tbffiune thubsday october 2s 1919 wept w3rttimi james thomas editorinchief established 1888 charles h nolan publisher 8arrebeacock advertising manager- hmfomal dot joanatho holt pcp1ay advamsmo oept lota wlrtaman maria emroarton busessofflcloanmaratmadoraaormacoaeaaanglmar pumbtaad avary thursday it 54 main st stourmha onl tal 6402101 toronto phooa 3611680 slngla cop 20 c aubseriptfeos s1000 par yaar in canada s200 aiaawbara uarabar ot canadian cnmraunlt haarspapara aaaodation and ontario waakly hawspapars aaaocutfon sacond dasa mail ragbtrattoa dunbar 0896 tba tribuna la mm ot tba inland publishing co umhad group of auburban nawspapara which ln- ehidaa tna ajaxwbttbyplcfcartog naara advartisar brampton guardian burlington port elobieoka oazatta maruiam econoajat and sun namnarkat r aurora era oakvwa bww othawa this waak m nawa oahawa thla waakand acton fraa praaa milton canadian champion and tba oaorgalow indapandant 6402100 3611680 dogooders at what cost the great protectors of public morality are at it again spending your money and mine on the preparation of a licencing bylaw that will they hope rid this town the hamlet of ballantrae of what some councillors consider to be lewd and indecent shows how any member can comment in telligently on something he or she hasnt seen goes beyond our understanding whitchurch- stouffvilles political dogooders undoubtedly consider it an immortal sin to frequent the place in question although the mayor to his credit did check out the premises one evening last week so have we and so we understand have the police knowing chief crawford as we do the axe would have fallen long ago if anything of fensive had been discovered obviously he didnt and neither did we admittedly theres a thin line between whats acceptible v in public performances and what is not in our opinion a partially clothed woman is much more sensuous than one with no clothes on at all yet no one seems particularly shocked at what he or she might see at musselmans lake island lake lazy lake or even bruces mill conservation area any warm sunday during the summer isnt it strange how we tend to use the law or the lawenforcers to protect people against themselves council it seems already har its hands full combatting a pinball operation here if thats not enough theyre embarking on prohibition of another enterprise after-the- fact and using taxpayers money to finance their selfrighteous causes its time to call a halt a nudi show at ballantrae who cares we say and the people must be saying there are other more important issues to occupy councils time move pedestrian crossover it is the intent of council to limit parking at the approaches to several intersections along stouffvilles main street this is a good move one thats been advocated here before however in doing so members must keep in mind the problems that can result there are those who complain that parkings at a premium now without making it worse while planning this move members would be wise to relocate the present downtown traffic lights they should be moved to the intersection of mill market and main the signalized crossover was never correctly located inthe first place it sheuld have been established at a corner to con- venience motorists as well as pedestrians now when a study of the parking situation is underway the two problems should be con sidered as one moving the lights a short distance west would provide for an improved traffic flow and free up parking spaces where theyre needed most police chief aids- united way campaign york regional police chief bruce crawford has joined v the united way volunteer team as chairman of say yes for york days it was announced this week by barney danson general chairman of the united way of york region campaign for funds say yes for york days is the three day blitz in which the public can make donations to the united way cam paign at any bank branch or trust company office throughout york region on november l 2 and 3 i have volunteered to help because i believe the residents of york region should have every opportunity to benefit from and to support the united way and its 18 member agencies said chief crawford as a resident of the region and as chief of police i know the value and importance of the services provided by united way agencies like the cnib the associations for the mentally retarded the red cross and the family y i also appreciate the importance of building regional spirit and identity thats why i am helping to organize the hundreds of volunteers who will be manning desks in every bank branch and trust company office throughout the region on november l 2 and 3 to receive public contributions chief crawford noted that contributors during say yes days will receive a receipt for their donations and a united way lapel tag its the kind of tag i really enjoy handing out i hope every resident will be wearing one added the chief i york regional police chief bruce crawford left is welcomed aboard the united way of york region volunteer team by campaign chairman barney danson a threeday blitz is planned for nov 1 2 and 3 with donations being accepted by all banks and trust companies across the region sugar arid spice s catchy companion appeals by bill smiley- some people much too refmed to indulge in pornographic books or blue movies get their voyeuristic kicks from reading the personal columns of the newspapers not mei aint refined by the time ive skimmed the front page been bored by the pompous editorials im through with the paper it is strictly for wrapping garbage inr- never do i read the classified ads selling everything from houses and cars to bodies i havent time and besides theyre all the same whether its a car a house or a body its the greatest buy of the century many of them carry the same message must be seen well i strayed yes i wandered the other day looking through v ads for teachers in the hope that i could find my daughters address in moosonee she hasnt written us in over three weeks and i have a piercing picture of her and the grandboys stumbling around the tundra looking for the place i staggered by some mischance onto the personal column no wonder those warpies read it the people who leave the room nose in air when someone mentions sex or tells a funny slightly offcolor joke its a kaleidoscope of sex sin silliness and sickness to warm the heart of any peeker through others windows i read with at first amusement