Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 7, 1976, p. 1

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ijfei vol no 22 whitchurch stouffville october 7 1976 20 cents 16 pages at ballantrde increasing ron underwood and son john were con testants in uie chip off the old block famuy lookalike contest saturday at the markham fair although they didnt win any prizes they were a memorable pair with their matching smiles and outfits ted wilcox principals may be polled about student strapping aurora york region public school trustees will be asked monday to approve a recommendation calling for principals to assist the board in drafting apolicy on corporal punishment- the issue has already drawn mixed reaction from parents teachers principals and trustees the committee learned monday night ron graham of the york county elementary principals association noted principals find it very hard to think of corporal punishment as an isolated thing while the strap should not be used as a first line of defence it can be effective in some cases with some youngsters he added he was joined by principal council has voted to get rid of station stouffville council wants the old canadian national railway station instouffville eitherremoyedjor improved by the new year amotion to that effect was bassed last week after receiving a letter fromcn area manager p v doty which suggested council might wish to preserve the facility responding to fearlier request by the town to- residents views iverynnpqrtant says cps rep uxbridge the views of uxbridge residents will be ivery important- in deciding 1 whether to locate a federal ipehitentiary receptioncentre in ithe municipality a canadian penitentiary service represent- n ative said here tuesday answering questions at a jmeeting of the uxbridge canadian penitentiary service information committee roy cooper manager of material jmanagement and service for the cps said the residents opinions jwould be one of several factors considered by the minister in making the final decision when asked to pin down inexactly what impact residents jwould have he said only that it jwould be significant j des connor director of connor development service who have been hired to collect i disseminate information jabout 1 the centre commented that u would be a judgment call on the part of the minister the federal government is footing the bill for the in formation program according to mr cooper to be sure the community is properly in- formed prior to the decision on locating the centre i i i bank robbed vandorf royal bank 7at vandorf was robbed monday afternoon at gunpoint by a man york regional police have described as a professional at press time police had almost no leads as the identity vofctherobberwho entered the bank shortlyvafter 2 pm monday theminpoke briefly with the manager regarding a loan- then pulled a revolver and order bank employees and one customer to lie on the floor i the man produced a gar- bagebag and ordered the manager to fill it with money about 4600 was stolen i the man is believed to have netted 74000 in six other bank robberies during the past year clean up the siteih view of the upcoming centennial yearjjmrr- dotysaid the railwaywould be prepared to donate the structure to the community on theun- derstanding that it would be removed from railway property- mr doty said that cn isin the process of providing another facility for passengers- in stouffvilleahd thatl the bid station will soon not be needed he added that council might consider relocating and restoring the historic building as part of its centennial program members of council showed no interest in acquiring the building- and mayor gordon ratcliff said that if council is not interested in it they could ask that it be disposed of as soon as possible representatives from the four areas of the region in calling for- a decision on the use of corporal punishment to be left with the principals a thornhill parents council representative said any decision to administer the strap should come only after consultation with and consent of the parent i dont think we want that decision left to the teacher a council spokesman said billie hurley president of the york county elementary teachers association of federations ycetaf said the teachers organization prepared a- representative sampling on the issue as teachers i dont think any of us see corporal -punish- ment as- a good teaching deyice explained utol 183 teachers responding- i to the survey 787 per cent said the retained as aj disciplinary measure a total of 175 percent opposed retention comments of those favoring retention stressed the strap should be used only as a last resort andonty after the child and circumstances are taken into consideration on a second question as to whether the board should establish guidelines for use of corporal punishment 552 per cent said yes and 355 per cent said no vaughan trustee don cameron said theres little need at the present time to establish a policy on corporal punishment ballantriae recent tests by the ministry of the environment indicate the pollution in the ballantrae well of sharon powell is increasing no further testing has been carried out on the huskinson well to the north huskinsons and powells have been warned by the ministry not to drink their water mrs powell told the tribune that further testing to attempt to determine the source of the pollution will be carried out next week by ministry of- ficialsif they finish another job they are working on no testing was carried out for copper which showed a very high reading in initial testing and according to mrs powell alkalinity is up and hardness is down but is still way over the permissible level there has been some con cern the pollution could be from the york sanitation dump on highway 48 but ministry of ficials have firmly denied this saying the underground water flow from the dump flows to the south there has been some contention over this point r mayor gordon ratcliff said results of wells located adjacent to the dump site show that the pollution has not increased there was some im balance but it hasnt increased he said adding there was nothing alarming in the results he said tests for phenols in the stouffville wells indicated the level is below the per missible level the mayor said he is not so sure of- results received early- this week the counts in some of the wells are quite high he said he refused to speculate on the results until he has had time to have them interpreted he said some of the wells could be drilled inside the dump where they would go through garbage and he said this might account for the high readings testing on the ballantrae wells was- begun after mrs powells baby became quite ill and a specialist suggested there might be a problem with the water new library funding set stouffville the budget for the new library building was finalized tuesday by council including a guarantee of the purchase of the old library building by the town for 35000 that purchase would take place only if the library board cannot sell the building by the time those funds are needed and the town would then assume the buildings title and pay for it out of