the tribune thursday may 4 178 fie wrthum john montgomery editor established 1888 charles h nolan publisher barre be acock advertising manager editorial oept aaaegrh lamure ktittl bolender display advertising oept lot wideman art duoa business office joan martbman dermo deacon eilkn glover pumilhed every thursday at 54 mtinil stouffville out tel m02ioi toronto phone iii itto singj copies c subscriptions sio 00 per year ia cimu ut 00 etsexnere member ol audit bureau ol circulation canadian community newspapers tuxuliw ana ontario weekly newspapers association second tli mail registration numter oat th tribune is one ol the inland publishing co limited 9roup ol suburban newspapers which includes in aiaomhtby pickenno news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke cazette marknam economist and sun newmarket aurora era oakvill beaver osnawa this week and mississauga news 6402100 3611680 editorial lack of hard facts hampered plaza fight before summer is out the former village of stouffville will in all likelihood have a third commercial plaza whitchurchstouffville chamber of commerce opposed the development but their arguments were largely discounted because they had no facts to back them up if the chamber was sincere in believing the plaza will be a disaster they should have spent some money and commissioned a 30 years ago this week excerpts from the april 29 1948 issue of the tribune movie expenses the popularity of movies cost every man woman and child in canada a matter of 577 a year of course everybody does not go to the movies hence movie fans probably pay an average of 9 or 10 not an unwarranted sum if all the pictures they saw were of the proper type unfortunately there are too many guntooting affairs still shown on the screen murders and underworld life get too much prominence all in all canadians spend 66 million a year on movies and thats a lot of money but what a lot of good can come out of it if pictures with a moral and common decency are shown and what a lot of harm can be done by showing guntooting and drinking parties as the main theme weird inventions want an air conditioned straw hat equipped with an electric fan or a mouse trap that doesnt kill but flips its victims out of the house the inventor is j haynes and hes perfected a lot more similar gadgets the air conditioned straw hat has vents that allow for the removal of warm air and intake of cool air the mouse trap has a miniature catapult when the trap grabs its victim the catapult is automatically released and the mouse goes flying out the window what will prevent the mouse from coming back into the house haynes was asked only his selfrespect haynes responded no selfrespecting mouse is going to keep on coming back into a house from which it has been pitched out three or four times marketing survey to refute the one held by the developer without that hard evidence the hearing was essentially a waste of time and an ex pensive one at that all the way around lawyers gord ness and barry smith very generously donated their time to argue against the plaza but without facts their case was hopeless if the chambers intention was merely to delay the plaza throughout the time period necessary to arrange and hold the hearings then they were successful but that success is only a shortterm thing and its benefits will rapidly evaporate as the plaza will in all likelihood be leasing space before the year is out whatever the intentions were the chamber has only succeeded in delaying the plaza and soon the local shoppers dollars will be spread even thinner throughout the community editors mail music mania strikes again dear sir on behalf of the united church couples club we would like to thank the 2091 people who attended music mania 78 it was evident by your applause that you enjoyed the show as much as the cast did in presenting it we would also like to thank the many s people not directly involved with the show who helped make it such a success the tribune for press coverage the stores who displayed our posters cards hardware for selling tickets the united church and summitview school for free use of their facilities the membership of the hic cgit cubs and scouts and many others who helped in any way music mania is a community show where else can you see your doctor become a prince your council member become a tea pot or your school principal become a pick pocket each year the proceeds from the show are given to a local project this year proceeds are going to the stouffville family life centre and to the stouffville district secondary school an award of 100 for the performing arts al and jane hachey presidents united church couples club still more merchants coming into stouffvilleoaab approves harding gate plaza couple of million ideas last week spurred on by an immoderate amount of liqueurs bryon hurrle and i came up with several guaranteed get rich quick schemes you can have them all you have to do is carry them out these arent just pipe dreams out of the blue but are actually modelled after a scheme which is about to be carried out in egypt this admittedly tacky and tawdry plan involves constructing a holiday resorts- complete with golf course and tennis courts right on the plain adjacent to the great pyramid this neat little enterprise was dreamed up by two canadian entrepeneurs and the last i heard of it was that it had the goahead from the sadat government l as usual there is some more than likely ineffectual opposition to this nile holiday inn a bunch of bleeding hearts are yammering away some romantic argument about desecration of 3000 years of historyor some such mambypamby anyway if it does go through those two intrepid canadians will be set for life so bryon and i got to discussing this thing and we sort of took it as a challenge to come up with something to equal it within minutes bryon had come up with an amazing idea one that will undoubtedly work motorcycle races on the great wall of china it didnt take us long to work out the rough details sort of a conceptualized plan the soviet bloc communist states long ago realized that capitalist coin is nice and have been going out of their way for im perialist lackey tourists china is just starting to open up so many tourists would view an early trip there as some what of a globetrottingcoup a weeklong package tour would be just great and with a controlled economy you could probably get accommodation at bargain prices by negotiating with the kuomintang- or whatever and for an alternative you could go with skateboarding competitions actually we figured skateboarding would probably work better because the chinese are more likely to get into it than motorcycle racing i mean ive just never heard of a chinese competition bike team but a race so wizardly at pingpong might take a good hard look at skateboarding youd be a very popular foreigner if you were responsible for catapulting china into a skateboard world championship peking would be yours i take credit for the second idea and i think its a beaut although it is slightly by john montgomery derivative of the egyptian brainstorm all through southern mexico central and south america lie immense ruins