the tribune thursday december c hit 7 graduates stouffvelle three former students of stouffviue dist secondary school graduated recently from shaw colleges toronto nancy armstrong obrien avenue received her honors diploma in fashion merchandising and is presently employed at hilkrest hall richmond hill vera bandula vanzant court received her certificate in fashion mer chandising and is now working at the- scarborough town centre lyn roberts harold avenue was presented with her honors legal secretarial diploma and has joined the staff of torkin manes and cohen toronto the graduation ceremony was held at the royal york hotel toronto the guest speaker for the occasion was the hon ron atkey minister of employment and im migration for canada lyn roberts nancy armstrong vera bandula parkview home bazaar nets 6ver 1800 by helen baatz november has been a month of well deserved rest after the frantic flurry of october bazaar activity our profits ex ceeded 180000 which will be directed to our new tea room project to be started in the new year two rooms in our home will be converted into tea rooms which will give residents an opportunity to entertain a friend or simply prepare themselves a snack or a cup of tea at any time during the day we see this as an added service to our residents and a very positive step in helping an individual maintain their in dependence we welcome mr earl kendall as a regular monday day guest on november 13 we visited eatons in the scarborough town centre as they celebrated a senior citizens day last week we drove to james white florist to see their magnificent display ofmarjo poinsettias on november 23 mrs rosecrowder and mrs lauija smith were ably represented parkview home at a mini seminar for resident councils recently at castleview wychwood towers in toronto pastors who have led our sunday evening services this month have been canon puxley from christ church anglican rev maurice martin from hagerman mennonite church rev jacob small from memorial christian chuirch- and rev peck from markham missionary church thursday evening programs have included mary frances drudge with slides of the canadian north pioneer girls of stouffviue missionary church silver jubilee clubs kitchen band and paul burkholder with slides of nepal we extend a sincere thank you to these and the many other volunteers from the community who come in regularly with a variety of groups entertainment and talent our birthday celebrants this past month were frances rattee wesley slack sarah lunau rev alvin winger zelia patenaude and louise mccowan the ladies of altona missionary church provided the program and refreshments church services vtiyuiis coupons will aid sally ann canadian tire is assisting the salvation army in its christmas goodwill to help needy families and to bring cheer to shutins in ux bridge and its surroun ding area the uxbridge salvation army is responsible for an ex pansive territory in cluding the communities of markham stouffviue port perry goodwood and mount albert the managers of the canadian tire stores in the centres of uxbridge port perry stouffviue and markham have placed boxes at the en trance of their stores encouraging customers to deposit their canadian tire coupons in them the canadian tire will give the salvation army the cash value of the coupons in the boxes at this season food hampers will provide the necessities for a christmas dinner for needy families and there will be toys for the children over 600 sunshine bags and war crys will be distributed to those in nursing homes and hospitals in this wide- flung area oh sthristmas sunday a christmas community fellowship dinner will be provided in the uxbridge citadel for those wh otherwise would be alone money raised at christmas also helps in the welfare work carried on by the salvation army throughout this area during the year captain don leach of the uxbridge salvation army is very much en couraged by the generous response of canadian tire personnel and as the public have responded well in the past to salvation army needs the captain is an ticipating a successful venture a similar project was instituted in canadian tire stores across the country in 1976 to raise money for the canadian athletes at montreal olympics carol service an visitors from afar have been keith nd hazel goodman emo ontario agnus myers fredericton new brunswick jack myers montreal quebec barbara desmedt winnipeg manitoba and don sensenig akron pennsylvania by marion sandle vic square the annual carol service for the victoria square charge will be held on sunday dec 16 at 730 pm in the headford united church mr and mrs ken harmon sr visited recently with mr and