the regional municipality of york notice is hereby given that the councu of the regional municipality of v york proposes to pass bylaw to change the names of the roads or portions i thereof described in column 2 of schedule a set out below and now known by the name or names and designated by the number set out opposite thereto in i column 1 of schedule a to the names set out opposite thereto in column 3 of schedule a hli honour judge b grossberg a judge of the county court of the judicial district ot york has approved of the foregoing notice and has appointed tuesday the 11th day of october 1977 at the hour of tenoclock in the forenoon in court room number two second floor court house 361 university avenue toronto as the time andplace for considering the proposed bylaw and for hearing those advocating or opposing the change a copy of the proposed bylaw giving the reasons for the change may be seen at the office of the regional clerk at newmarketr ontario r n vernon amct cmc regional clerk 62 bay view avenue newmarket ontario column r pre name and nwbtr of highway second street eagle street water street gorham street dufferin street keele street keele street dufferin street dufferin street keele street weston road islington avenue yr4 yrs yr6 yr6 yr6 yr7 jackson point road high street yr 9 jackson point road lakeshore road yr 9 jackson point road dalton road yr 9 3rd line leslie street sutton road yr 12 sutton road the queensway yr 12 sutton road yr 12 sutton rd yr 12 suttonroad yr 12 suttonroad morton a venue morton sideroad yr 12 sutton road baseline road yr 12 vv v j- jackson point road dalton road yr 12 mount albert road yonge street yr 13 mount albert road bradford street yr 13 york pickering town line county line yr aurora road aurora road yr 15 yr15 hammertown road yr 15 i i schedule av column 2 description or part of highway in the town of newmarket formerly the township of east gwiuimbury being the road between concessions 1 eys and 2 from the north limit of huron street proposed davis drive yr 31 to a point approximately 1340 feet north thereof in the town of newmarket being the road comprising eagle water and gorham streets on registered plan no 81 and the extension thereof from the east limit of kings highway no 11 to the west limit of 3rd line leslie street yr 12 in the town of vaughan being the road between concessions 2 and 3 from the north limit of steeles avenue to the south limit ot kings highway no 7 in the town of vaughan and the township of king being the road between concessions 3 and 4 from the north limit of kings highway no 7 to the south limit of kingroad yrll in the township of king being the road between concessions 2 and 3 from the north limit of king road yr ii to thesouth limitof lloydtown road proposed lloydtown aurora road yr16 in the town of vaughan being that portion of the road known as islington avenue in concessions 7 and 8 from the north boundary of steeles avenue to the east limit of kings highway no 27 in lot 25 concession 8 i in the township of georgina formerly georgina being the road in concessions 6 and 7 commonly known as high street from the north limit of highway 48 to the east limit of jackson point road proposed dalton road yr 9 in the township of georgina being the road known locally as lakeshore road intersection with hedge road to the northwest corner of lot 1 registered plan 247 in the township of georgina being the road between the former townships of georgina and north gwiuimbury from the south limit of jackson point road proposed high street yr 9 to the south limit of jackson point road proposed lakeshore road yr9 in the towns of markham richmond hill aurora newmarket and east gwiuimbury being the road between concessions 2 and 3 from the south limit of green lane in the town of markham to the north limit of ravcnshoc road yr 32 in the township of georgina formerly north gwiuimbury being the road between concessions 2 and 3 from the north limit of ravenshoe road yr 32 to a point approximately 195 feet south of the north limit of lot 4 concession 2 then being the road across concession 3 to the north limit of sutton road proposed morton avenue yr 78 yr 12 in the town of whilchurchstouffville being the curve in a northwesterly direction from the west side of woodbine avenue yr 8 to the east limit of sutton road proposed mulock driveyr 12axyr 12 from a point approximately 1636 feet south of the north limit of lot 30 concession 3 to a point in the north limit of lot 30 concession 3 approximately 1523 feet wes t of the west limit of woodbine avenue yr 8 in the towns of whilchurchstouffville and newmarket being the road between lots 30 and 31 in concession 3 from the west limit of sutton road proposed pleasantville curve yr 12a yr 12 to the east limit of sutton road proposed bogarttown curve yr 12a yr 12 in the town of newmarket being a curve in a northwesterly direction from the west limit of sutton road proposed mulock drive yr 12a yr 12 to the cast limit of 3rd line leslie street proposed leslie street yr 12 from the south limit of lot 31 concession 3 at a point approximately 1620 feet east of the west limit of said lot to a point approximately 1353 feet north of the south limit of lot 31 concession 3 in the township of georgina formerly north gwiuimbury being the road between lots 10 and 11 concession 3 from the east limit of sutton road proposed thequeensway yr 12 to the west limit of woodbine avenue yr 8 in the township of georgina formerly north gwiuimbury being the road between lot 23 and concession 9 from the cast limit of woodbine avenue yr 8 to the west limit of jackson point road proposed dalton road yr 9 in the township of georgina being the road between the former townships of north gwiuimbury and georgina from the south limit of sutton road proposed baseline road yr 8a yr 12 to the south limit of jackson