2 wilson shoes celebrates 7sth year oct 11 1k theyre interested in ypii wilson haley wilson- coowner haley graduated with a degree in business from the university of wester ontario he has been with the business for the past ten years as bead of the main street business association he is in volved with the revitalization of mart hams downtown trained expert j j ai bjlity s cbmieiit pacing doaggardham presently in grade 12 at markham district high school doug helps out parttime at the markham store he enjoys both writing and playing music as well as most sports he hopes to pursue a career in engineering liadapuotte linda and her husband richard have lived in stouffville for six years and have an eight- yearold daughter linda is bilingual english and french and enjoys needlework and helping with the local irhng dub 0 geerge wilson george is a 19-year- old intcrfted in antiques and local history he also enjoys music and reading having graduated from high school a year ago george has been working at the markham store for the past year mukkat wilauil anutd cnventehrpafklngat rear entrance murray wilson coowner murray grew up in the shoe business he started at the store full time during the depression years in 1933 and took over the business on the death of his father in 1946 mr wilson says he is very pleased to see his sons taking over and is happy with their expansion of the business both in markham and stouffville mr wilson has served on the towns planning board in the gos and is an avid reader bui wilson bill is the manager of the stouffville store and was a student at markham district high school being technically inclined he enjoys electronics photography skiing and reading steve frei steve works part- time at the markham store and enjoys tennis and playing the guitar presently a student at markham district high school steve hopes to pursue- a career in journalism ftazlc00bnd lynne burton lynne- works in the stouffville store and has lived in stouffville for over four years she enjoys swimming horse back riding and dancing mark billings a graduate of markham district high school mark has lived in unionville for most of his life he has worked in the wilson stores for several years and enjoys golf swimming water skiing and hockey hilda wilson hilda attended victoria park secondary school and then went on to york university where she was working towards a ba in psychology she married bill wilson in 1976 and enjoys skiing swimming and reading downtown markham 5ssssk x parking robinson street iga marylyn ladies wear villager mens wear murray wilson shoes c bank of nova scotia murray wilson shoes- ian sinclair presently attending- stouffville high school ian hopes to eventually be a draftsman he has worked at the stouffville store since it opened two years ago he enjoys music and is an excellent- soccer player downtown stouffville cathy pollard cathy helps out part- time at the stouffville store presently at tending stouffville high school she enjoys cross country skiing camping as well as music cathy hopes to attend college after finishing high school many otter tym tvajtebte u wtoon shoes rob hayman rob has worked with wilsons one and a half years he is an 18-year- old grade 12 graduate and is very interested in becoming a police officer in his spare time rob is an avid runner and thoroughly enjoys basketball swimming ice skating and is quite a movie buff catherine case catherine is the manager of wilsons markham store and- attended markham district high school she then graduated from ryerson- poly technical institute receiving her business diploma she is presently working towards her jdegree in business catherine enjoys music needlework and teaches sunday school important at wilson stores one of the reasons wilsons customers keep coming back is because they believe that service is still important this is one advantage the store has over many mall and department stores the staff shows customers that they are interested in their every footwear need in order to provide this service wilson has staff seminars on fitting and fashion updates the staff at murray wilson shoes feel that by giving that little bit extra makes for satisfied and happy customers monday to wednesday training very important in the search for comfortable footwear wilson have found it advantageous to offer- a staff training course which both managers co- owners and all salespeople participate in wilson make sure courses and conferences ticipate in the store and shoefitting courses of fered by the canadian footwear institute also wilson arid the staff attend show shows seminars and other coursea and conferences pertaining to foot com fort in this way the staff is uptodate on riot only styles and colors but also is versed on the technology of the show business wilson also see to it that full staff meetings are held every couple of months to discuss customer needs open twday friday jj saturday jd of main street wilson key in beautif ication like his father haley wilson had no intention of going into the family shoe business but when he learned of the proposed markville development and the problem it could be haley offered to give the store a hand after graduating from the university of western ontario in business- haley went to work inthestore to try to increase sales to level that would be comfortable even if markville was ap- proved one of the first things he did was circulate 300 pam phlets throughout the markham stouffville and unionville area in hopes of creating a chambers of conv- merce unfortunately only 30 merchants attended the meeting and 90 per cent of them happened tobe from markhams main street thus the main street merchants association- was formed having looked at several business improvement plans in other towns the merchants decided that main street could use some- beauti- fication to help business and also distract- from mark ville and the idea was passed unanimously jjy making ad ditions to business tax in the area the merchants with the help of markham- council have planted frees installed hanging baskets arid provided benches on main street and will concentrate on the buildings and parking next year haley wilson said he and other mer chants havehad rave reviews about main street and how much the improvements really add to the business area ks hi congratulations best wishes to murray wilson shoes from kaufman best wishes to murra y wilson shoes kingtread work boots foamtread packard slippers sorel artic pac snow boots rubbers widestselection of quality footwear mw my li clark wdiidbees ciafk ifogfoilers clark snow boots we are proud to have suppliedmurray wilson shoes during the years 6 gale shoes limited many otfw tyto cvautut tt wkon shon 19491979 also celebrating a birthday 30 years providing quality work boots snow boots and mensboys footwear mwtknsum i vl v vxltfsvivw v fi