i s 4 the tribune thursday nov 8 vttt i wkt wtflmit james thomas edhortnchlef established 1838 charles h nolan publisher barrebeacock advertising manager emtomal dept joann thompmo jm hom display advertisina oept lois widmuo maria emomnoa busmessofficfc joan mfhinan ow d pubhabad utmj thurxjay at 54 hah st stoufmte ool tal 6402101 toronto phona 3611680 slngla copiaa 20 e aubacripuona 11000 par ysar la canada 2600 aisawtiara ilambar of canadian community nawspapara aaaodatlon and ontario waauy nawapapara auodatloo sacond dasa mall registration numbar 0896 tba tribuna la ona ol tha inland publishing co umhad group oi suburban nawspapara which in- dudaa tha ajax whitby plekarlng nam advsrtisar brampton guardian burlington post etobicoka oazatta markham economist and sun nawmatfcat aurora era oakvuis baavar oshawa this wask wssissauga nairn oshawa this waakand acton fraa pros muton canadian champion and tha gaorgatown indapandant 6402100 3611680 editorials halloween out of control stouffville for the most part is a law- abiding community monday mornings police blotter says so some weeks in fact theres no crime of any kind a clean slate but on halloween our records the worst in the region it has been for the last half- dozen years and oct 31 1979 was no ex ception silent observers were seen shaking their heads in dismay at the mob scene on main street those unwilling to venture downtown that evening viewed the results thursday morning the stench was sickening what is the cause what is the effect these are questions that must be faced by persons in authority before altercations of even more serious nature occur what is the cause obviously theres a group of people here who will seize any op portunity to thumb their noses at the law halloween provides them the occasion its always more fun of course to grandstand in front of a crowd with the main street as a stage and several hundred spectators looking on the actors have it made their self- esteem is raised from honkies to heroes and they play the role to the full the greater the force used by police to quell the disturbers the better they like it for this elevates their selfimportance even more not wishing to be conned by this hoodlum element the law played it smart they watched from a distance then moved in when the situation showed signs of getting out of hand despite their numbers officers found themselves at a distinct disadvantage only through restraint were innocent people protected however justice would have been better served if the curious had stayed at home and that in our opinion is the only solution to an unacceptable situation the council must declare stouffvilles downtown off limits to everyone on halloween from 7 pm through to midnight a harsh measure perhaps but necessary last year was bad this year was worse conduct of this kind cannot continue if it does physical injury will result dog problemno easy answer dog control as exercised by kennel inn at aurora will be terminated as of april 30 1980 in whitchurchstouffville the decision would seem strange in that the municipality has made no definite arrangement as to a successor some service we suggest is better than no service at all regardless the town is obligated to do something as much as council may dislike paying out over 20000 a year a terrible waste of taxpayers money the municipal act leaves no alternative its a necessary evil in order to cut costs members may even consider the town taking over this chore we hope not for problems experienced by a private operator will mcrease tenfold under municipal management and so will the ex pense the truth is theres no easy solution delinquent dogs or delinquent dogowners have been a thorn in the side of towns and township for years and will continue to be regardless of who does the job it is our hope that jim ryan of ryans canine control on the stouffvillegormley road will be given serious consideration in our opinion his is as close to a perfect operation as one will find whats more jim is a public relations expert a man conditioned to handling people as well as pets co operation from one without the other leads to problems truck noise is disturbing for years the intersection of the bloomington road and ninth line north posed a hazard lives were lost and scores injured at this corner then after repeated urgings from area residents and this newspaper traffic signals were installed last summer this sad to say has created another problem noise while physical discomfort in the form of roaring truck motors at six oclock in the morning will generate little sympathy we can vouch for the seriousness of the situation for we have visited the checkmate estates subdivision between 6 and 7 a m and ex perienced the cause of homeowners com plaints while rows of trees an embankment or a cominabon of both may indeed help we doubt it will help enough the only solution as we see it is a permanent noise barrier of wood or cement similar to whats been erected along sections of hwy 401 a legion member