t -fttoufjville- v proper management vj- the proposal to buiw201unitsof low- sewage treatment iplant could c highlensity bousing in the exceed 10000 persaasijs 22 n the proposal on parfof lot presented topian- concession a9 would 4 be ning board lastv-eek- lvif nn 4n22 jurar the land tlporddn brush representing homeisniith propertiesltd toldthebpard uutan- names as starter housing and would provide the type and style of housing- that is-af- tbe proposal on part oflot jfordable he asked that the id uxo rmiim-iii- land be put in a transitional zone v v ycjtst mo whitchurch stouffville november 11 1w6 20 cents t 16 pages proximately 500 persons would beincluded- in the proposed sadvision the houses be said- would be of the twobedroom variety and would be for older t people couples without families and young families- r x iirunderstandhow youre pgoing- to control the units but- how are you going to control the families said ward 3 coun- cillor merlyn- baker ward 2 councillor beckys wedley wondered of people might not start building bedrooms in the basement ana so on mayor l gordon iratcliff commented that the proposed development is outside what we consider the stouffville planning area he said there is already enough development slated in the village to reach the sewage capacity equivalent of 9000 persons y mr brush stated that with category is called for rf stouffville vjhere was little disagreement among planning board members last week that lowcost housing is needed in whitchurch- stouffville the problem lay in how to provide it j the board was discussing a letter fromclay clouter rr 3 newmarket s who suggested a new planning category is needed in the interim official plan which t would allow submarginariand to be developed for lower in- come groups the contention of- planning board chairman eldred king was that using any type of land housing would still be expensive where there is an opportunity and there is land he said we bjuld90000rather 45000 g homes j located on 4022 acresthe land immediately to the south of the school and the anglican church the proposal- wouldbe parkland mr brush described the until services could be provided thef he said an advantage of the development is that there are many amenities in the im mediate walking area 0 5 by john montgomery r stouffville -r- quick action on the part of four local boys friday afternoon may have been instrumental in saving an old obnen ave home from destruction by fire- the youths scott hall 12 torbhtofree calling stouffville council tuesday night voted unanimously to support bell canadas application to extend the toronto local calling area a bell representative ka gilmour appeared before council and asked them to support the application to the canadian- radio television commission crtc l he explained that although- 66 percent of the people in the thatiifvthese people had 640ifscchahgeihadtivdtedin theyall would have opted is a democratic society we should go along with what the majority wants commented mrs wedley- it was pointed out to the bell representative by some of the residents that the survey cards had not beensent to people living in the 640 exchange who are paying extra for markham or gormley numbers which allow ttorontocalls toll free t brent barton 11 andy white 12 scott- sutherland 11 and david marshall 11 were passing by the borne of lamont and peggy tilden at the corner of obrien and burkholder st when they noticed smoke coming out of an air conditioner mounted in a second story side window c as iheyvwalked past the front of thes house the bay windows shattered im- mediately a sheet of flame burst out theopening they youngsters jumped to the conclusion someone inside was trying to smash their way out and they were at a loss as to what they should do they came to the conclusion the heat had packs went up the stairs to work from the inside hbs h if it had been another three to four minutes it would have been a lot different story fire chief walt smith told the tribune e except for v the familys blind crippled old dog the house was empty when the fire star ted accordingto mr smith it is presumed the blaze was caused by v shortcircuited extension cord vj mrs tilden arrived home shortly before four oclock friday to discover smoke issuing from the second floor she went into the house let the dog who was waiting at the door out and tried to phone the fire department the phone was f shattered glassand im- idead so sheansnextjdoorejtoit jii u j jabout thenthefiredepartment forthelocalcalling service councillor eldred king made the point that we are not making a decision only sup porting an application we are only onejittlex on the lineqf approvals council had voted against andrea baker 2 oneoftlieyoungest members of ithe villsfigure skatingclult manages to sfondon about j vnne veennil hefnre hefjwellnartdedbnttom hits the- ire however favourrof paying ah increase of about 3 for local calling to torontothis still wasnt a high enough percentage without some support from council about a dozen ratepayers atttended the meeting and all spoke in favour of extending the service z t x jj councillor- becky wedley