sage 1 markham september 27 30 at the new fairgrounds zvi miles north of hwy 7 on mccowan rd at 18th ave thursday september 27 button hoi contttt and contlnuout dmonitr1lons in homcrft building owr 60 club ptm ftfkm in homtcrtft building 900 a m poultry t pm tnow all day evening 1100 am raolatftd pefeqilno weuh pony thow infield ring 1200 pm siy hmrta canadian forces parachute team 100 pm ayrthk cattle how livestock ring 100 pm king 4h horie club how livestock ring 6v1s pm holslein cattle show lrvestock arena 815 pm 4h hotslcin club show 7 co pm doug show indoor stage 730 pm ouvter horse racing pari mutual betting race track 1 1 00 am ftorto the clown 1 130 am calico tower puppets 1200 pm cmidrene parade 100 pm highland dancers 130 pm markham district high school band 230 pm magician 330 pm calico town puppets 400 pm markham gymnastic club display 500 pm markham majorettes 530 pm highland dancers 600 pm markham gymnastic club display 700 pm markham littlo theatre 800 pm melody makers 830 pm markham little thoaire cartoon characters throughout day 10 00 am 1o30am 1100 am 1100 am 1200 pm 1230 pm 100 pm 200 pm 300 am 4 00 pm entertainment stage impromptu field events lor children mered4h cutting uncle bobby show 3 do pm potto the clown magician impromptu held events metecmh cutting markham district high school band magician merectth culling markham majorettes cartoon characters throughout day saturday september 29 button hola contest and continuous demonstrations in homecraft building over 60 club pleas rgutr in homecraft building 830 am 900 a m 1000 am 1100 am 1100 am 1200 pm friday september 28 button hob contest and continuous demonstrations in homecraft building over 60 club il nfrtttr in homecraft building ftooam- 10too ax iom am- 1100 am- 1200 pm 100 pm- 100 pm- 145 pm 400 pm 500 pm m0 pm 700 pm- pouary pet show al day evening heavy horse draft pony show race track junior exhibtor horse show infield ring wmvham 4h dairy club show livestock ring cmdrens parade jersey cattle show kvestock ring guernsey cattle show kvestock ring sharon 4h dairy cm show kvestock ring registration lor pet show petshow western horse snow iltd mg tractor put race track entertainment 930 am meredith cuning uncle bobby show 1030am magdan v arabian horse show inlield ring poultry pel show all day evening baby show indoor stage shorthorn cattle show livestock ring york 4h boel club show livestock ring official opening of markham fair by the honourable eugene whelm former minister of agriculture 1200 pm hereford cattle show livestock ring 130 pm chip oft the old block contest indoor stage 130 pm standard bred hone racing pari mutual betting 1a track 330 pm commercial steer show livestock ring 400 pm commercial steer auction livestock ring 700 pm hous drawing competition livestock arena 700 pm fiddling contest indoor stage 730 pm quarter horse racing pari mutual bolting entertainment 9 30 am magician 10 30 am murphy family 1100 am calico town puppets 1 1 30 am brampton clown band 1230 pm priceville square dancers 1245 pm step dancing joan good 100 pm magician 200 pm calico town puppets 230 pm murphy family 3 00 pm markham little theatre 330 pm fiddlers 400 pm priceville square dancere 4t5 pm step dancing joan good 430 pm markham little theatre 500 pm murphy family 530 pm markham gymnastic club display 630 pm markham majorettes 700 pm markham gymnastic club display cartoon characters throughout day indoor state 1230 pm jackie medland 230 pm markham concert band 330 pm jackie medland sunday september 30 button hole contest and continuous demonstrations in homecraft building over 60 club plus register in homecraft building 900 am appalcosa horse show infield ring 1000 am harness horse show infield ring 1030 am american saddlebred morgan horse show inlield ring 1200 pm goal show livestock arena 100 pm poultry pet show 100 pm sheep show- old macdonakjs farm 100 pm angus cattle show 100 pm charolais cattle show 130 pm spelling be indoor stage 130 pm greyhound racing race track 500 pm sale ol apples general exhibits building entertainment 1030 am 1100 am 1130 am 1145 am 1200 pm 1230 pm 100 pm 130 pm 200 pm 230 pm 300 pm 330 pm 345 pm 400 pm 430 pm 500 pm 530 pm 100pm 3 00 pm 4 00 p m highland dancers pipe band priceville square dancers step dancing joan good brampton clown band markham little theatre some folks do singers highland dancers t markham gymnastic club display some folks do markham little theatre priceville square dancers step dancing joan good markham majorettes some folks do markham gymnastic club display brampton clown band cartoon characters throughout day indoor stage jackie medland markham concert band jackie medland mac cosburn markham fairs youngest president president heads markham fairs executive team mac cosburn the 1979 markham fair president is following in his fathers footsteps macs father was a fair board director for 32 years and mac has been active on the board for 12 the board of directors consists of six junior and 24 senior directors as well as three past presidents almost 40 committees consisting of 300 people report to the board many committees have a director as their chairman the president acts as a conscience making sure things get done mac says the name president is a misnomer it should be chairman because my job is one of management by committee rather than management by authority its more good will and a role of co ordination mac attributes most of the success of the fair to community support volunteers from the area help out with the fair in many different ways i dont think there is any other organization that can put up 300 people from a community its a good community effort he said one example of community support is the service dubs which participate in the fair each year for many of these clubs the markham fair is their major fund raising activity for the year attendance at the fair this year providing there is good weather should be better than ever mac hopes it will draw at least 50 per cent of its crowd from areas south of markham last year 75 busloads of kids came from scar borough for many of the children the fair was their only contact with farm animals the fair plays a major role as a meeting place and an educational forum for the people of the south its their only contact with the agricultural com munity added the president as for the future of the fair mac says ft can only get bigger and better this is a tremendous facility as far as space size and flexibility and there is a lot we can do with it yet the one thing to emphasize is that the markham fair is an effort of a great many people its the only working together that gets it together the president only greases the wheel you have to depend on the rest of the group be concluded mens 2 pc our from 7th line north of hwy 7 2941106 markham in search of lost parents