8 the tk1bune 1hukuay mjvjsmltekl iks v lit r fr a- r s- hli csw v jri 1959 craven k was recognized nationally as ffi cigarette that filters best for good taste in smoking iri 1962 craven k again was singled out as this countrys best combination of flavour and mildness now in 1976 craven k proudly announces new craven k special m7da very mild cigarette milder thaji 99 of all cigarettes sold in canada with the good taste arid outstanding quality of the original- 0p t1c the original is still the finest wv jy vw 7vv v warning health and welfare canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked avoid inhaling average per cigarette- regular filter tar 8 mg nic 05 mg king size filtertar 15 mg nic 10 mg special mild filter tar5mgnic04rng v j n