introduced the motion to ap- prove the request for support the matter was brought up and it was seconded by coun again at a later date with a cillor cathyjoice motion to rescind but that in view of the fact that this motion was lost ministry letter is sent s stouffville council through legal or other means to- this week received thepromised recover the cost in excess of the guarantee of the water supply f againslpollutionffrdni the york sanitation dumpl y the letterssignedby minister of the environment y george kerr statesmi can assure you that every attempt would be to ensure colnpletidnbf all tnecessarj ir w6fkss6jtharpnyateresidenu5 they knocked af several houses before finally finding someoneat home they ex- plained the situation to kay marshall and she phoned in the alarm l yoluhteer fire fighters were j the extended servicewhendiey and filled in the survey card blaze which caused an received by the municipality estimated 20000 damage a frustrating time for mr tildenhe received a call at work from his- wife whoin- formed him their house was on firelt took him an hour to drive home in me friday afternoon rush hour tfaffic the time uncertain as to the fate of his homer t 1 y mr tilden had the highest praise v for the i volunteer firefighters he told the tribune that when herarrived home everything control w r and the firemen tomihimize the room wascompletejy water damage hadplaced la ph hv i nnh whpn firpmon waterproof cover over his grand piano and dining room tableland had moved other furniture away from places where water was dripping thorough from the v second floor an was contained bedroom to the master gutted by fire and when firemen arrived it was ball of flame a ladder was hoisted to the win dow- and one fireman used an extinguisher from the ladder- while others fitted witli air jk f v f jv councillorbeckywedley commented y thatthe reason nkpariv lt hernresehooreroiinshe trets a lot of satisfactionfrom uien be the respmsibihty of this annegret lamure istry to pursue the company irzs mike many in herbreschoolgroupfshe gets a j 1vs 1 sliding around the ice onher velly- f expensiveis that they are built on halfacre lots due to sewer drainage problems jthe toply waywe cansafford lowcost housingfis to have smaller lots by having- iton sewers and water she said v vwe seem to be saying it isnt possible for a young couple fllo raise their family countryunless they are tobegin with said 1 councillorartstarr mrking said chiifchtouffville- isa islow- growthconimuriify andjwhileit c v so me wka t omscrimiriatingbecause we are ve cant accommodate aldtbf 5 l6wcosth6usingnv j- however councillor cathy joice said tthat besides jsuch i scliemes there needstp be easihthetpv- will allow ilower cost i pursue the company miirder of ghiervl ann hanson girlwho has disappeared from york regional described by the man- mr her bloommgton sideroad home deputy chief wally harkness parker said he indicated he may 31 1974 v i told the tribune thatweare had committed themurder on a crown william searching for the body but that whim and thatrfboth the case parker told theess last week otherwise he had no comment of cheryl ann and of miss that amentalpatient c6n- l f mr harkness said that the tipjf fessed to the slaying of cheryl three others mr parker- said he is specific areas in the townwhich convinced the man is telling the st that- the man claims s killed v housinvu-uthoayaboutthelayini- search area is a pretty big vuyd dropping- acid o j cjv mrfarker said there is a u z v v lotofivagueness inuhe mans- cc thecrown prosecutor said 5 fu stheratwof themanclaimshe killed murders i h l slayingf the giriapd hbeenmi- ftiv tm s i 43 isk s ij v5mitted to penetahguishene fm simnmfmt- m meritahhccintreafterhi was found not guilty by reasbnof ai insanity to charges of indecently 1 assaulting and causing bodily harm to a student i he also had been sentenced to three terms of life im- prisonmetir his convictions of forcible seizure rape and the attempted murder of a girl drug discount company buysatore stouffville the current hbrary building for- merlyv paulsjdrygoods has been sold tda drug discount chain z savex has purchased the building from mildred oneill tc rir v rs j rjuvmhtrya- the hbrary will stay there until firemen george wilson inside andmarvin t- weatherthe blaiewas kepttooneroorii in the next summer when their lease appeartobe holding aconferenceinthe i ir nii j jj ili exrjiresststthev move into the window of this burning home on obrleftave it is expirersnuthey move into the new building i -j- fairly certain they- werent discussing jv i i- to bemnofficfomohdaw ht z7 w ft sites sought in uxbridae 1 thetsuspense 1 jwt i tovfmuctff fort some people as the utnnmbrtwvredrawn in the lions annual car elimmauoa l draw- florence 1 sucey sleeve 1 in excitement and lorraine boynton cant look the only relatively of markham who was nt present won the car on dec6 the residents of calm person hi the party appears to be george v ivf ivt uxbridge will go to the polls to some 952 post cards from ux- economic b employment and benefits wo- i other jthe open houses againstthttrlhd i thoseymfawurseemeb rf