2 the tribune totragpavv march 1ct james thomas edhorlncnlef iestbushd1888 charles h nolan pubusher- barrebeacock advertising manager l a i- eorromaloeptedsciirotrjfahott spukyadveimsinqdptvutewkjnoilwemmoo vj k pumwmd mary thursday at 54 main ststotrffrba oal tal 6402101 toronto phcoa 3611680 sfooja copiaa 20 c subaerfpoona s1cl00 par yaar in canada 2600 aisawhara mambar ol canadian community naaspapara astodattoa and ontario waauy nawspapars association sacand data matf ragmratfcm number osse s thatrtbunajsonaottha inland piabawng cg uwltad poup o anburban naipapt wcfa la- dudaa tea ajaxwnttbyplckarlng nam adtarnur brampton guardian burlington pott etobicoka oazatfa markhaai ec and sua hawnaitataurora era oamua baavar osham this waak hjsthsi nan- oshawa this wsakand acton fraa prat milton canadian champion and tha c oaorgatoaia indapandanl 6402100 3611680 newsltemb councillor bill mcnalley recommends town bylaw be changed to permit livestock in ruralresidentialareqsv moving towards bankruptcy how high is up is canada in fact bankrupt answers to this will range from yes to no to almost depending on who you talk to the manonthestreet doesnt pretend to understand the seriousness of the situation nor can he offer any solutions hes bogged down just trying to fill out his own income tax return and hardly in a position to come up with a cure for this countrys economic ills so just how serious is it canadians have a right to know sinclair stevens whitchurchstouffvilles member of parliament and conservative financial critic makes the following points canadas debt he says currently stands at almost 75 billion and growing he f predicts that if the government stays in power it could reach 100 billion stouffvilles riot yet ready supermarket r this editorial stand may sound strange coming from the local newspaper that could benefit financially from such a store however putting principals ahead of financial gain we say town growth has not yet reached a level whereby such a venture would prosper or if it did thetwo established supermarkets would suffer stouffvilles already had a taste of what but this is only half the story theres interest to be paid on borrowed funds during the year 197980 ottawa will spend 84 billion in this manner representing 165 per cent of the federal budget this means and get this that the average worker is required to pay 17 a week just to service this borrowed money but figures can be twisted you say to read what you want them to read and youre right the fact remains canadas deeply in debt a situation that cant go on forever is there a darcy mckeough at the federal level who has the intestinal fortitude to stand up and saystop not likely for unfortunately for this country and this province the darcy mckeough type of politician meets an early demise is premature too many of any- one thing can do someone starves to death j with- growth practically at a standstill two major food stores can handle all the business thats available and while some residents may go elsewhere to shop this will always be the case regardless of the service when the longawaited dulverton development becomes a reality towh-plan- ners can take the requirements of 1500 more people into consideration n that wont happen tomorrow f tat wheelep p toe tribune oh bill alice andflo are eating mrs flannigans prize roses again suga fr arid spice a challenge series with red china r by bill smiley new arena we need facts theres dissatisfaction within the ranks of i some recreation associations here with regard to or lack j it avthe stouffville arena v jibttacic wiek twoaccidents four dead two injured all within aperiodof 27 hours- news of the tragedies one so closely z following the other stunned this community z for five of the six persons involved were well- known here their deaths theirinjuries while touching immediate families hardest- are felt far beyond the circle of mothers fathers wives sons daughters brothers sisters and grandchildren we all feel it j 1 and thats what community is all about no one bears their loss alone nor should they for their loss is ours too r those closest to the problem claim prime time ice hours are booked solid with no chance to expand current programs ietalone allow new leagues in 7 predictions by the board for 197980 would seem to bear this but instead of continually beefing about it lets gather together some facts and figures on the possibility of a second arena and place them before a public meeting who knows the tax load may be lighter than mostofus think personally we feel a project if practical is good for a community it represents a challenge and provides promoters with a sense of responsibility and accomplishment surely if a rural hamlet the size of woodville can do it so can whitchurch- stouffville lets find out by the time this appears in print the worst of the suffering in canada will be over and i dont meanthat dreadful february cold snap which turned us into our annual winter condition a nation of misanthropes burst water pipes cars so cold you cant v even put them into reverse to back out in the morningand temperatures that would freeze the brains of a brass monkey are bad enough but were used to them we know that in another four months well be gasping in a heat wave and beating off mosquitoes no thats not the suffering we did this february i it was being smugly satis- fied on a thursday- night- mildly dismayed on a saturday afternoon and ut- terly humiliated on a sunday night that caused the suffering a talk about blue monday that monday in feb after them rooshians had kicked the living stuffing out of canadas finest was so blue it was almost purple im notsayihgthat i personally suffer when- canadas primary export hockey abortion r its a- subject of much discussion in the united states and canada i across ontario right here iri stouffville recently during a friendly streetcorner discussion we were questioned on the issue what stand doyoutake the chap asked directly we shocked him somewhat by replying just as directly that vthe editor of this newspaper takes no stand atall because he happens tobe a man and will never have to face such a traumatic experience 12 and thats exactly where we stand what a man we askcan inall sincerity voice an opinion on something he knows nothing about men editors induded who seem to feel authority on everything- would be well advised to offer advice on issues they must face firsthand abortion isnt one i editors mail esites change minds dear editor i never cease to be amazed at the way some members of town council can change their minds on what would appear to be policy decisions on various issues r the subject of a third supermarket is an example v r first they say