonnie rollings worth cheryl brown jlniorgirls gonnkys kinsmen gormley goals allison lowery 3 assists julie coloring i bunnys flowers s lions bunnys goals sheila mcgreevie 4 michelle coppins 1 denise coppins 1 assists catherine dunkeld i michelle coppins 1 senior pairs trophy norman rockwell is gone but greatart has always stood the test of time and the warm humanity of somebodys up there is as vivid today as it was sixty years ago when it was created those fortunate enough to obtain this fine limitededition plate will own part of norman rockwells living legacy a lasting reminder of the genius of americas bestloved artist somebodys there norman rockwellsliving legacy thet975 iiue in the rockwell society of america christmas series thursday ladies stouffville in the thursday afternoon ladles league on december 6 jean foley rolled a high triple of 743 with singles games of 320 213 and 210 lois bartley came a close second with 727 and singles of 268 243 and 216 other scores over 600 were helen hassard 679 305 betty hoey 641 255 213 mary sayers 627 250 june ward 609 242 230 edna 603 238 over 200 were jane hachey 258 ev mckay 247 ann halnlng 243 bemlce nelson 232 mary moffat 206 tiny stewart 212 201 opal stouffville scores in the youth bowling club bantam division for the week ending december 8 are as follows kathy blbby 161 kevin wagg 120 jamie campbell 117 laura camp- bell 113 188 julieann gyton 121 david irwin 108 dean cottage 108 carolann betz 133 106 darren mccool 101 115 jenifer barker 110 scott evans 151 brand geddes 124 mark conway 163 108 chris walters 156 128 jennifer macklln 114 dean petri 119 karen corner 103 157 greg frederick 116 124 mark palmer 144 137 steve nesbltt 102 172 brian preston 205 146 bradley lllleberg 107 aaron 2am- palonl 124 greg vllek 142 193 jeff liiman 110 scott couperthwaite 100 jason bloye 124 108 john walters 155 101 chris kerswill 123 100 sherrl agnew 133 derek petri 119 136 doug macklln 107 wayne hunt 121 kerry quayle 100 keith plette ui scottie evans 123 pat roney took the 100 pins overaverage award v talk to four of the best insurance agents at once your state farm agent hes trained to be your car home life and boat insurance agent see or call- insurance dick hall clu l 2940750 diameter 8v4 inches 21 cmj knowles r wvnoni ui issue price- j37 0o a limited edition bearing the seal of the rockwell society and the hallmark of the edwin m knowles china company available now from dealers in fine limitededition collectibles