4 toe tribune thurs december 28 178 wht wrthixm james thomas editorlnchlef established 1888 charles a nolan publisher barre seacock advertising manager editorial dept ed schrtmter jim holt display advertising oept late whtomui art dlxoa business office jotn hanhmin oormn daacon ehmo qowr pubttshad mry thursday at 54 main st stoufmlto oirt tal 6402101 toronto pbono 3811680 slngl coptos 20 e subscriptiont 1000 par yaar in canada j2600 lwwhf mambar ol canadian community nmrspapars association and ontario waafciy nawtpapars association second class mall registration numbar 0896 tim trlbuna is on ot tha inland pubushtngtco limitad group of suburban newspapers which in cludes the ajaxwhhby pickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobjcoke gazette markham economist and sun newmarket aurora era oakvule beaver oshawa this week mlssis news oshawa this weekend acton free press muton canadian champion and the georgetown independent 6402100 3611680 editorials slow growth is likely in 79 all indications are that development in the municipality of whitchurchstouffville will be devoid of any sharp advances in 1979 for a starter we have mayor kings statement that no additional residential development can be looked for for some years this statement makes an exception of those subdivisions already agreed upon some spot development has also been sanctioned at points in the rural area vivian being one in particular however immediate starts on housing in those areas already ap proved are not too promising the largest of these the dulverton subdivision the former gar lehman farm immediately north of town is rumored to be in the process of sale with no starting date available just south of mam street and success square the subdivision with some fifty lots still available may be delayed through a shortage of school facilities the summitview school which services this area is already employing a number of portables the other large area slated for residential development is the harper farm at the south end of obrien avenue but no action can be expected here for some years in the commercial field the success square plaza still has a large number of vacant premises two more commercial outlets are available on the north side of main street and two on edward street all only recently completed in addition the harding gale plaza has been approved without a food outlet or a theatre which will put still more vacant stores on the market j only tentative industrial expansion is the volkswagen plant on the south side of main street just west of the new mcneil plant work on this plant is expected to begin this coming year possibly the largest construction work to be undertaken in 1979 is the channelization of the stream which crosses main street in the the downtown area this work which is necessitating the removal of a number of buildings and their businesses will be handled by metro conservation authority there are approximately 4000 households within whitchurchstouffville containing some 12000 persos with 6000 urban and 6000 rural when the subdivisions now approved within the municipality proceed the household figure will increase approximately 600 and the population 1800 it is a wellknown fact that there are many residents who would permit no development whatsoever while v are others who would make the area wide open allowing unlimited building both viewpoints have definite drawbacks on the one hand no development at all brings stagnation and over the years an inability to provide uptodate community facilities which the public ex pects in addition good businesses will cer tainly not be attracted to a municipality of this type on the other hand the wideopen stance brings much higher than necessary expenses and a poor business performance councils task is to find that middle road to allow a balance of residential business and industrial development to the extent that each can receive a just service housing should be kept in line with demand and not be over blown business or commercial expansion should be kept free of the boom and bust cycle which it is tending to today and industrial should certainly be encouraged to bring in plants which will provide jobs and keep the town from becoming more and more a bedroom community l c tat wheelhk i hereby resolve to make whitchurch- stouffville the perfect community roaming around fm a chronic lastminute shopper by jim thomas- never again never ever again will i leave my christmas shopping off til the last day the last hour of the day to be honest i say this every year but regardless of good intentions the end results the same a race against the clock while little sympathys shown slow- starters like myself let it never be said that stouff villejmercharits dont bend over back- wards tohelp 5 5 graydon card for example even offered to make a delivery on sunday and david barthau was tying a ribbon around the last of my gifts six minutes past closing although a bit behind schedule my timing wasnt all that bad considering it was around three when i finally turned the key in the door and galloped off down the street first stop george ross photography where i picked up a kodak slide projector he had it all packaged and ready to go time 310 second stop stouffville printing for a ballpoint pen some writing paper and a silver dinner bell for jean plus three sesame street drawing books for marylynn time 325 while crossing the road at civic and main i lost a rubber several valuable minutes and nearly my life in attempting to retrieve the wornout pontoon i was almost creamed by a cadillac the closecall sent me scurrying into murray wilsons for replacements time 340 4 with nothing to eat since the night before and nearly starving i called in at the regal restaurant for a western sandwich and coffee time 4 oclock then it was up to the sales barn where i purchased a maple leaf team poster for barry and two large hunks of homemade fudge for paul time 425 a cards hardware i found a patti page l p record for jean and a flashlight for paul time 440 things were going great too great with less than two hours to go i had a feeling my luck would soon run out it did at canadian tire i asked for a portable mcar vacuum the fourth quarter christmas not merry for all v by leslie