point road proposed high street yr9 in the town of east gwiuimbury being the road in concession 1 wys from the east limit of kings highway no 11 to a point 1120 feet south of the line between lots 106 and 107 concession 1 then being the road between concessions 1 eys and i wys to the easterly extension of the southeast corner of lot 31 registered plan 76 in the town of east gwiuimbury being the road approximately 330 feet south of the line between lots 108 and 109 concession 1wys from the east limit of mount albert road proposed yonge street yr 13 to the east limit of kings highway 11b in the towns of whilchurchstouffville and markham being the road between the regional municipalities of yorkand durham from the north limit of the stouffville road yr 14 to a point approximately 407 feetnorth of the south limit of durham regional read no 5 projected westerly in the town of aurora being the road between lots 80 and 81 from the east limit of the town of aurora to the west limit of bayview avenue yr 34 i and being the road between lots 80 and 81 from the west limit of bayview avenue yr 34 to the east limit of kings highway no 11 in the town of aurora and the township of king being the road between lots 80 and 81 in the town of aurora and between lots 20 and 21 in king from the west limit of kings highway no 1 1 to the east limit of dufferin street proposed yr 53 yr 6 in the township of king being the road between lots 20 and 21 from the west limit of dufferin street proposed yr53kyr6 to the road between concessions 9 and 10 then being the road north between concessions 9 and 10 tothe road between lots 21 and 22 concession 10 to a point approximately 647 feet east of the line between the east half and west half concession 10 then on a curve in a south westerly direction to a point in the road between lots 20 and 21 concession 10 being approximately 853 feet west of the line between the east half and west half of lot 21 then westerly being the road between lots 20 and 21 to the west limit of the township of king column 3 new name and number of highway bayview avenue yr 4 eagle water and gorham street yr 5 dufferin street yr 53 keele street yr6 dufferin street yr 53 islington avenue yr 7 high street yr9 lakeshore road yr 9 dalton road yr 9 leslie street yr 12 the queensway yr 12 pleasantville curve yr 12a mulock drive yr 12a bogarttown curve yr 12a morton avenue yr 78 baseline road dalton road yr8a yonge street yr 13 bradford street yr 13 york durham line yr 30 wellingston street east- yr 15 wellington street westf yr 15 i regional road 17 yr 1 e notice column 1 present name and number of highway lloydtown road hammertown road yr 16 udora road victoria road udora road pefferlaw road maple road 17th avenue markham road yr21- yr21 yr25 maple road major machenzie drive vaughan road yr 25 york durham line yr 30 huron street davis drive yr31 regional road 34 bayview avenue second street yr 34 prospect street bayview avenue prospect street yr 34 regional road 38 bathurst street yr 38 regional road 39 egypt road elgin mills road yr 49 elgin mills road teston road stegmans mill road yr 49 regional road 51 yonge street dalhousie street v 1 7th line pine valley road yr57 7th line 7th concession yr57 carrville road yr73 vivian sideroad and mulock drive pine orchard road cedar valley road yr74 lloydtown road king street church street yr 75 schomberg main street yp 75 belhaven road petes lane yr 79 belhaven road oldhomestead road concession 5 yr 8th line cemetery road- black river road yr 80 regional road 81 weirs sideroad yr 81 column 2 description or part of in the township of king being proposed yr 6 yr 53 to concessions 4 and 5 from the 190 feet south of the road the limit of lot 28 thence on a of the west limit of jane street no 400 to a point 57 then in a southwesterly 27 and 28 thence on a then being the road between in the township of georgina of ravenshoe road yr 32 between concessions 1 and 2 1025 feet east of the lot line to the easterly limit of the in the township of georgina pefferlaw road through lot south limit of kings municipality of york and the in the towns of markham and the road bounded on the and on the south by the north limit of the town of markham in the towns of richmond boundaries of registered then from the west limit of bathurst street yr 38 then road 38 proposed bathurst avenue yr 7 in the town of markham durham from the north limit in the towns of road between the towns of west limit of such towns between lots 1 and 35 road between lots 95 and 96 in the towns of markham cessions 1 eys and 2 from in the town of newmarket theast from the south limit davis drive yr 31 eys and 2 in the town of vaughan and from the north limit of in the township of north limit of ravenshoe in the towns of markham limit of woodbine avenue 34 and being the road bay view avenue yr 34 to in the towns of richmond limit of kings highway no 38 and being the road bathurst street yr 38 to a 8 then southerly westerly 8 to the east limit of weston in the town of east north limitof mouth albert south of the road between proximately 190 feet east of being a road proceeding in a approximately 435 feet east sideroad yr 77 in the town of vaughan avenue to the south limit of in the township of king hammertown road road proposed in the town of richmond road34 proposed bayview in the towns of between lots 30 and 31 proposed pleasantville bogarttown curve yr 12a between lots 90 and 91 from wayno 11 in the township of king north limit of lloydtown schomberg main street in the township of king and as shown on no 7 to the south limit of in the township of of the line between 23 and to the north limit of in the township of georgina from a point of the former township of the former township of in the township of the west limit of park yr9 in the township of north limit of ravenshoe homestead road yr