s- s tj-yjv- vvs stouffville a standardized sex education program is required in york county schools says vwbit- churchstouffville trustee harry bowes and with the help of interested parents hes hopeful this will come about the need became ap parent be said when he learned one teacher at stouffville high was using ame sex comic strips for reference material i was shocked he v the comics that included 1 articles undersuch heng as ten heavy facts about- sex and how to protect yourself from becoming an unwanted parent were drawn- and written by a professor- in syracuse new their use has now been sex program banned the tribune was told j while mr bowes admits y he has no idea when anap- jlftmed course of sbjdy on sex education will be finalized hes certain the boards heading in the right direction he points out however that not all parents agree says argue that v n instruction of this kind should be done in the home but all arent doing it he said the town trustee said school administrators can always call on the expertise of professionals in their respective communities like doctors and nurses if teachers on staff feel such is occcsssjty ft j as for parent par ticipation harry i bowes is firm in his belief this is vital it wont bevvushed through he stressed rl s v i- j e g enr eminent vol 91 no 38 whitchurch stouffville january 25 197 20 cents 18 pages ibyedschroeter stouffville i the- problem of declining enrollment in the municipality is not as dramatic- as people think according to the board of educations area 2 superinv tendent william mcvicarj he feels people are imagining metro torontos problems xist in their own towns- explaining the york county board is in no panic to close schools iv k in stouffville the student population is fairly stable mr mcvicar said r only schools in whit- chiirchstouffville where at tendance is falling are at dicksons hill and whitchurch- hjghlands those institutions are operating at 70 per cent and 64 per cent capacity respectively mr mcvicar doesnt an ticipate their closing some dulverton is mi i stouffville despite the fact more than 500 homes are planned for the dulverton subdivision north of manitoba street on the former lehman farm trusteeharry bowes sees little likelihood of a public school being built there instead he piedicts elementary students coming out highlands can accommodate 427 pupils at present the at tendance is 276 at dicksons hill theres roorn for 364 the enrollment now is 257 while taxpayers feel a lowered attendance should lower costs this isnt the case because in many instances it means only two or three fewer of that development will be t p e u bused- to either whitchurch nothings really changed the highlands or dicksons hill the provincial govern ments deeply in debt the board member explained its not handing out schools like it once did with whitchurclihighiands at only 646 per cent utilization and dicksonshillat706 per cent harry bowes sees the logic in such a move declining enrollment is presenting the board with a ivery real problem he says so it- makes sense to try and fill upt buildings already here y i for example whitchurch trustee explained also he points out as enrollments drop grants also decrease leaving costs pretty much the same the closing of schools or the f combining two schools into one can result in significant savings t he said but itinvariably results in protests from parents close schools but noti ours is the response often heard he stated while whitchurch- highlands is a serious enough problem it doesnt compare with crosby heights in rich- mond hill where only 43 per cent- j utilization is recorded- harry bwes concluded s cit people thinks were worried about saving money he said but you dont devote your life to children and make decisions entirely on the basis of economics where necessary he added the board will cut costs by sealing off unused classrooms and transferring reachers to other schools by bringing in children already being bused elsewhere the board can further attempt to better utilize facilities the board might close a v building when the student population drops j to the point where it cant provide the costly educational programs of a larger school- he observed these common sense steps f outlined in the final report of the provincial governments commission r declining enrollment are old hat to york county rioted mr mc- vicar the real problems the entire region faces is shifting enrollment he explained while attendance drops at dicksons hill and whitchurch- highlands orchard park and summitview prepare for an influx of children from the dulverton subdivision in light of the ministry of educations policy on restraint mr mcvicar feels its unlikely a new school will be built in stouffville as long as the others can accommodate the new residents they would be bused there- the major problem in stouffville will occur in the 1980s when the size of stouff- ville secondary schools student body will diminish considerably mr mcvicar observed however he feels the population in the north end of markhammay increase suf- ficiently to making busing to stouffville practical s vt si v n once uponfajtime every hbineihad atelephone like the one f fully operative with a dial mechanism inside manufactured by the owned by stbnf f villeflower shop proprietor graham hudson mr -i- hudson purchased the antique from ken laushway of stouffville five years ago and had it ins tailed in his home at goodwood its northern electric company dec 10 1918it would bring over 200 i on the auction market today si- jim thomas eyetipditioiii oor support j showmobilie