k the tribune thursday november 25 uis entertain fans a in am by barb casper puck out of bis own end and dumped it in the net i chris connolly and rick stewart were kept on their toes as they the fastermoving schell lumber house league team defeated commercial sand and gravel squad 73 last saturday leagueleading teams down idphochey girls by barb cooper stouffv1lle in the girls house league hockey the two bottom teams defeated the first and second place teams in the junior division in the first game stouffville lions dumped gormley greenhouses 52 jackie armet opened the scoring a pass from bonnie hollingsworth well into the game gloria mintz replied for the kinsmen after being set up by karen brodie however lisa hen derson replied once more for the kinsmen when she scored on a breakaway in the senior division on a pass from virginia lm- gardens defeated kirbyand kelly thejfirst place iga 21 rexgraham soloed to sandy ramer connected take a 20 lead for the- on ja- pass from donna lions vicld macdonald oneill and then judy p itf go r ml e ysackfield slapped in a greenhouses on- the pass from ramer for scoreboard after breaking loose with the puck lynn rae then passed the rubber from the sideline to jannette cooper who slapped it into the net vicki macdonald came back for the greenhouses later gwen vlay ton igathen put the pressufeonassuefoulds scored from heather dunkeld and cheryl singleton making the final score 21 the final game of the evening was a real heart- stopper as stacey tractor spearheaded a three man- parts and the stouffville attack and popped the sales barns fought for puckassisted by jackie arnef and jannette cooperthe finafrnarker was scored when jackie armet split the pipes on a breakaway from centre ice in a much closer game the stouffville kinsmen squeaked by the credit union 21 v t kathy gordon and tammy peterson made some fine saves as the teams rushed from one end to the other tryingto score both teams played solid defensive hockey- kamps 4 goals were scored until jolyhnayotte clicked on- fdon anderson bantam as i dose two games stouffville s possession of the puck on a twomanrush mary albright passed to julie parish who winged in a hard drive giving stacey s a one goal edge sales jbarnjs cathy 1 summerfeld retaliated by spotting one in from karen brown then diane ermen found the mark 1 assisted- by maureen kampsthissspurred on i the tractor parts lactiorc judy ermen potted one from kathykealeyand then kathy scored on a pass from v maureen sales barns came back again hen kathy mcbeth and linda chilversset up sharon conklin to tie the score 3- 3 v r with three minutes to go staceys drew a holding penalty but julie parish managed to snag the bantam as lost to the puck and pass it to bowmanville on kathy kealy who quickly november 12 after the don anderson team ran out of steam in the third period stouffville lost 5-1- after bowmanyille scored 4 unanswered goals in the third period fr- 0on november 17- in oshawa the stouffville squad lost another tough game757rhe score was after one period and oshawa scored 4 unan- swered goals to takeuie lead the- bantams rallied in the third per iodi but- oshawa held on to wia scorers for stouff ville werc dave mckenzie 2 and ted waitetony lcger and garycarr each with singles l 0n friday j november 19 stouffville butplayedandouthustled to settle fora 22 tie scoring for thegdod guysjvere gary cafr and daveraymer 1 slapped it in in the dying moments of the game sales barns pulled their goalie in an allout effort to fire in the tying marker but couldnt get past tractor parts final score was 4- 3 okay the skate must have support in the i counter which is the heel area of the skate and in the ankle area i have uellover 2000 boys from all parts of canada attend my summer- hockey schools and i personally check every pair of skates i look particularly for boots that are too large andcounters that are too soft its difficult to believe but from 75 to 80perceht of the boys r have one or both problems an educated guess is that about half those kids withmnadequate skates did not try them on before purchase they are victims of buying by size an experience that can turn an unconcerned shopper into a rabid consumer advocate were dealing with the purchase of skates for boys up to 12 years sizeu2 to about size4 in a price range from 17 95 to s35 u the first problem you will encounter is a lack- of standardization in other words macs marvils in size 3 are the same size as speedy specials in size 4 there isone other factor to consider a size 5 in a 19 95 skate may be larger or smaller than a size5in a 29 95 vi t skatemade up by the same manufacturer because the last differs so always try wevery r pair of skates you are considering v if i