12 the tribune thursday april 2s is79 nbthingruns like a deere qualityselectionservice carl painter service manager service is the other half of a great product the captain of our service team shaun garrett jrvicc service specialist on our mobile service unit specialist service is the other half of a great r chain saws five models 30 to 70 ccs sprocketnose guidebar 12 to 27 inches automatic oiler counterbalanced v crankshaft mosf models also have an isolated engine for more operating comfort see us for details topquality i mechanics j tools work gloves we have ladies garden gloves in a varietyoj styles and colors for men we have work gloves in cotton jersey and leather styles lightweight but durable cut quick and easy with a nylonline trimmer electric nylonline trimmer the john deere 65e trimmer is ideal for keeping smaller lawns i trimmed it weighs only 3a pounds yet trims a 10inch path s v john deere littlebig tractors john deere smallsize tractors with bigtractor features category 1 3point hitch two power sizes 850 with 22ptohp diesel engine 950 with 27ptohp diesel engine 8speed hilo transmission differential lock rear 540rpm pto hand- and footoperated throttle controls adjustable wheel tread