-v- i tribune thuesday aphi1 u 1ct z 4 f established 1888 charles h nolan publisher e i r batirebeacock advertising manager jamthomas edkorlnchlef h editorial deptedehrimtwjte holt display advertising dept lote wldaoun marl enuwwa f uswess office jom mjrthnian 0or to d rjmn otarf p wrwy thurxtoy t 54 mate st sfcxrffrbu ont t1 6402101 forooto phon 3611680 sfagl copies 20 utwcrlptfca j10jx par year in canada 2600 a mambar of c ce newspapers auodatfoa and ontario waakly nawspapara association saeond daaa mal rag number 0896 j ts the tribune is on of the inland publishing co limited group ol suburban nawspapara which in cludes tba ajaiwmtbyplduirlog news aoyertlsw brampton guardian burlington post etoblcoka gazette markham economist and sun newmarket aurora era oakviue baamr oahawa this week tutiltiauga news ottawa this weekend acton free press moton canadian champion and the qeoroetow independenl art- r 6402100 r 3611680 convicted by the media alf stong wellknown richmond hill solicitor and mpp for york centre- has introduced a private members bill in the legislature appropriately called the in nocent persons protection act if approved- il would become law and prohibit the publishing or broadcasting of the name of any accused person until the trial has commenced while mr stongs bill goes a step further than the policy adopted- by this newspaper perhaps a step too far we feel his sup porting arguments make good sense for example if sam jones is arrested and charged with theft this information including his name age and address is- available to the press if published sam jones becomes a branded man even though he may well be innocent of the crime r in theeyes of the public hes guilty the courts riobknown for their swiftness may not get around to hearing the case for several weeks even months in the mean- lime sam jones his wife and his children 4 must face the accusing fingers and suspicious eyes of everyone they see later his name may be cleared but the stigma remains sam jones in some peoples opinion will be forever guilty of a crime he didnt commit all because the media tended to jump the gun whats even worse an accused may have his case heard in a court with no press in at tendance when this happens the innocent party unless he or his lawyer complains may not have a followup story printed so hes accused but not cleared a despicable situation the tribunes policy is that- no names be published until the accused person appears in court alf stong contends that even this is too severe he feels names should be withheld until the start of the trial and perhaps hes right certainly hes in a position to know shbws worthy of support a e two community shows in a single month one just oyer and one about to start the one jhst concluded is ice revue 79 sponsored by the stouffville figure skating club the one soon to begin is music mania 79 hosted by the united church couples club both are good for the town and deserving of town support through the years both types- of events have been common in most- areas un fortunately- for one reason or another they donlclasvadmittedly itsa tremendous amountofwork worklhal too often fallson the shoulders of too few when they quit the show folds x the skating club has had its off years asfar as carnivals are concerned but not in 1979 three performances played to excellent crowds music mania that originated way back in 1960 is a guaranteed sellout dates are april 26 27 and 28 why the assurance of success because the participants are local people notjiired professionals and thats what oommunify alfabout switch to ndp is iukely while the ndp is making loud noises over the gains they expect to achieve in the-for- thcoming federal election and their leader- ed broadbent is not without merit in his presentations- the party should not forget that the recent british experience with unions will have a dampening effect on their support to be leader of a party representing big unions is far from the most popular spot to be in today the colossal damage done 4o britains economy to say nothing of the terrible inconveniences suffered by the population is well recalled by canadian voters while there is sharp- debate over- the countrys current budget deficits the ndp- with its reputalionas thegiveaway party certainly cant be expected to improve this situation in fact it would be most likely to do the very opposite to raise the debtto un- dreamed of heights canada while having some economic problems hasso far been spared the ravages of a laborcontrolled federal government and it is unlikely the voters will wish to switch their allegiance from the conservatives or liberals when they are enjoying their best living in years j v v ivyj- durham board of education agrees were a skip breakfast generation sugar and spicfe a were all members of the apathy club by bill smiley does anyone in this country even care any more whether the federal election occurs in april may or june does anyone evencare any more whether there is a federal election in which we might exchange a rightwing reform party for a rightwing party either winner being at the mercy in a vote of a rightwing leftwing party day after day of listening to the news and watching the news and reading the news has created in me at least the greatest sense of apathy ve eerexperienced in my life and i have a hunch that millions of canadians agree withme v f does anyone care any more what- margaret trudeau a rather silly woman with verbal dysentery among other ailments has yet to reveal not me does anyone care any more how many christian arabs in beirut killed how many muslim arabs in beirut not me does anyone care that prince charles was seen jogging on a beach in australia that pierre berton has written another book that canadian writers and artists and theatres and publishers all claim they need more of our tax bucks to survive not me only they a colleague of mine describes an organization at the university he attended it was called the apathy club it put out notices like these the apathy club will not hold its usual meeting this month or true to its convictions the apathy club failed to elect a new president when ho one ran for the office and no one showed up to vote for those who did not run i have feeling that canada is turning into one vast apathy club oh were not yet quite completely lifeless you can see this by reading the letterstotheeditor columns where all the cranks quacks and bigots are given a chance to sound off but when all the news is bad news unemployment falling dollar violence threat of wars we are inclined to tune out and to tune in tosome sort of escapist entertainment this apathy is reflected in all sorts of phases of our society its considered a big deal if there is a 60 per cent turnout for an t joutsidethelarger cities where thereis constant hype from the sports writers sports are dying out sniall towns and cities that used to pack their arenas and baseball grandstands to watch the home boys fight off those infidels from the next town draw only handfulls of spectators thescdays well whats the cause