4 the tribune thursday july 27 l78 tte trtune john montgomery editor established ims charles h nolan publisher barre seacock advertising manager editorial oept ajumfrcf lamvrt kcrth roteodtr display advertising oept l widtrlm art otxon business office jean mjrxiibm oorta ollcm eilttn glovtr putxiihtd every thuridjw at i main si stouhviu oni tel m0-2ki- terxito phone il uk sinjk cop t sutncriptiom 11000 per year ia canada sues ebewbere member of canadian community newspaper association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mall registration number oro the tribune is one ol tne inland pubiiinma co limited group ol suburban newspapers which includes ine aijmwrufbv pickering news advertiser ftrampton guardian burlington post eiobicoke gaiette markham economist and sun newmarket aurora era oekvilie fieaveroshawa this week and mississauga news 6402100 3611680 editorial st john boys school got off with rapped knuckles the response by the administration of the st johns boys school to the recent decision of the coroner finding the school responsible but not guility of criminal negligence in the tragic drowning deaths of twelve young boys and one instructor seems entirely inap propriate michael maunder of the claremont branch of the institution is now proposing that he write a 14 chapter instruction book to be ready for the boys to read before their next major canoe trip which could take place as early as august we suggest that mr maunders recently acquired expertise should be thoroughly tested before any more canoes hit the water under the auspices of that in stitution the accident that claimed 13 lives on lake timiskaming occurred june 11 leaving mr maunder a maximum of two and one half months to accumulate and communicate in print information that will supposedly avert similar disasters in the future we have grave doubts that survival in formation on the order required by the lake timiskaming situation can be learned from a book if mr maunder has this expertise why was it not employed on the last canoe trip we do not feel that sending boys and we emphasize boys some nonswimmers all with little or no canoeing experience onto a treacherous lake to become men is ac ceptable or responsible local residents knew the lake to be dangerous and rangers in the area that day refused to work on the lake due to weather conditions the leaders of this expedition consulted no one regarding the weather and later tried to claim that the lake was quite calm evidence at the coroners hearing determined that piece of information to be wrong it appears that the leaders of the ex pedition led these children off on the voyage without proper training which would enable them to handle emergencies the canoes that overturned were im properly handled we are told but what is to be expected of inexperienced canoeists and why was the adult to child ratio not more appropriate in the coroners verdict it was stated that an accident of this magnitude was bound to happen sooner or later there can be no doubt that if the ex pedition had been handled by an organization such as the boy scouts or air cadets it would have been properly prepared and these groups are not considered to be sissies the boys involved were not the only inexperienced people on the trip the in structors also had only margin training we are also forced to wonder about the coroner in this investigation what does it take to be criminally responsible for the death of a child in your charge people go to jail for many minor offences that do not involve any injury let alone loss of childrens lives on such a massive scale the school escaped with nothing more than a slap on the wrist we concur with those who are calling for government regulations regarding safety training to prevent other tragedies on this type of expedition editors mail prayed for safety dear sir mom dad perhaps this was your child about a month ago i was driving west on main street toward the ninth concession when i saw a small blond headed boy attempting to cross the street in front of the car preceeding me he started to run and then drew back then to my horror he attempted to run out in front of my car but again withdrewhimself panic was wfitfen onth bellows face i cried lord protect that little boy as i glanced into my rear view mirror i finally saw him safely reach the other side immediately a prayer of thanksgiving went up to god on behalf of one small boy and his family who love him you see i have this friend who hears and answers prayers his name is jesus if you do not know him acquaint yourself with him for the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved may i say one last word parents please exhort your children to cross at the lights that is their reason for being there kids have a good holiday and do be careful yours sincerely mrs mary forsyth v news items as a drought measure council suggests watering cans be used to freshen local gardens c sugar and spice the golden age ofbs by bill smiley kids corner dont you get a little tired of the touchiness of modern society in which no matter where you step its on somebodys toes no matter what you say cr write its a slur on someones background color creed or convictions about the only areas left in which one may chance a remark without fear of in flicting a wound are politics and sex its extremely difficult to inflict even a bruise on a politician he must have a fat ego in the first place and he quickly acquires a brass hide to go with it add an ability to talk out of both sides of the mouth at once and a certain skill in straddling fences and you have cabinet material in the field of sex there dont seem to be any limits any more to what can be said presented or simulated movies magazines and theatre club us over the head with raw unembellished sex or seek to titillate the spook in each of us with highly- embellished freaky sex until he whole onceexciting subject has become a crashing bore aside from sex and politics then there is scarcely an aspect of the human scene where even angels fear to tread lest they step on someones sensibilities ethnic jokes are out black is beautiful gelfilte fish is glorious rhodesia is rotten poor people are more noble than rich people gay is gorgeous and the only real sin is to be old lord forbid that we should ever go back to the days when a catholic was a mick or a dogan a black person was a nigger an italian was a wop a chinese was a chink and so on but i do get heartily sick of a society in which you have to tippytoe all the time for fear of offending some touchy minority or trespassing inadvertently on someones weird religious affiliations we are developing into a society with a snobbish sort of reverse prejudice in which everybody is leaning over backwards in order to appear not even to be breathing on anyone else as a result we are losing much of that good old canadian crustiness and turning into a nation of nice nellies in whose mouths margarine wouldnt melt even our media reflect this trend in our society with few exceptions our newspapers are as bland as blanc mange the letters to the editor have more bite and are often better written than the editorials our magazines are either tiresomely liberal or narrowly nationalistic or bothr tied in tight bundles they make