no to one in the east end 6t stouffville then- some say yes or maybe to one in the west end zti c how come if a supermarket is needed i anywhere which its not its in the east area 6f the village where theres really nothing of a commercial nature l i- i thoughts this was the plan when population warrants a food store would be permitted in the tenth and main plaza now im not so sure that the town knows for sure tfi thank heaven local planners dont have to deal with soniethieg reallybig bruce drury i staart street r u stofvffle a 1 players is no longer marketable im not saying that im just saying that i bleed a little internally when a bunch of rotten red pinko communists make a group of fine young liberal capitalists look like a bunch of oldage pensioners whose geritol has been cut off right after the second game i went to the t clinicand had a cardiogram jusuncase i mustsay we took it well as a nation for once there were no alibis how could there be when hundreds of millions of people saw our collective canadian hoses being rubbed in it sports writers their guts churning praised the play of the russians and intimated that they knew all along what would happen as they always do after theevent the v canadian players showed more grace the best of themsimply admitted they were beaten soundly by a superior team but 1 they knew in their hearts that theyj and all their highly paid buddies were facing not a physical siberia but a siberia of the soul they were the best in the west arid they had not been just beaten but thoroughly trounced by the best in the east where hockey is a relatively new sport not for me toask how did it happen all the experts have agreedthat the russians skate better pass better and are infinitely superior in physical condition jo the pam- pered canadian pros who weighed an average of nine pounds more than their dp pbnents c it isonly for me to ask why do we suffer so much when were licked in hockey and i think i know the answer to that for a century or so canadians have been hewers of wood and drawers of water fair enough we had lots of wood and water and still haye and other people need them but we also had three superior finished products manufactured at home that nobody else in the world could touch when it came to v quality maple syrup rye whiskey and hockey players our supremancy in these departments is virtually derided our whiskey has been watered more and more our maple syrup has been jhinned to the consistency of greasy- spoon gravy and a few stalwart exceptions are more impressed with their hairdos their press clippings and their financial statements than they are with beating their opponents there is a sadness here rye whiskey is bad for the liver maple syrup bad for the teeth- so perhaps their- denigration is not a national disaster but to have a hqekeyjeam that is the second or third or fourth best in the world that is unthinkable every redblooded middle aged male in canada has hockey in his veins he personally knows or his best friend does or he lives in orlives in the next town to oris sixthrcousin of or grew up with orwas preceded by only 10 years byin school- a genuinehockey player- who made it to junior a senior a or even the nhl or one ofitsfarmteams two of the quarterbacks on my high school footballteamles douglas and tony licari made it to the detroif red wings organization my brotherinlaw jack biiell- played junior a and senior a and became a referee my grandson at the agepfywowas given a hockey stick and demolished his grandmothers hardwood floors in theliving- room smashing a puck around the floor with- s great vigor arid a certain lack of control- she- finally put her foot down insisted on scrimmaging around the piano while she was giving lessons ti to add insult to injurythisidiotic ideaof ioria campagriola minister of jocks has popped up she wants to give 18i5 miluohof my money and yours tblfour canadian cities so that they can build big arenas toac- commodate four more losers in an nhl that is already so watereddown with mediocre talent that 60 per cent of them couldnt have made a senior a team 30 years ago what she should do is support an order-in- council which proclaims that- with the emergence of red china russia is howaj secondrate power hot worthy to be facedoff against tit then allan eagleson can organize another series of thei century with china v where they learned to skate about eight years ago wed probably win it byone goal iri 1980 and lose it by 10 in 81 v v we canadians are wasteful a breakfast treat gonnley naturalist art briggsidde writes a biweekly column in the tribune under the beading window on wildlife 1 v hes also pretty handy with a camera catching this hairy woodpecker preparing to eat breakfast k v by bruce armstrong people on my street and those where i work lire typical i suppose for they say the whole energy scare is a lot of- hooey why should they insulate their homes when the gas and oil companies have no current shortages and indeed still advertise s t why should they save gasoline by buying compact or subcompact cars when the oil companies permit price wars and yet these same people accept the rule of 72 for compounding interest on tario hydro is advertising conservation because at the traditional 68 per centper year growth to 1975 their immense generating capacity would have to be doubled in nine or ten years and again iri another decade similarly the increased demand for gas and oil even through normal growth will require increased reserves in proportion to ip tconsumptiom there just has to be a limit and predic tions of 1990 shortages can only be proven wrong by conservation or dramatic oq and gas discoveries in accessible locations t on a per capita basis canada reportedly uses up to 15 per cent more energy than the united states and 50 per cent more than some european countries this worried dr arthur r- porter in jus recent interim royal com- mission report on nuclear power planning and to many observers it is- morally wrong- editor mail peace in family dear editor i for one am glad to seecouncillor becky wedley bury the hatchet as far as her debate with mayor king is concerned re the condition of water at the sanitary landfill site such infighting accomplishes nothing personally and with all respect to both parties im a bit fed up with hearing and reading about this landfill location par ticularly when the town is obviously unable to do anything about it vi appearance wise its certainly a big improvement over tbeunslightly mess that was there before however maybe its what we cant see that we should be concerned about t anyway im glad theres peace in the family- once again a credit to both parties cecilormston i t rr z stouffville i