am going to tell you what to ask about and look i for ina skate you must shop in a place j where they know what youre talking about and quite franklyid sav that thereisless than one in 10 salesmen who can fit askate properly so if j you find one count your blessmgs the best way to go about itis totell the clerk you want a pair of skates for the little kid with you ones that have a boot that holds ins ankles as firmly as a vise blades that will hold an edge for six hours of skating and a price tag that will not breakjhe piggv bankevenifthatsal you know the guy has the message if he is conscientious he can fill vour order for around 19 95give ortake a dollai i you told the clerk you wanted support the only place tommy needs support is in the counter and around his ankles not aroundihis toes or arches to illustratego get the skates- your youngster is wearing now j grasp the counter area from behind and pinch the two r sides togethertwist them from side to side- i if they are soft limp orjiliable ill bet you thought youryoung skater sad weak ankles his rankles bend when skating or turning right if the counter feels stiff and requires considerable force to bend from side toside the skateif the correct size should be proy ldinggood support remember thereare no weak ankles only weak skates or poorly fitted skates nextweek j c howtofitapairofskates stouffville on saturday morringthe fans were tresied to a very entertaining game as the little guys novices all took to the slippery ice despite the fact that some i of- the squad members could barely stand i up both teams pursued the puck with singleminded dedica tion but schell lumber the faster moving team had the edge com mercial sand and gravel was dumped 7-3- 7 jeff hall was the big gun as he potted a hat trick john petrie and daryl may also scored for schelleacnwa credited with two goals 1 for sand and gravel the goals came from ted harrison sheldon rennicks and meeks t other novice scores were beckers milk 6 stouffville kinsmen 2 becker goals tylor jones 4 bui butler 1 greg tar 1 kinsmen goals ron lewis 1 graydon card 1 hathaway decor- ators 3 country ready mix 0 decorator goals- kirk smythe 2 ben wallis 1 aida cleaners 3 consolidated sand and gravel 1 cleaner goals jeff zeck 1 colin mucci lv robbie reed 1 warren mucci 1 assist i shawn rennamen 1 assist consolidated goal steve hamlin peewee division heatherington elec- tric skimmed by master feeds 32heatherington took a 10 lead on a breakaway by r- leo postman and toddarm- strong connected oh a pass from paulgolding t dennis assinck then came back for master 1 feeds he brought the vt skillfully set up by paul cocway passed to david goldring who slid the- sibbick and david drove puck across the the puck in between the goalmouth to todd arm- goaltenders legs strong todd k im- john ohlman and adroitly foiled rushes and- mediately flicked it in peter foulds did a superb warded off breakaways master feeds job checking and blocking the next goal was bounced back when kevin plays 20 off wallpaper over 200 books to choose from v in stock wallpaper 95 per roll i0 off custom framing township of uxbridge december 6th for responsible honest representation as regional councillor ivdte to elect v jmaus t lyicpght controlled growth while retaining our rural identity 6 years municipal experience 7member of roads planning public protection committee 1 regional representative of south lake simcoe conservation authority v f v ff or information or transportation v can 8523536 jtloutof every 1 t2canadian v adults are overweight v hsilmlmcfimirlo rtltilfillilsibiq ncikstuttlqnittt i ttiittrniwii0l himinutritincii ibtj tf jbi j tifiiti ri lmslitetifnmiui but htritits t ill tert mhtmrlimiiili iiimimeiwtimct btshitillmtlllltt ttltlictwfjit- kvu ill ivmllttl 1 tfkill miltwtrilrttan ikiwiuiiiiklimii rmrnckiticlnirt ihlilmbbittii r m uli n mth dim bitk9lluiirqimiait m mp im neia li j rtiniwt chi cljjlrirtrtibwti hrtw yr a poiifiiigs exclusive play-along- fun learning fun listening fun j recording fun tgb44k organ 179500 cassettekit 30000 vi8ratrem leslie 25000 5 beginner books nc from lowreyq oca all this plus a free bench and free delivery can be yours for iplus tax note a smalls deposit will hold any item at- pontlngs until xmas i v i all this is included with your new lowrey organ deluxe bell howell c2 cassette recorderplayer fun at the lowrey part i fun atthe lowrey part i cassette tapes 2 j lowrey prisms minit music song book and cassette r lowrey mystical blends song book and cassette lowreystage charms song book and cassette blank cassette tape r fun at the lowrey chord charts on don mills rcmwsodbmtr fii- g ai mv4mncsouthofoavisdr ovdo i i notice township of uxbridge take not icethatthe council