better firewood than they do reading matter television and radio news reporting most of it culled from the late editions of newspapers is incredibly unimaginative and repetitious tv programs on the whole are pure pap offensive by being so inoffensive public figures are so frightened of offending somebody or losing a few votes that their public utterances come out as mush wrapped in marshmallow we need a bob edwards or a grattan oleary to jolt us with some honest vituperation some colorful namecalling some hard facts and some common sense we need some politicians with guts who dont give a diddle for the popularity polls and who would give us the facts of life without any sugar coating we need some educators with back bone to tell the people who claim that huckleberry finn is racist and the mer chant of venice is antisemitic and catch22 is dirty and the diviners is disgusting to go fly a kite we need about 10000 fewer smartass commentators on what- is wrong with this country and a few hundred honest men or women to tell us what is right with it perhaps if you agree with me to some extent you would enjoy reading the golden age of bs by fred c dobbs its rambling and its coarse in spots but its right on gf living naturally natural cosmetics by kathleen obannon stuff and nonsense jumbled joke when is a house like a bird for the answer unscramble the letters and put them in the proper order hewn ti ash snigw what have we here this distinctive silhouette is part of a larger object can you guess what it is if you mishmash mad macabre mamma mashes mauve mangy male mackerels manfully many mawkish malted matrons maintain maliciously think youve figured it out send us your an swer only one guess allowed per person who knows your discerning eye may earn you the 5 prize in the eient of more than one correct guess the winner will be chosen by- draw all entries have to be in by noon on tuesday aug i my dog doesnt go to fires by angela urquhart kindergarten goodwood ps i have a dog that looks like a fire dog but my dog doesnt go to fires he likes to chase skidoos and bark at them i call my dog sparky and he sleeps in our house at night sparky likes to do exercises he rolls on his back and stretches his legs away up in the air when he comes in he likes to get on the couch and just stay there your stuff wanted if you have a poem story or joke that you think other kids might enjoy send it to the tribune stuff and nonsense welcomes contributions from young readers pieces can be of any length and on any topic and illustrated stories are welcome why not mail us your work and see your name in print the tribune box 40 stouffville l0h 1l0 this is the second part of the article on the skin food and the in food better known as natural cosmetics a lot of the vitamin foods that i mentioned in the articles on vitamins can be made into cosmetic treatments so just look at those articles and you will be able to come up with some of your own one of my favorites is the carrot or squash mask just steam or bake them until soft and then mash or blend to a paste apply this to your face arms legs back or any part of your body that has pimples or acne this will give vitamin a leave it on for 30 minutes so that it can be absorbed and then rinse off in a bath to which you have added v c apple cider vinegar you could also add yogurt to the mashed carrots for that additional an tibiotic action if you use the squash or carrots twice a week and the yogurt daily you should see some improvement soon of course you will see improvement faster if you also eat the cooked carrots or squash crushed fresh parsley is also good for blemishes as it is very high in vitamin a as well it also has lots of vitamin c and is good for those little broken veins around the nose and cheeks dry damaged or falling hair is a frequent problem it used to be only common to older people but now more and more young people are noticing it many times it is an indication that the thyroid is underactive or that there is not enough usable iodine in the diet some times it is an indication that there is a lack of the b complex vitamins also it can mean that there is not enough vitamin e in the diet or vitamin f the following treatment can be used once or twice a week until the condition clears up you may also want to add these nutritents to your diet like most natural treatments this is a treatment to bring hair to good health so it is good for dry hair as well as oily this is because they are each a sympton of faulty nutrition or absorption hair treatment 1 tbsp molasses b vit i tspengevita or brewers yeast b vit 1 tsp kelp powder iodine minerals l egg yolk protein vit f i tsp apple cider vinegar acid balance 1 tsp wheat germ oil or 1 cap vitamin e mix together to form a paste that you can spread onto the hair but that wont run off if it is too runny you could add whole wheat flour to thicken it or whip up the egg white and add it to the mixture to make a stiffer mixture apply to the hair and massage into the roots and ends cover with a towel that has been rung out from hot water and leave it for 20 or 30 minutes rinse off with warm water and wash with a mild shampoo if desired one of the worst things that you can do to your hair is wash it until it is squeeky clean that is the point at which you have destroyed the acid mantle stripped it of all its natural oils and left it with the cuticles of the hair open which will cause it to tangle and break easily this can be the main cause of split ends the more you strip the oil from your skin and hair the more your body will manufacture the oil to maintain the balance and the sooner you will notice an oil problem of course you may eat any of the nutrients mentioned in the hair treatment to help prevent the same problem from occurring dry skin can often be the result of lack of oil or stripping of the acid mantle a bath preparation for dry skin can be made in the form of a sachet and used several times take a thin cloth such as sheeting or a hand kerchief in the centre place a heaping tablespoon of oat meal and wheat germ and a tsp kelp granules or a few pieces of kelp or dulse draw the ends together so that it is closed with enough room for the oat meal to expand but so that none leaks out through the opening tie a string around the opening for each bath pour boiling water over the sachet and let it steep for 15 minutes then pour water and sachet into the bath use the sachet to rub your entire body for a smoothing emolient action this sachet can be used several times in this way avocado is also very good when eaten or applied to the skin it is rich in vitamins f and a ai well as protein mashed up and used as a mask it will work wonders on wrinkles or tired looking skin it is also helpful for weight reduction when eaten instead of the meat course at a meal about the only health giving food that i cant think of a cosmetic application for is garlic it has been used for 3000 years for its medicinal properties especially in combating high blood pressure stomach problems and blood problems even anemia but how it can be used for external application i have never been able to figure out many people claim that it helps he complexion by cleaning out the blood and clearing up anemia thus giving a person a rosier appearance but