remembers on sunday stouffville branch mem bers of the royal canadian legion paid their respects to comrades of two world wars in a preeervice ceremony at the ceineteryhere walter smith rom avenue places a poppy at the graveside of mr del jennings a veteran with the 127th bauuion in past years mr jennings had placed the wreath at the cenotaph on behalf of the legion sharing this honor with bert uckorish r jim thomas 4ktp t trioone a lifetime of learning rolled up in one night graduation v sugar and spice v glorious october tor got it by bill smiley- remember that column i wrote last week about the glories of october forget it i must have been in an euphoric mood reality has returned caught one of those deep and heavy colds that make you cough up stuff that gourmets pay for and call oysters had to take two days off work first time in two years and went back far from well but driven from the house by my wifes solicitude had the turn signals and the heating fixed on my car reached into my pocket to pay the bill maybe tbirtyfive took a look at it and had to be helped into the front seat one hundred and one dollars plus change approximately 30 per cent of the autos value you could buy a pretty good jalopy for that sum not so long ago this morning when i looked out the window i nearly keeled over i can see six roofs from the bathroom and every one of them was white snow on the day after thanksgiving today whenlgothome from work it was hailing and id forgotten to put the garbage out thought id give my wife a treat and cook the thanksgiving dinner she wasnt keen on a bird as there were only the two of us but you have to keep up traditions like the british dressing for dinner in the jungle and thats just what it was like dressing for dinner in the jungle on the saturday i picked up a nice roasting chicken about four and a half pounds didnt pay much attention as it was in a plastic bag and felt fat and juicy got up a bit late on thanksgiving day and the stuffing was made i usually do this because i love experimenting with seasonings a shot of this a dash of that a soupcon of something else it usually turns out to be either pretty exotic or inedible anyway shed beaten me to it not wanting to feel beholden feeling beholden is when your mate does one of your jobs and reminds you about it for the next three years well ididrit mind but thats the easy part the stuffing the tough part is getting it in and wrestling with the bird and trussing it you usually wind up with a mixture of butterand dressing all over you up4othe elbows and down to the knees and a bad temper often you have to scrub the kitchen floor theres so much goop on it once youve got the beast in the oven but i didnt jnind ive been through this sweaty struggle before and know well the sense of triumph when the slippery monster is finally in the oven basted in butter and ready to start sending out that ineluctable odor of roasting fowl this time however i was rather shaken when i pulled the bird out of the plastic bag and prepared for battle it looked as though it had just come through grade 1 of butchers school all the skin was missing from the left side it had one leg one stuck up at an obscene angle the neck looked as though jack the ripper had been at it on one of his bad nights and all the liver gizzard and heart had been stolen these along with the neck are what i make my magnificent gravy from the neck was there all right and as tough as a vulture did you ever try to truss a onelegged chicken semiskinned and make it come out like the usual work of art dont your heart wont be in it window on wildlife chipmunks earn their rest take a good look at that little striped chipmunk thats been scurrying around back doors and backwoods all summer and fall for its about to disappear any day now it will yield to its lethargical instincts and succumb to the inner desire to rest in an underground chamber curled into a relaxed ami motionless ball it will slow down its breathing quiet it heartbeat and enter into that torpid state called hibernation for five months this small member of the squirrel family unlike its larger cousins the red and gray will remain at rest only when the last traces of snow are melting and the spring sun is nudging life into the barren landscape will the little chipmunk emerge again in some ways it almost seems necessary for these little furbearers to have such a long sleep for their warm weather world appears to be one of animated action if they are not fleeing an enemy theyre scolding another and if they are not stuffing their pouches theyre stuffing their pantries except for brief periods of inclement weather they seem always on the move curiously investigating nearby nooks and crannies or cautiously searching for new food supplies and while most of their meals consist of seeds nuts insects and berries small nestlings and eggs are also eaten primarily living on or below the ground chipmunks will climb low trees for fruits and buds ive seen them stripping the heads of