the tribune thursday november 4 197c 13 police report business missing 6 a mark nam woman has been charged- with fraud after a milulcen man reported 65000 missing from his business i v john kesper 14th avenue told york regional police that forged documents were negotiated in his business between january and july of 1976 a- former bookkeeper has been charged irene winifred vernon 44 of 46 squire baker lane will appear at newmarket court on nov 9 the countrywide professional development days were utilized in various ways by teachers here julia johnson left ian percy and sue chewins right are learning to utilize comics as a learning resource in the classroom teachers kick up heels read comics to improve teaching injured in corn harvester a holland landing man richard joseph burke 21 was seriously injured tuesday of last week while harvesting corn on the 7th concession of whitchurch stouffville north of the mount albert road york regional police said the mans coat became entangled in the power takeoff and he was pulled into the machinery he was able to free himself when the coat ripped and was taken to york county hospital with a dislocated shoulder and body lacerations aurora at first glance it seemed that the parents worst suspicions were confirmed the public school teachers certainly appeared to be having a wonderful time on pd day some were kicking up their heels dancing some were avidly reading comic books and others were enjoying weaving macrame and clay modelling all in the name of professional development onlyjdoser inspection revealed all the hard work and effort that was being brought to bear in the various classrooms throughout aurora teachers from all over york region were learning new teaching skills experimenting with different techniques or enlarging their knowledge in various subjects while attending seminars and workshops at several aurora schools typical of the sort of thing going on was the very popular comics in the classroom session conducted by jack nemichin this was not a seminar on humourous incidents that go on in the classroom as one teacher had supposed but rather a seminar on comic books as a learning resource mr nemichin a teacher at don head secondary school first started using comics in his classroom to help children with reading difficulties and found candidate replies again dear sir a farmer has every right to make as good a living as the next guy is a statement made by mrs robert a hall letter to the editor tribune oct 21 1976 most sensible people would agree they would also agree that a farmer would not give up his farmland if that farmer could make that good living through farming the n d p s agricultural policy stipulates that the farmer is entitled to a fair return on his labour capital investment and costs of production the new farm income stabilization bill which is to be introduced shortly by the minority con servative government meets some of the demands made by the opposition when the first 9 attempt to introduce an inadequate bill was defeated last june this new bill however does not really meet the needs of the farmer there is no room to negotiate on price and there is an inadequate one to ensure that the farmer can make a living so that he does not have to sell his land unfortunately how ever the present government still looks upon the agricultural land of this province as a commodity rather than a resource with a commodity approach the land is sold- to the highest bidder which means that this land usually goes out of agricultural production it is clearly evident to anyone familiar with york region that this has not only happened in the past but is still going on even if federal statistics are suspect as mrs hall believes because of a prime minister who says fuddle duddle other statistics prepared by the ontario ministry of agriculture and food agricultural statistics for ontario 1961 to 1973 lhecoluc task force report dec 1974 and reports prepared by the planning department of york region indicate that valuable agricultural land is disappearing at a rapid rate my contention is that the present government has failed to solve this problem in the past and in view of its record is unlikely to do so in the future yours truly ian scott ndp candidate york north them phenomenally successful not only were the kids learning to read but quite a few of them switched to more ad- vanced reading matter once their interest had been aroused however comics can not only teach reading but graphic skills as well and mr nemichin outlined how comics communicate visual messages quite apart from the balloon dialogue by means of angle action lines shape and colour some children according to mr nemichin are much more open to visual communications than the written word and this can be fully exploited by using this sort of material teachers attending his session came back full of enthusiasm he developed a whole language program around comics said jan percy a grade 1 teacher 1 came back with a lot of ideas sue chewins who teaches grade 7 at or chard park agreed the course teaches creativity in both written and oral ways she pointed out but the comment heard most often at the end of all the programs was it has been really a worthwhile day- triple trouble a young siouffville man who allegedly fled from police early saturday morning after being warned he was under arrest for impaired driving found himself charged with three of fences instead of one york regional police 19 division said the accused collided with a truck about 2 am on main st stouffville the truck left