then amazement and then a bit of shock though i am fairly unshockable this appeared in canadas national newspaper which main tarns a lofty moral tone on most of its other pages it was like looking under the rug in a highly moral dowagers house while she is out getting tea and finding a lot of dirt under first under suspicion are the items under massage some of them areirihocuous enough but what about this one no ap pointment needed 10 a m to 10 p m 7 days a week with a womans name and phone number maybe shes just a hard worker who doesnt get up too early and doesnt like days off but i doubt it then you come to the section headed readers palmistry horoscopes again some of them are legit as legit as a for tuneteller can be but there are some in triguing ones mrs selma will help you in all problems of life no problem so small that she cannot solve how about big ones one visit will convince you hankypanky sure sounds like it but that is kid stuff only mildly titillating compared with the sick arrogant lonely blunt noholds barred medicine that comes under the heading companions wanted this is where the real meat of the personal column is and i imagine an in veterate reader skips the masseuses and the fortune tellers quickly and gets down to peering into private lives when i was in the weekly newspaper busmess there was the occasional pathetic guy who would come in to the office and place an ad successful young farmer good farm stock house seeks partner interested in matrimony write box 220b it was pathetic because we knew him he was 53 and ugly his farm was sixty acres mostly secondsecondgrowth bush and pasture his stock consisted of two pigs four chickens and three mangy cows his house wasa shack without plumbing heated by a potbellied stove he never received an answer but would come in once a week for two months asking for the mail from box 220b but these city slickers are a lot more subtle and tough ill give you a few examples that curdled me a bit the egos are fantastic professional man married mid- thirties seeks married woman for afternoon or evening meetings how would you like to be his wife gentleman 48 business owner lives in new apt seeks charming attractive lady to share his life with no mention of marriage middleaged business man seeks younger male companion well sophisticated gentleman creative type seeks the pleasure of sensuous woman 3045 if an exciting affair with an appreciative male is your style send snapshot and phone no to he could be 80 but its not all men lady 55 rc wishes to meet gent up to 60 if youre sixty- one youre out but you could be twentyone one wild and crazy guy wishes to meet one wild and crazy gal who loves dancing and camping and would like to share a serious relationship on a dance floor in a tent i am a lovely loving female 33 divorced and a writer who is also tolerant perceptive idealistic offbeat romantic cerebral and a cancer looking for an honest stable relationship i am looking for a man and a list of adjectives like hers someone with a calm exterior but brimming with hidden fires and worlds to explore under 50 and over five feet seven inchesthaf s what gets me after the great buildup the blunt facts if you were fiftyone and fivesix youd miss out on this fantastic woman intriguing blonde young lady seeks wealthy man for daytime affair thats the shortest and most honest of the bunch she probably works nights im afraid the only one that tempted me was russian lady beautiful thats nice nothing against beautiful russian ladies seeks gentleman over 40 ok i qualify lives in sao paulo brazil great climate there for marriage purposes always the stonedead clincher at the end id have to ask my wife editors mail guardians of our morals tfs dear sir town council is busying itself these days worrying about the floor shows at the kings inn ballantrae they obviously want to stop a harmless form of entertainment thats bothering no one ii if guys get their kicks out of watching a girl perform in the nude thats okay by me if whitchurchstouffvilles dogooders are offended by it let them stay away the complaint that women and children might be caught unawares by these per formances is a lot of bunk if they sit at tables near the rear of the room they can see little of whats going on anyway and even if they do theres nothing suggestive about it thats going to corrupt their characters excluding the money its costing the town me and you to draw up this bylaw i strongly resent the municipalitys attempt to guard my morals ill see what i want to see if not in my own community then somewhere else take the blinders off councillors this is 1979 not 1799 paul thomson stouffville rr 3 ridiculous situation to the attention of the public that is the policy of erecting traffic lights at busy intersections long after the improvement has been completed any sensible thinking person knows or should know that eventually signals will have to be installed so why wait till someone is killed i agree with your editorial do the two jobs at one time and save a lot of suffering shirley jenkins stouffvillerr4 ps whoever designed the eastwest ap proach to the 7th concession on the stouff- villegormley road must have acquired his engineers papers from a popcorn box citation their response may stir others to act in a similar manner i commend them both and i also com mend your newspaper for giving the matter the publicity it deserved f peter gilham stouffville rr 3 i dear mr thomas i want to thank you for bringing a dear mr thomas your page 1 story oct 18 re the actions of a father and son in the apprehension of a pursesnatcher in stouffville was the best good news item ive read in the tribune in weeks i wonder how many of us would have reacted as mr rehill and his boydid if i know human nature most of us would have turned our backs on the incident so as not to become involved r mr rehill and son are deserving of the less force dear mr thomas i halloween is only a few days ahead for some unknown reason stouffville seems to be one of york regions troublespots on this occasion each year why is this- the police it seems move in here in force attempting to stop rdwdiness before it starts however in my opinion the tactic has an opposite effect it spurs the kids to more rowdiness i feel the lawenforcers should maintain a low profile so young people wouldnt be in timidated just a thought rickfieldhouse v t mamstreet stouffville a sfe lu iltfc