sumac in the mountains of british columbia and in eastern ontario they are into the hazelnut trees almost as soon as the kernels are formed but apart from these forays into the upper foliage chipmunks seem more at home on the landscape floor scurrying along fallen logs perched on a low stump or scampering in and out of rocky places these striped bundles of energy draw attention wherever they appear often hey seem to vanish before your watch ful eyes without the least sign of a hole or crevice the chipmunk however is a master at underground construction his burrow is his very lifeline and he uses it for everything from storing food to escaping enemies and sleeping away the winter its little wonder the entrance hole is well concealed and very often hard to discover somewhere off the beaten path beneath the shelter of a rock or log he tunnels into the earth pushing this loose excavated material behind for the first foot or so the two inch diameter hole is made straight down then it slants gradually for several yards until it is below the frost level now the little furred miner tunnels laterally for several more yards where he begins to excavate store rooms and sleeping quarters when these are constructed to his peculiar requirements he continues to tunnel gradually upwards until the surface is reached once more the fact that this hole has been dug from below leaves no accumulation of earth around it so there are no visible signs of a burrow at all to further camouflage his digging and to complete the scene the cun ning little chipmunk returns to the start of ms workings- here using the earth from the original excavation he fills in the entrance to the first hole scatters any surplus soil to eliminate any signs of disturbance and a by art briggs-jude- covers the disturbed area with old leaves grass and other such debris thus the clever little nutchopper ends up with a single inconspicuous entrance that was the original exit and this soon becomes overgrown with weeds and grasses to fur ther add to the concealment of this entrance hole he digs several auxiliary burrows nearby returning to the main chamber by a different route each time to prevent a well worn path being formed several weeks ago while digging a rural waterline i was somewhat concerned as to how deep the frost would penetrate in that area as i trenched along at a depth of about four feet a little cavity appeared on the side of one wall a foot or so from the bottom closer investigation revealed a horde of over 40 acorns cached there with an adjoining chamber lined with soft dried grass inadvertently i had cut through the end of a chipmunks burrow and while there was some remorse on my part for disrupting its underground workings i knew my waterpipe would be frost free below his sleeping quarters gathering up some of the fallen acorns i began to replace them in the corridor cup board prior to backfilling the trench these wild nuts were from an old oak tree less than fifty yards away yet somehow they seemed different than the acorns that had fallen there a closer examination revealed the little sharp ends had been nipped off to prevent discomfort or injury when the little animal stuffed them in its cheeks for transporting often in nature a simple discovery such as unearthing by accident a chipmunks burrow opens a whole cross section of new interest and learning si i was so disturbed that i had to resort to a preprandial nerve relaxer and this led to further disaster the pot with the vegetables burned black because i cant smell smoke and my wife was upstairs staying away from the blue air that often fills the kitchen when im cooking it was doubly blue this time it will take a week of scrubbing to get the carbon off the inside of that pot to further the jollity of the occasion we got a call from my daughter who is teaching a thousand miles away in the north it was a bit likegettingcall from hades she had a wracking cough and had been off work for a ii week her students are hard as nails and there were dark rumours of wilddog packs that will attack if you slip and fall on the ice and wilddog kids who will do the same she was so lonely she could scarce hang up the phone she has to walk a mile and a half in windy weather to get antibiotics from the doctor she is horrified that she gets only a little more man half her pay cheque when all the deductions are made hah after years of being a student living on loans and grants and handouts from us she has entered the chill world of capitalism and income tax but it wasnt all black that onelegged chicken didnt taste bad if youd had enough predinner tranquillizer to destroy your taste buds we did find that the damper on our fire place works after twenty years and we got it g closed to save heat dollars pouring up the chimney and thanks to the town work crew who cut down one of our maples the boy next door and a double sawback i have my winters fireplace wood in the cellar and i know my daughter tough stuff will whip those kids into shape c o