the scene but the stouffville man remained until police arrived at 215 am and told him he was under arrest for impaired driving then he took off at a high speed driving in an erratic manner and before police ap prehended him again he had failed to obey several traffic rules he was arrested at the rear of 16 mainst stouffville and taken to 19 division for a breath test as a- result t peter tsapoitis 21 of 250 main st stouffville willap- pear nov 2 at newmarket court charged with impaired driving blowing over08 and dangerous driving 1500 shop break police at 19 division arc ivestigating a reported breakin at the ballantrae auto body shop r r 2 stouffville the weekend of october 23-25- entry was gained by prying a rear door then the bay door was opened and a truck was driven in and loaded with a who says an annuity has to nave a dxed premium ask your sun life agent to explain the futures of the new flexible premium retirement annuity such as adjustable premiums inmrest and annuity rate guarantees waiver of premium upon disability and cur rent tax deductions into the bargain heinz daues clu 9246674 let to rigir smm vountj ttit mjjs mi ft b4 svaiat dnj ojg ojrj tj tvbei wcnip bob grttnfieltj jcc tnrtne ptxr hej pit brry hcy srurnon bob tfl aid otcoru rtjy clxiw xjn fi trefbrg cup omrtv in the mornings monday to friday there isnt another radio personality in canada who has more people listening in than wally crouter in his own unique way he carries on a onetoone conversation with each member of his audience because when he talks you really get the feeling that hes talking to you youll find his friendly style and warm delivery easy to wake up to wally has his own ideas but he still tells both sides of a story he likes people to make up their own minds thats why so manypeople enjoy listening to him listen to him yourself and youti soon kro too why hes the number one man to listen to m tne mornings join wally and his friends o bill stephenson for sports 655 755 835 am o davd craig for authoritative nevs 630 730 830 930 am o david tafler editor of the financial times for money matters 740 am otorben wlttrup for news and comments 8 am o bob greenfield for authoritative news 00 1000 am o joe irvine for winter road reports o peter head for recreation reports 7i5 8s5 am frdas 9 pat burry for air freight reports o henry shannon the sky king and his twin comanche for traffic reports throughout the morning o bob heskcth for news and comments at 7 am bev edards hooks them all up 530 am to 1000 am monday through friday its this kird of people combination that makes waking up to the wally crouter show such ar pleasure quantity of tools valued at 1500 j7009 theft york regional police 19 division are investigating a shop breakin at cuthbertsons refrigerator and ap pliance service 11 main st e stouffville which netted thieves ap proximately 7000 in equipment and ap pliances during the weekend of oct2326 police said the missing items were removed from the storage area at the rear of the premises the office was also entered but nothing is reported missing there boat trailer missing- paul oiisholm lot 20 cone 4 mark ham has reported the loss of a boat motor and trailer which were removed from his property oct 26 between 6 pm and mid- night- he told police the trailer was chained to the ground and had been cut free with a bolt cutter the trailer is described as homemade red with one orange and white sidewinder boat j this is energy conservation week here is what you can do to help ontario conserve eneigy energy it will cost uss7 5 billion provincewide thisyear to help cut that cost your ontario government established the energy management program the goal is to save s1 billion a year on energy bills throughout ontario by 1980 ninetyfive energy management research and demonstration projects are underway to help you use less energy at home and at work you too can conserve energy and save money by- insulating and caulking your home lowering daytime temperatures to 68 f 20 c and nighttime temperatures to 63 f17 c closing drapes on all windows on winter nights replacing air filters on warm air heating systems onceamonth using 40 watt instead of 60 or loowattbulbswhere practical keeping the damper closed when the fireplace is not in use installing storm windows and doors turning off lights and tv when not being used maj rvji insttm warming up your cars engine gradually avoiding idling the engine while waiting for more ways to save energy and money send for the free booklet energy conservation the choice s yours write to ontario energy management program ministry of energy 56 wellesley street west 12th floor toronto ontario m7a2b7 ministry of energy dennis r timbrell minister province of ontario with our tradein sale kiv v 1 rv tl kn0w0n at dyers y0ur0lde dinette suite is worth 50 00 on your next dinette y0ur0lde bedroom suite is worth- nm 100 on your next bedroom suite y0ur0lde easy chair is worth 25 i00 on your next easy chair any bed chesterfield 50 00 off y0ur0lde chesterfield suite is worth 100 100 on your next chesterfield suite mattress or box spring any size 00 with this 4 c0up0n on off each piece your next mattress or box spring your 0lde lamp worth 10 00 on your next lamp y0ur0lde coffee end tables is worth 1 0- each onyour next cofjfe e 8 end tables any dining room suite buffet hutch table 4 chairs with this l qwpojy deal ends november 30th 1976 ttife people people listen io b plenty of free parking 9chargex mastercharge wie buyers always shop at dyers furniture 3o32 main st south warehouse ivvitw x