m the tribune thursday october 1 1 v tf 6i i eatons eatons toronto eaton centre open monday to friday 1000 am to 900 pm and saturday 9 jo am lo 600 pm yorkoaie dufferin and 401 montofrl 930 am to 930 pm sal 930 am to 6 pm sherway qwandhwy427 mon to fri 930 am to 930 pm sat 930 am to 6 pm bramaiea dixie rd hwy 7 mon to fri 930 am to 930 pm sat 930 am to 6 pm oonmills don milh roadlawrtnce mon to fri 930 am to 9 jo pm sac 930 am lo pm shoppers worid qanfonh victoria park mon to fri 10 am to 930 pm sal 10 am to 6 pm warehouse store wttton road and sheppard mon to fri 930 am to 930 pm sat 9 jo am to 6 pm scarborough mccowan rd and 401 mon to fri 930 am to 930 pm sat 930 am to 6 pm oshawa mon toes and sat 930 am to 6 pm wed thurv and fri 930 am to 9 pm also our 7 neighbourhood stores roocwood out and btirnhamthorpe mon to fri 930 am lo930pm sat 930 am to tpm rexdalf hsnfton and tfidale m mon w fri 9j0 a jn to 930 pm sal 930am toipm dufferin duffmn and ploor mon to sal 10 m to 10 p m yongeecunton mon lorn 930 am to 933 pm salljoamlotpm victoria park vtona part and shep pard mon lo saf 10 a m lo 10 p m cerrard square rjpr- and oiard mon tos 9 0am tr9 10pm pickering sheridan shrrdjnmalt irvtrpnol rd and hnvay 2 mon lo fri 9 10 am in 9 30pm sal 9 jo am lo ft 00pm