of aztec or incan cities again many of these are jusj being opened up to tourists so there is still time for a bit of entrepeneurship if any of you have any ideas of building a fantasy city in florida you better forget it colombia- perhaps 3 all you do is move in and push back the jungle and youre in business the places werte built almost exclusively with stone and many are still standing exotic temples legends of virgin sacrifices and hoards of golden treasures dating back to the days of cortes now there was an entrepreneur for you coupled witha lushtropical climate and all the 2pthcentury accoutrements of aposh resort would bring the tourists flocking in youd have to watch for alligators on the golf course but after all florida is no better living naturally fast for cleansing by kathleen obannon can you tell what it is here is another brain teaser for you if you think you know what this common item a familiar sight to every kid is send your answer to kids stuff multiple choice answers are not allowed neither are multiple entries only ore guess per person in other words in the case of more than one correct entry a draw will be held to determine the winner prize is 5 which can be picked up at the tribune office or on request be mailed out there will also be a 1 wild- guesser award for you guessed it the wildest guess all entries have to be in by 4 pm tuesday may 2 to help those of you who are totally dumbfounded the object in question is not usually found in the bedroom the basement or even the living room it is also not all that small the photograph is only slightly larger than lifesize want to get published send your stories have you a thought a poem or a story to share always had a hankering to see your name in print think other kids would enjoy what youve written why not send it to kids stuff you can only get published we welcome contributions from young readers length and subject matter are not important but submissions must appeal to other kids lets hear from you with the coming of spring comes a renewal of life the dull deadness of winter is over all of nature is coming alive again renewing our faith in life and god this is a time for cleansing and purifying our body one good way to start is to start a program of exercise such as running skipping rope tennis baseball or some other type of vigorous exercise start slow and easy and gradually build up your pace please dont be foolish and jump right into a heavy exercise program you might strain or sprain something and spend weeks in bed or using crutches be sensible and go at it slowly and easily if it took you all winter to get out of shape dont try to straighten it out in two days take all spring to do it an exercise program will help to flush out the toxins and burn up the excess energy that has been stored in the body as fat or waste matter due to incomplete combustion during digestion due to incomplete muscle activity in other words wake up your body by moving it around you may want a spring tonic to help renew the entire body not just the skeletal muscles for that i would suggest an old fashioned remedy take one glass of very warm or even hot water and stir in one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and one teaspoon of either pure lemon juice or apple cider vinegar stir it up and drink it down while it is still very warm or hot do it first thing in the morning and last thing at night for two or three days then just take it in the morning continue to do it for as long as you wish to nelp promote regularity of the bowels which is one of natures natural cleansing systems if you would like to cleanse the complete system of the body you must fast in some way a water or juice fast should never be un dertaken without a doctors knowledge a water fast eating nothing drinking nothing except mineral or well water is a very powerful cleansing method and should only be done by those who are ready to clean everything out of their body and mind this is why it is best to have supervision two or three days will not do it i am talking about two or three weeks or up to 40 days i have only known one person who has attempted this at a fasting clinic in florida called shangrila and although he was already quite pure and clean in actions as well as thoughts and eating habits he became free of the memory of illnesses that had been stored in his body since his childhood it was like lifting a big burden from his body that was preventing him from being a warm free completely living human being a juice fast is my favourite fast to do this drink only pure real fresh juice for three or more complete days it is better to not smoke or imbibe in tea coffee or alcohol during this period either and check with your doctor before you start any juice can be used of your own choosing although i would not recommend citrus juice especially grapefruit i use a combination of apple celery carrot beet parsley and spinach or watercress every two hours drink four oti five ounces of juice mixed with water any time you feel hungry drink juice that is diluted or just water drink slowly there is no need to rush if you are having carrot or beet juice you must salivate or chew it so you musfi swish it around in your mouth if you are riot strong enough to do this for i three days then you will know how much youj really need to be purified if you have gone als day on the juice do not be tempted at night tea eat solid foods this is the time when we eats the most and habits are hard to break do nos j iet this happen to you or you will have wasted an entire day of fasting one complete day ob fasting begins when you get out of bed in the corning and ends when you go to bed at night do not allow anyone else to try to get yoi to eat most people like their old way of doinfr things even if it is not the besi way health- wise and are afraid of trying anything new even if it means better health and happiness be strong that is the purpose of a fast in the first place to gain strength by purifying the body and mind the mind will gain a double strength one from the physical purification of poisons leaving the body and the other a mental strength that you really are in charge of your own health and did not yield to temptations a fruit fast can be done for three or more days during which you just eat fresh fruit chew it very well both a juice fast and a fruit fast should be done for three days or more it can then be- done for a week or more after you have ex- perience with fasting it is very important for the bowels to keep i moving while fasting if you do not have a i bowel movement each day then it is best to have an enema each night this will prevent the poisons that are being thrown off from being reabsorbed into the body if you have a headache backache sore muscles this is normal this is just the toxins being released into your body and flushed out just drink more juice and flush them out if you use j mainly fruit juice add one teaspoon of pure f apple cider vinegar to each two cups of juice during a juice or fruit fast you should continue your regular activity if that includes heavy physical activity keep the juice handy to replenish your carbohydrate supply