of the corporationof thetowrishipjof uxbridge hasapplied to the ontario municipal board pursuant to section 35 and section 35a of the planning act for approval of bylaw 7646 passed on the 21st day of october 1976 bylaw 16a applies only to thearea of the of the former cerporatioyi oftfie township of scott which now forms a portion of the present corpovation of the township of uxbridge thebylaw implements the policies of the official plan of the scott planning area 1 t it regulatesand prohibits the use of lands- and r character location and use of buildings structures andprescrlbes conditions for the development of land and facilities withrsthe area- y afterthe approval of the bylaw norland buildinglstructurej excavation lot or premise shall be used or occupied andnobuildingfstructure or excavation shall be erectedaltered or made in whole or for any purpose and no development shall take place except in conformity with the bylaws provisions copies of the bylavtareavailableatthe municipal offices of the municipality located at 20 bsscbmbe stuxbridge any person interested may within fourteen 14 days after the date of this- notice send by registered mall or deliver to the clerk of the township of uxbridge notice of his objection to or approval of thcsald bylaw together with the statement nf the ground of- such ob- iectlonorreasons for his support or may request notice of any hearing that may be held by the ontarlomunlclpah board to consider the appllcationglvlng also the name and address to which such notice should be glvon i theontariomunicipal boardmay approve of the said -by- law j but before doing so it mayappointa timeand place when any objection to the bylaw will be conslderedji s vi- the last date for filing objection will be rvember- 3007 v- f dated at thevtownshlp of uxbridgethls 16th day of november 1976 a r g kesterctark administrator thecorporatlcs of the township of ux bridge v vfmunlcipilohices 4 uxbridge ontario catholics reelecf trustee b john raniowski gatholigprincfpal york county board of education your child 5 i i is the reason the whole educational system exists your p0cketb00k cant stand the spiralling educational costs sfoj v- s if must be heardwhenyou speak -to- the york county board of education and theministry of education because this is where the grants and approvals are w- i on december6th 76- tlvl ft carl young trosteeforttrbmrd i of education- 1 ward 3 town of pickering i v verjj j jrht v w3 t y avard 4- intelligent planning moderate growth increased use of recreational facilities 4 for strong but responsive representation on whitchurch stouffville council j vote bill k bylaw no 7639 the corporation of the township of uxbridge a by to require the oc- cupants of buildings adjoining a street in the- municipality of the township of uxbridgejo clear away and remove the snow and ice- from- the side walks adjoining their premisesand forregulating- thetimes whenandvthe man- ner in whichthesame shall-jbe- doneand also forrequiringthe clearing awayandremovalor snow and ice from thesidewalks adjoiningthe vacantland inthe municipality ofthe township of uxbridge atthe expense of the owner and for collecting or recovering the expenses jn- xurred in so doing injhe man- ner provided by section354 1 par 5557of the municipau act j j now therefore- the municipal councilofthe cor- porationof s township of uxbridge enacts as follows i j l 1 thatfrom and after the passing of this bylaw it shall be unlawful for the oc cupants of a bulldingadjoinlnga street or road within the limits of thetownshlp uxbridge or for the ownerof vacant land adjoining a street r the municipality to allow snow and ice to ac cumulate on the sidewalk in front of such building or vacant land jnl v i l 2anytlme after 10 am oclock in the forenoon the township of uxbridge through its officers or sevvantsmay clear away from anysldewalkon whlchthere remains snowand ice thereon and may recovertheexpenseslncurred by doing it by action or the same may be recovered in like manner- as municipal taxes in ac- cordancewlth the provision of section 449 of the municipal act t i 3 any person who being the owner of vacant land or the owner or occupant of a house or other building adjoining a street in the corporation of the township of ux- bridge who neglects or refuses to clear away the snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of suchvacant land house or other building shall be liable to a fine of not more than 20000 exclusive oncosts to be recovered under the ontario summary convictions act vvv rd a first ana tecond time fnlt 7th oy of october v v i reed end a third time end finally patted this 7th day of october 17 i 1 1 4 1 i 1 s i 1 5- i jsv dr c pvterbovgti axayor rckester clerk if ai if i a-