bright buys duracell alkaline batteries mallory september super sale s save s 000 for your current needs d cell batteries reg2for aapenlite cells reg2for c cell batteries reg2for 9volt battery regular 3 reg s timely saving on amfm clock radio its a candle brand and that means top quality plus exceptional value at this substantial reduction sidemount dim or brightness switch for led clock readout waketomusic or alarm snoozesieep buttons rear earphone jack top speaker size 9 high 442107 for 2 each sparkling opportunity to power up radios toys flash lights etc with super alkahne batteries that last and last highly efficient mallory brand cells hold uplunder conti nuous highdrain conditions 65 0852x v rrwm mallory ujjoyiys m m a save s on a lloyds cassette recorder m regular plays your favourite cassette tapes or records your own sound easyaction keyboard controls builtin mike jacks batteries extra 441426 lantern batteries fl99 k99 reg 6v square springstyle searchlighttype 651060 reg 6v oblong screwdown batteryhead type 651059 save onawalkie talkie set regular m995 sound value each unit has 4transistor circuitry controls for press-to- talk calltone alert and volume runs on cb channel 14 batteries extra 443529 assorted 8track or cassette tapes rock easy listening country and western great chance for all you music buffs to add some terrific tapes to your collection at a fantastic sale price a real surpriseassortment of celebrated stars and popular varieties of music but you will have to hurry for best selection 993824 highlander blank cassette tapes low noise 269 c9 and 90 minutes mmmgrkm light beltclip 2d flashlight reg heavyduty plastic but light to carry has a metal beltclip and 3way safety switch takes 2d cells extra 652005 s35s save on a portable super radiant heater regular 19 95 help preserve fuel with electrical spot heating chase the chills with this economical unit gives you instant fanforced heat from a 1450 w ribbon element has warm to hot range safety shutoff automatic thermostat and a tamperproof grill 435845 you can do it chargejt with your canadian tire card el