the tribune stouffvillb 18t71m7 23 the tribune stouffville may 1890 town improvements the public meetings held iu daleys hall last thursday evening for the pur pose of discussing the advisability of taking steps o secure better lire pro tection more manufactories c c was well attended by a rod represent ation of the various lines of trade in tjwn reeve daley was elected to act as chairman uoii takiug the platform he explained that the mectiug was called for the purpose of hearing from the citizens on the matter mentioned on tho bills viz do we want fire pro tection do we want more inanuuic- turing concerns here do vc want streets lighted c it was not a meeting called by the council it was not prearranged or cut and dried by a few interested property owners hut was simply an invitation to all interest- a ed in the growth and prosperity of our town to meat and consider the bst means to tring such about the meet ing was therefore in the hands of those assembled and all were free to express their views the first questions considered was better firo 1rotuction the following resolution was intro duced resolved that stouftyillu re quires better lire protection aud ttiat a committee composed of seven citizens bo appointed to make enquiries con cerning the best means to obtain such and report at a public meeting in the hall in two weeks messrs rev win percy goo flint w p hartney john r whele j obrien wt b- sanders and f b wicks made short speeches the present brigade and appliances were not made light of by any means every one gave great praise to the good work accomplished by thcwilling workers of our brigade sinco its organ ization however nearly all were of the opinion that a more efficient system of water works would be much more desirable provided it would not be more expensive than we can a fiord to put in a standing vote was then taken and the resolution was carried by a large majority 1 he following gentlemen were elect ed as the committee to make the necessary enquivy and look up facts bearing on the question viz w p hartney f spoffbrd w b sanders robert sangster john r wheeler thos williamson geo flint jun the second question brought up was how to get more manufacturing establishments here the following resolution was in troduced resolved thatstouffville would be benefitted by having more manufactures located here and that a committee- composed of the following gentlemen viz rj daley hjohn son jas g clarke thos williamson and n j armstrong with power to add to their number be aud is hereby appointed to ascertain the best means of securing more manufactories and see whjt inducements the citizens were willing to offer then advertize both in the tbibune and torouto dailies for parties seeking a good opening and report at a public meeting to be held in four weeks reeve daley was ful of snap on this question and his pointed and practical remarks showed that he had given this matter considerable thought the scheme submitted to the meeting by him v as a good one and would be one easily worked and if properly placed before the public would be soon snapp ed up by some wide awake firm lie did not advocate granting- bonuses by the municipality and would not favor giving a single dollar in that way but would give liberally as a private citizen messrs sanders and hartney follow ed and strongly advocated the carry ing out of such scheme and expressed a willingness to aid it substantially as private citizens mr sanders did not like the bonusing system tho general tone of the meeting was great ly in fa vorof doing something at once to bring in some concern that would give employment to mechanics and increase tho busiuess of our town the resolution was carred unanimously owing to tho lateness of the hour it was not deemed advisable to bring up any other subjects for discussion and tho meeting adjourned stouffville school board the regular meeting of the school board was held on tuesday evening last minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion approved the techersreport was also read dr i a fred moved ec by ireainanthgt the required changu bo made in the seats and that haud bells be procured for the school carried i reaman moved sec by u c hamilton that the school board meet on saturday afternoon 10th may at 2 oclock carried dr i a frecl moved sec by u c hamilton that we purchase gardiners cabinet chart at 822 in cluding the manikin carried on motion of j reaman sec by u c hamilton that the treasurer pay mr teacher the sum of 20 aud 2 on receipt of manikin for the chart r carried meeting then ajeurntd m mr foote of bethesda and mrrs banbury have been purchasing mares rising two yearsformrea banbury of wolsely n w t at bloomington bethesda claremontand mobgoliaand intend to ship from here on tuesday next they also purchased for ship ment a stallion from mrt lyon of unionville at a meeing of the members of the mechanics institute held on monday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year pros d stouffer 1st vice pres jj rae 2nd vicepres j burkholder sec j j brown tres w a silvester committee s stouffer jgeo keefer v p hartney h brown a gilbert s m warriner and alehman the secretarys report was one of the moat satisfactory that has ever been pre sented and was favorably commented on bv the members present the financial report will appear next week spring overcoats are booming af spoffords call and see them the salvation army stouffvillewili hold a three days campaign commenc ing friday may 8thled bycaptcun- ningham the saved irish policeman late of kilmaiitham jail dublin ire land who saw joe brady tim kolly and all the other phoenix park murder ers who were hung at that jail during his stay thorp ao held conversation with carey the informer will give a sketch of his life from the police to the prison and from the prison to the plat form with various incidents of his ex ploits and experiences before and after conversion all are heartily invited especially young men and parents meetings commence at eight p m the stoaffviile alert 1 lifttl tcufrrjuct jvutkul is risxiien by tames avicleman evekv tlichsday jie literal conservative asso ciation of east york hold their annvial 3io3stic at the villagkof markham 27ui june 187-7- t1ik wghthonokable sir joka a macdonajd kcb mp will be preejriv hon dr tupjxr mp hon t n gihbi- mp and others arc invited and expected to be present stabling on the ground for hundreds of hpres hot and cold water provided five bands of music will enliven the occasion johnlgibson chairman jiarkhnm 18th june 1s7 the temperance people of toronto are working quietly canvassing for the dunlin act they have a determined and bitter enemy in the liceived vic tuallers hut wc trust that riit will gain the day the nianaikrs of the muil news paper have uadc a gixit mistake iu op posing the duukiu act not only docs that paper oppose the act bi t i comes out iu opposition to prolbtcn the irreat end of all temperance vtfort the civic is to be coiuplinicutcdoriuettaikl it ha taken ou this question a very interesting game of cricket was played on saturday last between the clarcniont club and a team from this village the game took place on tie clarcmont grounds the unionville drtb winning iu one innings with 24 runs to spare the return match will be played heic on the 80th inst business men should advertise liber ally if they expect a liberal patronage there is no advertisement so valuable or effectual as that occupying space in a newspaper the public know that the man who gives bargains uses the columns of his local paper to announce the fact the large advertiser always does a large business kaukhak r alex harding vctcriuary sur geon has taken uphis residence iu mark- ham see card mr ahrani steekhj f thii place is tong shniily on atrip to the states to visit hir ivieauu iu chicago ohio iudi- aua and penimhania whitchurch patriot temple i 0 g t will hold a uraud iestivlat lcmniiville ou friday the 22ml in- a procciuu will be furnixidt tuiiie oclock and march to mr lemons jrovc where dinner will be scrvcl alter which mr pyiunnd mp dr widdificld mpi aud others will deliver tmlnm5 tlw brass baud offer a silver uupnilucd at clu as a priz br a bai bail a teh cpn to all amateur clubs p iv iuiicu at oclock ntii- to i fid-ire- to mr john liecii iemi il p toronto nipissing r r time table going soct1i rm am ulirluke 4 ij sco goodwood 1 z s 35 stniiirvllle 5 15 000 mirklinm t 3 filter till- j ft 9v aiueotirt oul l shirbnro junction o lo 10 toionlo ti 1 miu golnj nolm am l toronto h m h xarloro junction m o5 auincourt 4 fnlonvilie s 1 vi markliam vi slhilivillf idli 15 fijool 1vj r v iblw 10 m 0 1 wilbert gower lifetime printer with the tribune is seen operating a heidleberg automatic press one of five automatic presses used in the tribunes commercial printing department during the 1950s and 60s mr gower started with the tribune as an apprentice in the late 1920s he is now living retired in bloomington