rapes canceued f or 79 markham thereu be no snowmobile racing on the track at markhahvfair this winter l cup competitions he said on the friday night of that weekend crowds were estimated at 9000 with the city fairly booming saturday and sunday the races at markham last year went well second to none larry said however crowds fell far below what had been expected v he noted that while some members of -the- fair board the all expressed satisfaction with vlanywbuld like to see more vthe way everything yashan- of a carnival atmosphere with died v snowmobile racing a part of the we didnt receive a single program in this way he points complaint he said it was the competition hasnt been cancelled just postponed a year larry skelton oneof the organizers in- 78 told the tribune he admitted that backers of the event lost considerable- garbage 9 ifcpttey stouffville an estimated 6000 tons of garbage is- trucked out of whitchurchstouffville an nually even though a governmentapproved sanitary landfill site is located here mayor eldred king feels the towns refusal to utilize this service is wrongthat its costing the municipality more under the present arrangement ive always felt- this way he said in discussing thercontroversial issue with- the tribune just- how much the municipalityniight save by using the site east of hwy 48 near baker hill will be discoveredsoon tenders are being called with separate figures requested for dum ping locally and elsewhere increase at 79 fair markham with the 1978 year concluded the markham and east york agricultural society shows a 12month operating profit of 52543 the surplus figure was out there would be something to interest everyone 0 this is the way it is at peterborough during the same for the bike races later on the facilities are there they should be used he con- eluded i i in town barn jblaze bethesda three horses and four goats died in a blazefridaythat destroyed small barn ort the bethesda sideroad west of cone 6 the property is owned by gordon relf rr 4 stouffville the blaze was first noticed the loss excluding animals was placed at 6000 j dismantle fireplace brigade members had to dismantle a fireplace before bringing a blaze under control at the residence of rosa veltri mitchell drive musselmans lake volunteers were on x ia tfllvtlacfi ftlja llaii1e arena efficient v- iliirki hstvtl b stouffyillerf it cost pvavjfacilityiis run quite the town only 3000 to operate the stouffville arena in 1978 figure was revealed at a meeting of the board tburs- atne expenditure a debenture payment was far less than antidpated mayor eldred king told the tribune efficiently he said mayor v king feels the debenture should be assumed by the municipality he maintains however jthat hourly icerental 16546 and hydro 5058 salaries including managerial and secretarial totalled 10301 the fair boards assets are listed at close to four million dollars mrs walker thanked the directors and members for thier assistance- saying she had revealed when the financial report was made public at the fair boards annual meeting jan 17 added to this was a bonus from wintario of 80500 i despite the fact gate -ad- missions totalled 74499 more than double the previous year fhp pair italf hnrrfv hrnkp oooioiaiiuc- saying sue m ven fros resuu pr fco l a alma walker- the- prudent in muh m 78 to recommend a ticket price- ed hike in79 theincrease would ssv f lfi alsomake it possiblefor prize w n js cf money to be raised she said wooers n deceased she also muiiey w uc iii wicoaiu regret at receiving jreceiptsfroriiconcessions the resignation of iriger grieve- wereupby bverj12000ahd a board directcrmrs grieve will remain on as member of the art committee in turning over the presidents post to her suc rentals by 8000 on the expense side prizes rose to 44623 and race payments to due to the fact the facility cessor mac cosbiirn mrs walker said she had never was in operation a full year- worked with a finer group of- insurance premiums totalled people well tests prove watier is excellent flashy pair settast pace v i skating night at twosome setting a fast pace are lloyd and alice vsald the money must come the stouffville arena ah event sponsored each hamm lloyd ayenne stouffvfne- from somewhere year by the fignre skating clnb this dashing jim thomas stouffville the quality of water adjacent to the york sanitation landfill site is so good professor w gilham the towns watchdog over this project cant believe it frof gilham wppts testing to continue so hcn verify the findings for himself jv- ev -vf- rthestaff instructor from the c universityv rjbf jwalterloov is retained by the municipality to check periodically on water quality at this location stouff- villes municipal watersupply obtained directly from artesian wells is less than a mile away prof gilham argues that the quality of water has been affected at similar sites he cant understandwhy tests- conducted by the provincial ff envirciimentmunstryshould 4 prove any different hereboth- he andamirilsy represen lalive appeared before a committee meeting of council jan 15 if theres contamination vits not moving mayor eldred king told the tribune give blood stouffville a red cross blood donor clinic will be held ontues jan30 in the legion hall nintnline north from 2 to 830 pm the cooperation of residents in this worthwhile venture is appreciated the age classification follows male17 with written parental consent to 65 years v to 65 years the minimum weight restrictionis 110 pounds no more than four donations are permitted in a year with the last 6oenb later than three months agbv tt-