mrs bill harmon and son at nipigon wedding anniversary congratulations to mr and mrs gordon hardie married 35 years dec 9 and to mr and mrs harvey collard married 52 years dec 10 the sunday school children will participate in the annual white gift service this sunday at 1130 am following the worship a potluck luncheon will be served the annual craft and bake sale will be held this saturday at bethany lodge east of unionville beginning at 230 pm the ucw and wi will join together for a dessert luncheondec 12 at 1 pm in the home of mrs john mccague all ladies in the community are welcome- mfhviskwikkny to fastest growing ovef 450 kwik kopy owners know wfry opportunities arc available now for people with a greater than average destre 10 be meir own boss with 20 000 plus working capital we can arrange long term financing andor leasing or tnc balance o the franchise package no previous printing expenoncc necessary we provide complete training m an areas kwtk kopy puis you in business for yourself out not by yourself bill lloyd 109 telson road markham ontario lor ie4 416491 5311 save on your 1 980 tribune subscription commencing january 1st 1980 the tribune subscriptions will be 1 100 per year if you subscribe or renew your tribune before dec 31 1979 you will save 100 jutiitioul sarins m 2 or mire jurs clip coupon below wxt imbum 5456 main street stoufmm 6402100 name address phone new 1 year 1000 d renewal 2 years 1800 bloom1ngtov chr1stian gospel church revcwsorlqr pastor 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn devotional service 700 pm gospel service wed 8 pjn prayer meeting fri 730 pjn young peoples c christmas programme presented by the sunday school monday december 10th at 730 pm unionville gospel hall 2nd street at hwy 7 lords day breaking bread 930 sunday school and bible class 1130 am gospel meeting 7 pjn wed prayer bible study 8 pm all heartily welcome gospel hall goodwood ontario 3rd line 47 hwy lords day sun dec 9th 1979 breaking bread 930 sunday school and bible class 1100 am gospel meeting 7 pm mon bible study 800 pm thurs prayer 8 pm stouffville baptist mainobrien rev dc payne pastor 6493156 10 ajn bible school 11 ajn worship biblical sanctification 7 pm hour of praise faiths footsteps wed 8 pjn prayer bible study fri yps programme phone pastor st james presbyterian church rev ted creen 6404195 sunday dec 9 1979 do you feel christmas is getting too selfish join us for a christmas for others at 10 am at 10 am 1115 church school coming dec 16 at 7 pm candlelight carol service a friendly family church markham missionary church 313 main st n rev g peckminister sunday- dec 979 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service information 2945081 spr1ngvale baptist church gormley stouffviue rd at 6th cone kennedy rd rev tom hamilton pastor 8875651 sunday dec 9 1979 945 am sunday school 1100 am worship service how deep is your well 700 pm evening service guaranteed success jw wed 7815 pm family night skyforce childrens program all welcome stouffville united church v church st n minister rev jl carder babd dec 9 1979 iram morning wor ship sunday school 11 am- nursery kin dergarten primary jr classes s 530 pm pol luck supper 700 pm sunday school concert mon 7 pm explorers mon 730 pm cgit you will be welcome christ church anglican revfedney sunday dec 9th 1979 sunday advent i 930 am morning prayer guest speaker rev lloyd freel coffee hour after service church school white gifts for vang family from laos nursery services provided youth bible study class alter church service dec 16 730 pm christmas pageant dec 24 9 pm carols 930 pm candlelight service of holy com munion worship with us in our centennial year gormley missionary church rev cecil rbsenberger sunday dec 9 1979 950 am family sun day school 11 am special messengers angels r 730 pm a responsible believer mary wed 7 pm family night memorial 4 l christian c church malnstouffer rev j small dec 9 1979 lo am sunday schooi 11 am worship 7 pm fellowship weekly youth programs information 6403257 astronomy studies how the heavens go wiv theology studies how to go to heaven why not take in a theology lesson this week stouffville missionary church 159 main street west 6403911 sunday x 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service wednesday 700 pm family night friday 730 pm youth night v december 9th sun 945 am christian education hour 1030am worship service topic what meaneth the old man special music 600 pm sunday school christmas concert the music machine plan to join as for this unique evening from all of us to all of you a blessed christmas stouffville pentecostal pamor fiffi sirf church mmwsi stvif 640b6ds