8 the thibune thursday octobeb 18 ltt superwash classics at knockout prices super buys on superwash larnbswooi sweaters in 3 topselling styles just say charge it on your eatons account just in time for those chilly days ahead luxuriously warm sweaters at low special prices fashioned expressly for eatons by a leading maker in the orient the soft rich looking larnbswooi is specially treated so you can machine wash and dry it costly dry cleaning bills are a thing of the past whats more superwash wool has exactly the same full- bodied j enduring qualities as untreated wool colour or wear- ability is not affected and the treatment lasts for the life of the sweater take cover this winter in a classic cable thats as special as the price at eatons now 1 1 97 cable front turtle- nock with ribbed waistband and turnback cuffs shades of grey camel blue mix or navy s m l xl eaton price each 2499 2 197 cable front buttoned cardigan with two lower patch pockets ribbed waistband and turnback cuffs shades of camel grey blue mix or lovat green s m l xl eaton price each 2999 3 197 cable front v- necked pullover with ribbed waistband and turnback cuffs shades of camel- grey blue mix or navy s m l xl eaton price each 2499 eatons toronto eaton centre 1 below 428 yorkdale scarborough sherway don mills shoppers world bramalea oshawa rockwood rex- dale dufferin yonge eglihton victoria park gerrard square supemasi mhinrlvt4c part of a continuing series of knockout values eatons eatons toronto eaton centre yorkdaue bramalea shoppers world scarborough rockw0o0 dufferin victoria park pickertng sheroan opart monday to friday 1000 am dufferin and 401 ooderdhwy7 oanforth victoria parte mccowanrdand401 dade and bumhammorpe dutterin and boor victoria park and sriep sheridan mai to 900 pm and saturday 930 am mon to fit 930 am mon to fit 930 am mon tofri 10 am mon to fri 930 am mon to fri 930 am mon to sat 10am pard liverpool rd and wonway 2 to 600 pm to 930 pm to 930 pm to 930 pm to 930 pm to 930 pm to 1000 pm mon to sat 930 am mon to fri 930 am sat 930 am to 6 pm sal 930 am to 6 pm sat 10amto6pm sal 930 am to 6 pm sal 930 a m to 6 p m yongeegunt0n to 10 pm to 930 pm sat 930 am to 6 pm sherway don mills warehouse store oshawa rexoale mon to fri 930 a m gerrard square oewandhwy427 don ms roadlawrence weston road and srieppard mon to frt tsfngton and rexdale btwj to 900 pm pape and gerrard eatons telephone order mon to fri 930 am mon to fit 930 am mon to fit 930 am 930 a m to 930 pm mon to fit 930 am sal930amto6pm mon to sat 930 a m service open 24 hour dty to 930 pm to 930 pm to 9 30 pm sat 9 30am to6 pm to 930 pm to 930 pm 8615111 oer sat 930 am to 6 p m sal930amto6pm sat- 930 am to 6 pm sal 9 30 a m to 6 pm