the lot fee account summitview addition t i parents see sketches stouffville summitview parent teacher association members were treated monday night to a peek at the preliminary sketch for the summitview addition association member janet arends said the reaction of the parents was favourable and added she was personally very im pressed mrs arends is also a member of the users committee con sisting of parents and teachers who will advise the architect on what they feel is required in the general purpose room and library- resource centre that will be included in the addition the school has been granted an additional 10000 to pay for fire- safety renovations bringing the total to 47000 a total of 320000 has been alloted for the addition the sketches are very preliminary said mrs arends we are very happy with it but it may not end up like that she warned i if the building comes in over budget she said they would cut back on afew things rather than delaying the project- by going backtotheboardipf education forjmore money v tender- date has been tentatively set at march with com pletion by septembervom977 mayor gordon ratcliff said that if the building is to be completed by july l 1977 for centennial year approval of the budget had to go forward the f undraising drive for the library was commenced tuesday prior to council by six- library board members donating 100 and asking council members to match the amount three members responded by writing 100 cheques before final budget ap- proval was granted council voted to have the building moved an additional 20 feet to the north in order to allow room for an access treadtdthe nor thern part of the property if necessary the total budget for the building now stands at 367000 with 29276748 in actual commitments for the con- struction cost last term for baker stouffville coun cillor merlyn baker announced tuesday at council meeting that he will not be seeking reelection for his council seat mayor gordon ratcliff commented that were all sorry to see you go youve served your municipality and ward well local calling rejected by town council because of increase to customers stouffville every bell canada subscriber in cluding the town of whitchurch stouffville itself is- being- asked to respond to a survey as j to whtoierornot tbeywantjbe prop6sednew extended calling service last week council voted old post office lease approved stouffville council has agreed to rent the old post office building on main street from the federal public works department under a 10year lease for 100 a month the lease must still designed by the public workr minister to be finalized according to mayor gordon ratcliff the mechanics of how the building will be ad ministered- have not been determined yet but said it might fall under the jurisdiction of the community centre board- certainly there will be an opportunity for the old people to organize their own programs said the mayor theres a need for a recreation centre for the young people in the community who are not sportsminded i hear that all the time it could bs used for dances or a dropin centre where youths could drop in and discuss their problems with advisors mr ratcliff said the programs could be arranged with the cooperation of the service clubs and the senior citizens trustees may evaluate the board director aurora sam chapman york region public school board education director this week remains at the centre of a controversy that erupted over a closed board meeting last week while first reports indicated trustees narrowly defeated a motion to dismiss the education director during the secret meeting board and trustee sources have confirmed thatno such motion was put forth citing trustees oath of confidentiality board chairman doug allen would discuss neither the meeting nor any motions introduced when contacted on monday other trustees while declining to publicly disclose topics discussed during the controversial session admit privately that the meeting focused on mr chapmans performance the motion that sparked the discussion was not one- of dismissal however but a resolution to form a committee to study mr chapmans per formance if the committee which could not meet for a minimum of six months judged the directors performance un satisfactory it would report its findings to a closed board meeting the closed session would then ha v- to approve a dismissal by a tvothirds majority an identical majority would be needed in an open board see trustees pg 9 danny carrick a brain injured child spends quite a bit of time hanging upside down suspended by elastic straps and he thoroughly enjoys it he is suspended for five minutes at atlme five times every day as part of the patterning therapy designed by dr glen doman a cybernetic developmentallst to stlmslate his brain danny loves to look at things upside down and also enjoys un- fwirling after being wound up his mother shown beside him his to make certain that he is twisted only clockwise since the direction in which he unwinds is an important part of the exercise just like i skaters doing twirls on the ice danny has learned to control the i speed of the spin by alternately throwing out and drawing in his arms for more pictures and story see page 2 annegretlamure v n against an affirmative reply in answering the towns own questionnaire- i councillor cathy joice moved the town respond af- that the towns own phone bills would be reduced since a toronto line would no longer be required under the proposed service 640exchange callers would be able to call toronto tollfree but would pay substantially greater monthly rates for the privilege councillor merylri baker opposed the new service on the grounds that there are a lot of people whose rates would very nearly doublewith it and cant afford it he added that im sure it would be a tremendous service to many people in wn the view of councillor eldred king was that i dont think the majority of the people are being jeopardized because they dont have the toronto calling service he also said that the service would require huge capital expenditures in a time of tight money mayor gordon ratcliff commented that he still favors an optional plan by the phone company suppose there are 30 or 40 per- cent still against the new service theyre the ones who are going to be hurt he said dixie flyers play tonight stouffville the dixie flyers a bluegrass group will play tonight thursday in a free concert at latcham hall beginning at 730 pm the concert is sponsored by the public- library and free i tickets are available there with a limited number of tickets ob tainable at the door candidate for liberals quits york north king mayor margaret britnell who recently won the liberal can- didacy for york north in a hard fought campaign has an- nounced her withdrawal- i- riding president jim wilson told the tribune mrs britnell will seek reelection as mayor in the upcoming municipal elec- ttions srpfrm mr wilson said she would i continue to be an active member of the association and he added that there are no hard feelings within the vriding association a new nomination meeting i will be called in the near future

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