8 the tribune thursday jamuakx 11 ims save 32 sayelle knitting worsted eaton reg 1 03 10 6 1 172 machine wash and dry dupont acrylic ap prox 50 g ball in aran white brown vanilla autumn flame oatmeal it yellow cardinal olive suristar gala gold med brown v it green navy dk pink pastels bluepinkwhite var browns var oranges var greens powder bluerose cinnamon blue green sandyred save 30 baby sayelle eaton reg 65 2 172 machine wash and dry dupont acrylic ap prox 25 g ball in white yellow green sky pink pastels pirikbluewhite lullaby pinkgreenyellow white also in an acrylic- andrayon twist in crystal white crystal yellow crys tal green 10 save 20 superwash wool worsted eaton reg 133 10 10 3 1 72 specially treated wool that can be machine washed approx 50 g ball in aran white red med rust navy maroon black orange gold save 20 coordaknits wool worsted eaton reg 1 33 1 0- 1 0 4 1 72 specially treated wool that can be machine washed approx 50 g ball in camel dk woodbrown rust mix dk rust teal bottle green green mix save 28 3ply fingering eaton reg 64 1 0- 4 5 172 machine wash and dry acrylic approx 25 g ball in white beige mix blue aqua yellow cardinal dt green grey mix pink copen brown save 28 4ply fingering eaton reg 64 10- 4 6 172 machine wash and dry acrylic approx 25 g ball in white beige mix it green grey mix yellow pink navy autumn flame blue aqua cardinal save 30 sports yam eaton reg 113 107 7 1 72 machine wash and dry dupont acrylic sayelle approx50 g ball iri white crystal white aran faded denim pastels pinkbliiewhite baby yel- low vanilla blue aqua peach it green crystal yellow bright pinkr sky cardinal powder blue save 22 craft yarn eaton reg 90 10 6 8 173 machine wash and dry acrylic approx 50 g ball can be used for rugs needlepoint bulky knits crochet in natural white dk brown beige wood brown burnt orange red it brown black honey gold copen yellow bright gold apple green navy orange i pink silver grey dk green pcvder blue save 21 rug yarn regular cut eaton reg 48 103 9 173 regularlength precut acrylic for latchet rug hooking 320 pieces 99 per pack in natural black white woodbrown cream dk brown tan old gold beige autumn flame burnt orange spice dk rust deep yellow forest green sky it gold red blue save 20 rug yam long cut eaton reg 75 1 0 5 10 1 73 precut acrylic- in longer length to produce a threedimensional look- when used with regular length yarn 320 pieces per pack in natural black dk brown white cream beige old gold wood brown tan dk rust save 20 tapestry wool eaton reg 95 759 for f 11 1 73 all wool moth proofed approx 25 g pull skein in white raisin dk tapestry blue walnut pond lily green io save 20 and 21 latchethook rug or wall- hanging kits 1 73 comes in two sizes kit contains printed poly ester canvas- precut acrylic yarn and instruc tions 20 x 27 12 canada- geese natural back ground 13 springtime white background 1 4 floral i hutch white back ground brown border latchet hook not included eaton reg 2150 16 99 kit 23 x 29 15 froggy family offwhite back ground eaton reg 2400 kilo 99 phone 8615111 eatons toronto eaton centre 3rd floor 224 yorkdale scar borough sherway don mills shoppers world bramalea oshawa rock- wood rexdale dufferin yongeeglinton victoria park gerrard square 1 73 in three lovely colour combinations kit contains enough machine wash and dry acrylic yarn to knit or crochet one afghan as per instructions finished size about 44 x 58 16 rustheather autumn flamecrange ice 16a sky bluecopen royal 16b gala goldsun- stardark brown hehusreo 1 kxlhwxt i each day during january were featuring delicious meals in our restaurants cafeterias and snack bars drop in and see whats on special today youll find the price as pleasing as the meal eatons sy eatows toronto eaton centre ooan monday 10 fnaty 1 0 00 a m to 9 00 p ra and safcrtay 9 30 m 10 600pm yorkdale 0ftaniart40l monlofil9 30am 10930pm sal930am 6pm sherway oewandhy427 hon to fn 9 30 am 10930pm sat 9 30 am io 6 pm bramaua objardhy 7 montoffl930am k930pm sat 930 am to 6 pm oonuus don ma roaohjoranca lion 10 fit 930 am 10930pm sat 9 30 aj to 6 pm shoppers world dantorsilvctonapani uonlofnioam 109 30pm sat 10am lo6pm warehouse store wadon road and snapoard won to fit 9 30 am la 9 30 pm sat930am6pm scarborough mcccwanrd and 401 montorr19 30am 0930pm sal 930am luspm oshawa mcntaandsat 930am 1060m wadtnrt mdfrt 930am lo9pm auo our 7 nooksourhooo stores ftockwooo ouffean vlctoriapaftk plckftm0shnoan oadttnaoimrnnmorp dunartnandbtoor vctonapirkandsrp- srridanma men to frt 9 30 am montosat 10am pard ljvarpooi rd and htrnay 2 to930pm to 10 pm montosat10am mon to frt 930 am sat 030 am to spin to 10 pm to 930 pm yonqceouvton sat 930 am toe 00 pm rex04u montofrt0 30ain ocrfultosouafte mngton and ravdala to 930 pm papa and oanvd catton totapnona ordar 8m at03oamtoftpa uon to sat 9 30 am arvtoa opan 34 htxn da uontofrt9 30arn io 9 30 pm s 9 30am toepift m to030pm 8616111 i t