holbrook a memorial nnto the past a symbol of hope in the year ahead is the imposing spire at melville united church kennedy road north of 18th avenue markham the building was erected in 1845 the pastor is rev gordon c hunter jim thomas christmas day had been lived through and was now nearly over that was the mam thing says aging miss letty in barbara pyms novel about seniors i hope you are not finding your yuletide an occasion to be got through it is for some unfortunately christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings good cheer so goes the old jingle but for many who are no longer young and without close relatives or friends the holiday season can be a difficult time opposed to those of us who in our senior years lead busy interesting satisfying lives are those who face only disheartening problems magnified at this time of year dr kevin hartigan psychology professor illinois institute of technology says more north americans feel depressed over the yearend than at any other time of year editors mail phone link with metro is progress dear editor with regard to the telephone link with toronto and the subsequent hike in rates i agree with your stand on the issue strongly opposed my neighbor on the other hand is just as strongly in favor heres the difference we wont call anyone in metro once in the entire year my neighbors motherinlaw lives in the dty and his wife calls her every day so im required to help foot the bill he calls it progress i call it unfair he wins i lose ken freedman main street stoufrville he examples people in financial dif ficulties who cannot be a part of compulsive crazy christmas shopping or do become a part and get into even deeper financial trouble women and men recently widowed who already depressed will grow worse during the period the sick handicapped and others cut off from the mainstream of society if you are feeling depressed in late december you are not alone but you can do something about it if you have lost your mate remember this happens to almost all married folk list pleasurable things you can do alone or with friends include doing things to help others an excellent way to get your mind off yourself in any event get busy and keep busy at something worthwhile your loneliness will lessen in hospital or if housebound think about the many handicapped people who continue to make fine contributions to their community some to the wider world resolve to add your bit instead of groaning about your fate i if your depression stems from spending too much money for christmas gifts and such its too late now to say no to the holiday hucksters better budgeting in 79 is the best i can suggest here whatever the cause of your yearend blues work which you are capable of doing is likely to be the best medicine so give yourself some tasks even though nobody works between christmas and new years i guess its a bit brave to write this way at this jolly jolly season particularly when thousands of lonely depressed people are being helped by kind folk during the christ mas period i recognize this i should recently i wrote of a lively old lady who was finding it difficult to hang onto her little home quickly another reader with a little more of this worlds goods sent me a cheque for 100 for the struggling oldster i have other heartening examples well this is not much like the cheerful nostalgic piece i penned here last christmas but i just thought that amidst all the merriment id like to say a word for those who are finding these days difficult cleaner for paul sorry sold out the sym pathetic store clerk said i then enquired concerning a desk lamp for neil sorry sold out of those loo then how about a miniature electric oil lamp for jean they had at least a dozen the last time i looked she shook her head three strikes and i was out on to hamilton automotive time 509 they were closed t v t t a mad dash to barthau jewellers saw other harned husbands and befuddled fathers lined up at the counter so i joined the club i purchased five gold plateholders and a beautiful beagleshaped candle for jean the time 6 06 in all the confusion i forgot where id parked the car retracing my steps i found it at main and church streets where id left it two hours before y the afternoons greatest tragedy oc curred while loading the gifts onto the back seat the seam gave way on my pants ven tilating one leg and revealing a twelve inch expanse of royal blue woohes that was it i promised myself id never wear the blasted blue things again anyway and i wont this christmas i received a new pair very seasonal jean says theyre red with green trim resolutions priorities by jim clubine associate minister stouffville missionary church if new years resolutions were race horses most would never make itout of the starting gate when we think of the out come of past resolutions it is not much wonder the skeptic is so delighted the newness of the year coming tends to bring out an air of optimism we will do this better not do that anymore we have such great plans alas before the month of january is gone pessimism once again has its way our firm decisions turn out not to have been very firm many have despaired of making resolutions and have just given up the practice what is the use i will break it anyway we might ask is there any room for optimism i say yes most of our resolutions lack because they do not deal with the root of the problem each person is a special in dividual because he can choose between things that which is most important to you will profoundly affect the choices you the root of the problem is what we hold to be most important suppose that the acquisition of wealth is most important to us it would be of no surprise to see people act greedily to resolve i am not going to be greedy will not be kept until we change the god of our life a good question to ask is what is most important to me once we answer that question and know what is that is so important then we can decide whether or not itis worth pursuing when we have something worth pursuing this is when we can have cause for optimism our prayer for stouffville residents for 1979 is that god may give to you his very best we believe gods best is worth pur suing make 1979 a year when you will search it and know what gods best is