of all this apathy you might ask i believe it is the result- of modern communication systems which are supposed bring the world closer together and are instead making individuals harder and more selfcentred as they find them- selves drowning in a flood of worldwide miseries which they feel helpless to alleviate does anyone really care about the killing of baby seals except those directly involved i the newfie hunters trying to supplement a meagre living the protestors who enjoy the publicity they get and a number of old ladies of both sexes who compose ferocious let ters to the editor condemning the hunt while downing a few slices of spring lamb and mint jelly j not me my sympathies are completely on the side of the sealers its hard dirty work they do and they dont do it because they are sadists any more than the killers in a slaughterhouseenjoy knocking sweet little calves over the head so that youcaii have your veal and your calfskin gloves when it is proved to me that the- harp searis an en dangered species ill join the protestors not before where were all these silly twits when it wasv not baby seals that were being slaughtered but baby brothers and uncles and cousins and fathers during the great wars idont remember too manyletters to the editors in those days the same sort of people who write protesting letters today about the seals are probably the spiritual descendehts of those nasty oldwomen of both sexes who went around -pinning- white feathers on guys in civilian clothes during wwiandgaveyou surly service arid short- measure in wwil always accompanied by the snarl dont you knowlheresa waron this to guys in uniforms i r ah dear its an age when some people seek to swelloul of their- little selves to engorge themselves on publicity if it were not for the ubiquitous media ever seeking to touch the lowest of emotions there would be v no problems about the seal hunt the newfies would run a few protestors off the edge of an- ice flow and that would be that f how did i get away over here in- newfoundland if im so apathetic well maybe im not and thats a good sign apaihy leads to constipation constipation leads to hemmorhoids and the next thing you know my daughter will be saying toher kids dont worry boys we never seem to have a cent but grandad has piles f 4 fc vl window on wildlife unexplained miracle of bird migration f by art briggsjude i amixed up month ikuat week thetribune featured a boy ivwing fand hen it tnowedthb week were featuring snow on a slide so- if v ft maybe well alljbe mowing oar lawns by saturday with air the mixed np weather weve been having lately whos to sayr tfy edschroeter although the peak migration period of most birds will not be noticed until about the middle of may many waterfowl and thrush- sized songsters have already arrived while many more are on the moveto the south of us up from south america the west indies and mexico come the shorebirds and the swallows the orioles and the warblers the hummingbirds and hosts of other species each in its appointed time and season swings across the gulf of mexico or through central america and into the southern united stales then pushing hard on the heels of winter- weather they work their way in our direction most of the migrant birds that winter in the southern united states have already left these areas by the lime their more tropical travelling relatives have arrived and so for the next month and a half there is a general mass movement of feathered life northward across two continents the miracle of migration never fails lo stir ihe imagination of anyone who welcomes the first robin in ihe spring or gazes in wonder at the wedgeshaped flocks of wildfowl winging overhead for the more interested arid involved one gels with birdlife the greater the appreciation becomes towards these avian travellers and their uncanny homing abilities k pause a moment longer this spring when you hairken a lhe bubbling song- of your j neighbourhood house wren due here the first week in may for this tiny bundle of energy weighingless than ah ounce and measuring between four and five inches from bill lo tail has just completed another herculean effort with a heart that would make a pea look large in comparison beating rapidly inside its vminute frame this friendly little fellow has found his way from the shores of the gulf to the shade of your backyard when we think of the hundreds of miles he has covered since leaving that little stickfilled birdhouse last fall until he reappears in our vicinity we wouldnt be blamed if we shook our head in disbelief however his performance is only one of a multitude of such journeys some of which even take similarsized birds two and three limes the house wrens distance because of its brown color combination the wren probably passes along its migratory route less noticed than a great number of the other brightlyplumaged species how flashing and conspicuous for instance are the warblers orioles arid lanagers and how the eyes of the predators must be attracted in their direction little wonder then that most small birds and a good many larger ones migrate by night but cats and hawks are only two of the hazards encountered by- birds during migration sudden storms- often sweep in when the birds are over large bodies of water forcing many into a watery grave then too late icing conditions in the spring will cut off the exhausted birds food supply sometimes the birds arrival in a certain area coincides with the use of fertilizing chemicals and large numbers are killed as happened recently in new york stale r and if these and other causes do not decimate the winged creatures enough mankind is continually comingup with more lethal devices to add to the birds woes lighthouses have ialways proved to be hazardous lo nightflying migrants and tall buildings take an annual toll but the erection of tv transmitting towers isa riiajor cause in the death of many additional songbirds stations at barrie london and agincourt have produced high casualty rates at times as have transmitters in wisconsin michigan and new york of course weather conditions contribute greatly to the death rale in a foggy night up o 20000 birds have been picked up beneath a single one of these structures thankfully the installation of new types of lighting devices are helpingtlo reduce this annual toll in some situations as with most aspects of migration there are many theories put forth as to why one belief thai birds move south in winter for food is only partially true for the birds are heading north again when insects abound in their southern range scientists have recently found thai the lengthening daylight hours trigger an inner force that brings the birds into breeding condition when such changes occur he birds seek out their northern an- cestral nesting grounds that were imprinted in ihem as nestlings for the cardinal this may be a relatively short flight from ihe winter feeding area to a neighboring brushy ravine but for the barn swallow wintering in southern patagonia it is upwards lo 9000 miles o the cabin rafter in alaska 1 j n