Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 21, 1976, p. 5

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the tribune thursday october 21 uk 5 more letters ndp farmland statistics criticized dear sir after reading the letter sent to you by the representative of the ndp i think it is ory fair to point out some of the statements which have information originally came from some federal go economists who have taken the canada census figure for improved farmland ic 1966 then deducted the appeared in the press comparable figure for regarding their socalled 1971 from the next census statistics just where do his statistics come from and what exactly do they mean well- it is im portant to realize that not even t the ndp representative knows for sure of what be is talking about no doubt many people have heard the myth that every hour every day 26 acres of food land are vanishing into some kind of blacktopped limbo this then divided the result by the total number of hours in the intervening five years r if you can figure out exactly what those figures stand for you are not only ahead of the gentleman who wrote the letter which appeared in the september 30 issue of the tribune but anyone else who tries to get at the facts these federal statistics are suspect for a couple of other reasons x of beehives as weu one being they come from a source whose top man had told the people that inflation has been beaten but if you had someone to pick up your food bill good salary two homes three cars etc at your disposal you would probably think inflation has been beaten he wears a flower in his lapel sometimes in his mouth and says fuddle dudfle first of all for the farming statistics a farmer is anyone with an acre or more of land who sells at least 50 worth of produce a year he might run a large modern operation or he might be someone with a large lot and henhouse or a couple i the second reason to distrust these federal statistics is that the central farm register in ottawa has been rather lax in keeping their figures uptodate bet- ween census years when the ontario ministry of agriculture and food passed on the names of 12100 farmers who enrolled in its cowcalf assistance programlast interested in staying on his farm if he can give his wife and familyjust as good a living as the guy at general motors and would be happy to have an income comparable to the chap who wrote the september 30 letter- i believe he is a teacher zoning and other planning that affects farmland is decided by your municipal councils year ottawa had not and they are the ones who heard of 2650 of them if say yes to the stopping real estate board seeks development supporters the york region real estate board solicits your support for a positive balanced growth program for york region our board with over- 750 members directly represents with their families over 2500 residents in the region of york the members by virtue of their occupation transact about one hundred millions of in vestment dollars an- nually therefore they possess an- enviable knowledge of the problems and needs of the region as far as housing and real estate in general is concerned we are prepared and anxious to help in serving our community in this manner we offer con structive suggestions to y the elected officials of the region and- we are prepared to amplify and report further on our reconimendations j we endorse a program encompassing 1 a common sense and reasonable approach to development proposals 2 the return to the processing of all forms of development applications to erisurea continual flow dear sir fyhousirigsfcksuchav f f am intotal single family dwellings agreement with the letter semidetached estate- type houses apartments mobile homes and so on 3 all ofus must learn that planning is a con tinuous process a plan is not an end in itself it is only a medium to help make intelligent action- oriented decisions 4 we must rearrange priorities countable local govern ment 8 the public must be made aware of how costly and harmful the efforts of the small vociferous antidevelopment groups are to the average tax payers who form the silent majority with the rising of the property taxes the time has come for the public to realize that continued prosperity can only be guaranteed through continued development the basis of a stable society rests with each individual having the opportunity and capacity of owning private property therefore we make a concerted plea for the provision of serviced land for housing op portunities for the op portunities of parallel and balanced growth for commercial industrial activities to provide wealth and opportunities diversity and richness gino matrundola president york region real estate board each of those farmers own 100 acres apiece an entirely reasonable assumption that would mean an additional 265000 acres that statistics canada did not consider productive farmland it is all well and good to say that we must freeze farmland but if you cannot get the farmer to stay on the farm because be cannot make a decent living then who will run the farm the countries who do have state farms ie china russia are one of our biggest customers when it comes to farm produce the farmer is plazas the industries bousing developments etc etc so i would suggest that before anyone writes to the editor he get his facts straight and get back to the source from which they came before you accuse the farmer of getting rid of his farm land because he is the one who signs the bill of sale he has every right to make as good a living as the next guy and will not give up his farmland if he can do it through farming mrs roberta hall 257 second street stouffville ontario suppied by the oshamk group limited supply oepcxlof progressive independents fast service with a smite great value on r nfcobmyyvxvvyxx1kxxxvi 26 acres per hour figure not refuted says ian scott dear sir mr hodgson in his queens park report oct 14 expresses his amazement at the debate over the loss of good agricultural land this is probably because so little lias been done by the conservative government to prevent this loss he expresses his amazement by at tacking the 26 acres per hour figure but offers no