if- t 2 the tribune thubsday april 12 1 f v v to vi y r y -w- j- f vv i f f si 4 ytf rv rc jfv i- ya r f l r f uj ivcpi fcnivk si i just docked ateatohs theooolof blue and white if s as if a fresh ocean breeze just btew in white and blue with al the clean crisp good looks summer cats for striped up shirts and blouses tasored to the nines pants cut two ways lean or very lean plus a skirt you may find yourself reaching for six days out of seven separates that make a statement when you wear them singly even better when you put them together ports sums it up with international class 1 406 white cobar shirt striped bluewhite also comes in assorted stripes sizes 4 to 1 6 each 4500 c 2 406 cotton sailcloth jean pant with new 17 leg hem white or blue sizes 4 to 14 each 5000 3 406 shortsleeved bnen- andcotton shirt in bluewhite also available in assorted stripes sizes 4 to 16 each 5000 7 tm im i c5 ht i m ii ml mm u i 4 408 dimdte skirt newly narrowed belted pocketed white or blue cotton sajdoth sizes 4 to 1 6 each 5500 5 406 pinstriped shirt collaredcuffed in white this one blue on white others in assorted stripes in cotton sizes 4 to 1 6 each 4500 6 408 straight cut jean pant with 20 leg hem in blue or white cotton sabcloth sizes 4 to 16 each 5000 not all sizes and colours available in each store phone 8615111 eatons toronto eaton centre second floor 646 ydrkdale scarborough sherway don mills shoppers world bramaleaoshawa luv hit f1 vi i i- j u- sm j 1j v 1 j 1 1 1 j f 1 6 lw wri coming sat apr 14th plan for it because its full of great bargains calculated to save you money independent pre- shoppers proved it again pathartlen a toronto home makerahd mother bv2 comparison shopped the warners notallthatbra i really liked trie product i felt that it would be comfortable a treat towear andjhe price 649 eacfi wasyerylgood value she felt the trans canada sale was- very comprehensive somejhing for everyone i very good values to be had- t eatorrstooonto eaton centre opm uondiy la fndy 1 0 00 a m 10 fi 00 p m md saknlay 9 30 a m to 000 pm yorkoale oiminandol uovtofrt30m 0930pm sot 9 30am loo pm smjrway oewandhoy427 ucnlofrtb30am a930pm sal930aalloapm 6raualea dnjomhwy 7 monkfif930am 10930pm sat 9 30 a nvto fl p m oonuus j oonuaaftoamawranc uon to fa 930 am to ft jo pm sat930antlo6pm shoppers world conform ivoorta pa mon lofrlloam 10930pm sat 10amto6pm warehouse store watlon road and snappard ucn to fit 9 30 am to 930 pm sat930amloapm scar80rou0h mccowanrd ana 401 hon lo fit 9 30 am lo9 30pjn sat910amlopm oshawa mm tofn 930am toft 30pm sat 930am loopm aiso our 7 noohsouthooo stores rockwooo oufferh victoria park nckernosheroan obaaandbtanhamettrpa ouffarinandbtoor victoria park and shop- snartdanmat mon lo fit 9 30 am mot to sat 10am pan ltvarpooird andrtohwayz to ft 30 pm to 10pm moalosat 930am mon lo fit 9 30 in sat 9j0 am to opm 1010pm to 930 pm yongeeounton h sat 930am toe 00pm resroale mon lo fit 9 jo am- oerrarosouare tavlnqtonflno bcvdvv 10930pm papa and garrard i bm sat 9 30am 100 pm mon losat930am aarvlea epan 24 tatfl dak morctofftftjoam 10930pm sat 930am loftpm 10930pm 8615111 v ij -c- l ti i i v f- v i w- i 5 1 i in 0