the tribune tbvrsday november jslwt 4 s m t s rfi v if2 t of your pension power go down ear 1 l e x read the chart on the opposite page to find out o how niucrtbettera civil servants pension is than yours k 5 what some newspapers say about the federal civil servants indexed pensions below youll find direct excerpts of editorials from two papers i j these papers often disagree 1 v they agee on the subject of indexed pensions vv i vv c v i j- of its nflationproof pension plan for taxp y civil servants and former politicians ofcanadahave unhmted isflawedv natience with a government ttiat in the danger in the treasury board patien ntaining a pensioners rlsistharit could create pension j for employees and- itself expect ions among privae- worker pnt should revise its plan sprivatebusinesswillnotbeable n attempt to justify it to fulfill u unlike them the government has h t ps pension irfeiii a entirely 0iiymcii r from the ottawa 6urnu friday 0ctobe22yi976 r i spsctonhisc ktabfesshowing pension planinresponae to mounting g public service pen a a source of public pfes- sure for pension benefits that would be unrealistic inthe pnvatesectdr i the defence is welcome it helps 3 f me miscoriceptiohs such as the idea that basic pension coverage for public servantsis far out of line with xwhat can be offered in thejprivate- recent ranges expressed asa percentage of total payroll costs for the n 50 years but this projection t silence manycritics to make sehseofsuch a longrange assertion of faith the critic vnu know how fast the government expects the numbers qfpublic servantsto in- asp nuar k li v 4 vc if i sector as the treasdry board ex sj fjl 50 r thi public servants get good basic snt health of any unfunded pen- tth a cludingthejournal who have worried canadl as a wliolethe pro out loud about the public service-pen- are r dramatid increases in fitj tle i add tothe plan of retired persons during that has caused most concern- this the next century this traxra ui t r will mean plafjirir slants the protection mean relatively fewer working offuluntiinflatfon indexing of pen- for enormous -obliga- sions for a contribution of5percent of thnso salarv rinincr va aj r j 1 national citizens coalition 74victoriastreetsuite902 y v toronto ontario m5c2a5 wl y- j a federal nonprofit corporation i v i salary rismgto on percent next year and fully matched bythe government as employer y treasury board has rejected the criticism that this unfunded or par tially funded indexing scheme is jinancially dangerous in the long run and a possible future burden on gen eral taxpayers to cover rising pension tons toward fhose already retired it st m for unfunded pension plansthat cant keen covering spiralling- iiabifities with current contributions that reason why private pension plans with no guarantee of an expanding sourceof contributors cant possibly undertake fund2 pens v f- r globe and mall box 5540 toronto ontario dear coalition i think that civil servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed portion ol their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even without indexing already is ncher than the majority ol pnvate plans now in ellect namell address r f i v globe and mall box 5540 toronto ontario dear coalition- i i think that civil servants should bear the wholecost ol the indexed portion o their pension plan i don t want to pay their olan even without indexing already is richer than the majority of private plans now in ellect i name address i globeand mail box 5540 toronto ontario globe and mall box 5540 toronto ontario check k itmember q r n dear coalition i think that civil servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed portion of their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even without indexing already is richer than the majority ol private plans now meffect name u u address dear coalition i i think that civil servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed portion of their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even- without indexing already is richer than the majority of pnvate plans now in ellect x name z e l address i to help pay for this ad and send me i li ive enclosed j yournewsletter illll no donation but i agree with you on this one please send more information- pjease send coplesloput on our notice board or for s distnbution s jt r j p i check w if tiember n i to help pay for this ad and send me i ap i ive enclosed s your newsletter no donation but i agree with you on this one please send more information j please send copies to put on our notice board or for distnbution f ip i check f- if member q i 1 ive enclosed s to help pay for this ad and send me your newsletter i 5 no donation but i agree with you on this one please send more information- a please send lull copies toput on our notice board or for distnbution y v r le enclosed s v your newsletter check if member d i s to help pay for this ad and send me i i no donation but i agree with you on thisone please send more information j v please send copies to put on our notice board of for distribution j- i u r- kr -j- j i a v jk i globe and mall box 5540 toronto ontario i ttwt -fj- i dear coalition v a a v t i i think that cm servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed i portion of their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even without indexing already is richer than the majority of private plans now in effect u r s vsti- i name address- ii qroscv jv t globe and mail box 5540 toronto ontario dear coalition v fv- i think that civil servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed portion of their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even without indexing already is ncher than the majority of pnvate plans now in effect -j- narne i globe and mall box 5540 toronto ontario il l- dear coamion j 5 h i think hat civil servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed 1 portion of their pension plan i don t want to pay their plan even without indexing already is ncher than the majority of private pens check if member q jj rv enclosed s rj f to help pay for this ad and end me your newsletter i 7 n r v ijjnodcbmiayeewrthybuonthisoo jlfaie send more information i address m nowjn effect name 1- globe and mail box 5540 torontoontario- i 1 i r dear coalition i 1 think that ova servants should bear the whole cost of the indexed -i- it i portion of their pension plan i dont want to pay their plan even t i without indexing already is richer than the majority of pnvate plans i nowineffeef j w j t l check f if member address i i j1m rhf ir if member q iurve enclosed s iohelp r lllii rve enclosed s to help pay for this ad and send me yournewslener a i jlif7 ffjfyour newftfeueii j ju ic it i i idciauonbutlag-eewithyouootrujone- no doiution but i agree with yoooo this ooe i pjeam send more information 2 j asesendmbreinformauon- t j v 1 please send i lcoptopotopournoticelxardwforavt- 1- please send 1 copies to put on oor notice board or tor please send copies to put on oor notice board or for i it wi c