refutation of this figure he depicts the new democratic party as a- knight in shining armour who because of being in opposition has the cer tainty about what it proposes to do he somehow equates the modern land developer with the pioneer in the develop ment of canada he believes that government resour cefulness to preserve farmland flies in the face of some world realities this reality is justified by looking at the recent election results in sweden however the comparison between sweden and ontario is really inappropriate he announces that the ontario ministry of agriculture and food has completed a countyby- county land inventory where are the results of this inventory the ndp has urged the govern ment to act on this problem for some time and are still waiting mr hodgson may be amazed at the debate over farmland loss but it is a vital issue and one which concerns the future of all of us ian scott ndp candidate york north roasts steaks blade steaks cui komihthufk cross cut steaks prime rib steaks s nstant second letter agrees paper disappointing r 4 7 ml last times 29433s50nmjmnst hwy48 in beaumur downtown mabkham is provide special impetus development proposals providing employment opportunities and ad vantageous taxrevenues such as industrial parks shopping centres high way commercial and so on f formulate programs to take ad- vantage of federal provincial grants- fi 6 adopt interim pollution control techniques pending implementation of the york durham scheme ie up stream plants jaquarobic systems septic tanks and so on 7 establish onetier planning to guarantee responsible and ac- saying the tribune disappointing the tribune has for the past jew years covered news f of markham and unionville interest the past may queens grade thirteen graduates hockey registrationand yes markham fairs have tended to receive one liners compared to in depth coverage of markham events markham paper carried the spang baby picture we gave the incident one line as for hockey registration i never found the stouffville ad but the markham and unionville advertisement was very visible as to your ireply being unhappy j stouffville changes does not mean we lose com- munity pride spirit and concern y if i wanted markham news id buy the markham paper surely id like to know about other areas but id like to see main coverage of stouffville news in the stouffville tribune what other way can we learn varied opinions and ideas except for the power of the press thank you v donna bell stouffville editors reply there is one very good reason why the reader saw the markham- uniohville hockey registration ad vertisement but didnt see the stouffville one whitchurch stouffville minor hockey association chose not to advertise whereas markham unionville spent considerable money to purchase space the tribune as a public service donated editorial spacefree of charge for five consecutive weeks to publicize the local registration tonight midway starts jjriday other side of the mountain friday saturday at 7 and 9 pm monday to thursday at 800 pm iga sugared donuts i toasimaster isc orr labell crumpets si milk chocolate almono 0 special dark na 0f j banded 9 1 giant bars 1091 hershey chocolate bars sluewater frozen thrift pack a fish chips isff- rupert frozen golden batter cod fillets tff 5 savarin frozen 5avakin ikoun f 1 macaroni cheese dinner olifa 16 fl oot 02 cin ij blade roasts r cui ikomihichuc boneless blade roasts lb short rib roasts crosscut bbafci a rib roasts boneless cross vq brisket cut rib roasts juo plate b0wtss bom in shouldero roasts tf i- uan b0nftfss prime rib q stewing roasts 18 i 13 beef 1b b0nuess miatvsoupstou brisket point roasts l8 8dneiess suceo previously bozen brisket plate roasts lb side bacon cl43 smoked meats hi 4x tabuwte wieners cmf sprids i inch pepperoni pizzas l3 tmm sus m19 braising and stewing cuts brisket braising ribs uan bonetess stewing beef meair s0upst0ck beef neck bones suceo previously frozen beef sausage each package contains a c0ui rich s frozen coffee rich o t00vegetabteoil oriole soft margarine m 45 pre priced ik noz lux liquid detergent nsmm 75- oisinfectant liouio cleaner pinesol s w ica plastic ii sniilm2fix 3r size garbage bags ono 9 itconmende j at aouu- nterrainment wlflf acb draw frank proctor r here y hear frank proctor mornings 5 on cfgm 1310 its simple 11 yon har frank proctor tocfc wtttdoy monhng frani 59 on cfcm uio wkoktorovtsmhleovtuat x skew us swd tr oimi of front cfcm to 1310 s10m1 lonino t s- j jo nimtrwp rm nodi roconm olop cooritry ip from to country music piacc tlx pmoo mt em k- lwrolfrcrfo500clolfcewiit t jc oo00luclcdoooolrstnjolrrcccxntrr mu3cpiacecfgmi1i0l mors ncrraiili favorites danish cfl mliiil i favorite s chippefllficssuperfudge danish crisp or tropical creams westons biscuits ikaifnsjrfbtn cmill bio draw 5 gets you i5 chances dtl million halloween night fiidiciwlivebntv october 31st sk 19 fl 02 tin 53 4rloll pkg 95 babies only please assorted colors bathroom tissue mrs green l is available to talk shopping to groups call 2361971 ijni i ii fancy halves or slices del monte peaches buy0ne37gpkg0f- frito lay ruffle potato chips v at our reguwr retail 0fj119 and get one 125 pkg of vv munch0s at no charge mbzzarella cheese cuts wfrv i i v t cherarhilt afj bnck or colbycheesecuts to smith cherry or blueberry pie filler fift 79 isa r i mrt pineapple juice oz49 icachoice red pitted cherries 45 martins mom c0nccntiutc pure apple juice i0a- choice i cut green or wax beans ovta 23 canada no ipasttuiiizeo i all j caanation instant atculak oh maashmallow hot chocolate bonus pack of 2 citu us aupimp0sc five roses flour oaitimc llftl 0 eataa abs0abcnt 111 l 0isp0sabu iijli j at jlwj apricot strawberry or pineapple e d smith pure jams iz jah ff tpaflt-llf- superchunk or creamy skippy 7i0 peanut butter ar 111 49 t0x0m 109 1 02 pkgs 1 billy bee uquid honey uallovi iox or i i 02 pki in z 2 pug oj0 of so 10 02 pks ttrti kraft process canadian singles cheese slices ijlilimdk pampers diapers i6a book matches powdered v surf detergent sib xing sue box 11 tiality service and value all at 16a jhew v4 bdtorefwci7pne- 1 crrwkioritwcxwoiuicn y

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