the tribune tuuhsday september 3 u7t 17 3motosaiforate horaa 31 motor cars for sate 31 motor cars for sale 31 motor cars for sale 31 motor cars for sate 31 motor cars for sale 31 motor cars for sale 60 auctions vafaea flutoshow 2- 5f fi icl v show stoppers i the spotlights on our dazzling display of brand new model cars they are ready for your in spection sleek luxury models trim com fortable compacts impressive economy cars roomy wagons all with your choice of at tractive options the long awaited event is here visit our showrooms today to see these top performers see the revolutionary new 1977 pontiac s buicks on thursday friday saturday open thursday friday tilvpvv saturday 95 pm f buick lesabre see the 1977 pontiac mileage makers and the free spirit buicks weil patrick motors ltd pontiac buick gmc trucks 477 main st w stouffville 6403450 2972957 ss tenders 55 tenders york county board of education tender york county board of education request for tender no 340 paper supplies and exercise books sealed tenders clearly identified will be received up to 4 pm local time october is 1976 at the york county boardof education60 wellington st west aurora p o box 40 details and bidding instructions are available from the pur- cliasfngdepartment v douglas allen chairman s l g chapman director of education town of whitchurchstouffville tenders sealed tenders clearly marked as ro contents will be received by the undersigned untilh oclock noon tuesday october 12th 1976 for the supply and delivery of onenewton picku p truck -and- i one new6 cylinder automobile as per town specifications tender forms and specifications may be obtained from the municipal office 19 civic avenue stouffville v ontario all bidders must use town of whitchurch stouffville tender forms lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r e corner clerk l 19 civic avenue 9 stouffville ontario l0h1l0 r l 58t busine services s8- carpet cleaning steam extraction method on location cleaning rugs picked up and delivered free david bell services 60 auctions 60 auctions auction sale for the regional municipality of durham the towns of pickering ajax newcastle township of scugog at the rmd ajax works dept regional rd no 4 taunton rd w sat oct 2 10 am vehicles 19 asstd pickups vans dump trucks sewer jet flusher 68 mich 55111 tire loader cw buc 4 74 dodge mini bus vans ideal for motor home tractors 62 ford cw side knife mower 67 m f 2200 c w bucket loader 5 snow blower for internatl 500 etc heavy t equipment 68 70 hp v crawler loader vh cvy buc68 mich 551 1 p tire loader vh cybuc 66 drott cruzair 40 tire excavator c y buc 3 ge eleo motors vh 40 75 h p construction equipment plumps 150 cfm compr chain saws etc tools elec drill volt onmmeterplaner sidewalk vacuum etc office equipment typewriters 4 calculators asst chairs etc partial listing lunch on premises- viewing fri 1 30 4 pm terms slouoo per unit down balance mon oct 4 cash or certicheque ftt tosave lit plantoattenotobuy to save for advertising space call 6402100 today fj tuesday oct 5 anjlque auction sale of furniture dishes tools real estate etc the property of the late seward shier will be held oa the or ecmses in the village of wilfred approx 7 miles straight west of can- nington or lvfr miles south of port bolster 2 cook stoves quebec healer good antique rocking chairs drop leaf table harvest table round dining room fable and 5 chairs buffet with mirror and side shelves battery radio couch qu of antique dishes depression glass austrian fruit dish and nappies royal blue nlppon dishes bulls eye lamp other lamps aladdin lamp many other old dishes crocks etc sealers china cabinet writing desk and book case 7 pc toilet set green and white library table fancy back antique chair new woven rug 9 x 12 never used mclagan cabinet gramaphone 3 matching chairs rocker arm chair and straight back no of trunks antique beds wash stands beds chests of drawers pine chest etc quilts blankets linens iron bed with brass knobs iron alarm clock antique wooden washing machine note there is ny hydro in this house so you know everything is antique large qu of good antique tools bonng machine 7 adz broad axe antique nfle wooden planes wooden mallets wooden rake kant hooks jack all jack long tree pruners block and tackle carpenters tools hundreds of old tools of all kinds bee extractor bee boxes sl chain saw nearly new single plow cutting box extension ladder 32 ft garden tiller 2 power lawn mowers etc also of f ered for sale subiect to reserve bid a 7 room brick house double lot approx 1 acre excellent retirement home terms 10 per cent down of sale balance in 30 days if you wish to view the property call don shier 705 437 2298 terms on furniture cash sale at 11 a m sharp lunch available reg and larry johnson auctioneers phone 705 357 3270 auctioneers or executors will not be responsible for any accidents m connection with this sale licensed auctioneer estate sales and appraisals call ernest cob den 687 5234 weekends 773 5135 evenings tf26 60 auctions 60 auctions thursday oct 7 property of oy brooks 41 birch ave town of rich mond hill is street south of arvilleroad west off avenue road watch for signs acting on instructions 4 of victoria grey trust all of the property must be sold including 2 door refrigerator itappan stainless steel range hoover spin dry washer chrome suiter 7 pc birch dinette suite gas dryer acorn fireplace 4 pc maple chesterfieidsuite maple bedroom suite cedar chesty color console tv com- bmation hi f i stereo qu of framed oil paintings n fleming qu of misc bed dmg and kitchen effects garden equipment roto tiller cement mixer electric lawn mower rotary lawn mower 5 hp snow blower 5 hp tiger garden tractor and at tachments extension lad ders qu of misc garden e q u i p m tn t and miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention property and automobile selling at 3 p m 5 roomed 2 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow large well treed 103 x 428 lot on town water offer subiect to a low reserve terms 52000 deposit day of sale balance 30 days 1971 acadian 6250 original miles will be certified viewing on property tuesday oct 5 from 3 5pm for more in formation on this valuable property call 869 1661 ex tension 53 owners or auc tioneers not responsible for accidents to public day of sale sale time l p m terms cash or known cheque proper i d required pollardss auction service 416 476 3601 saturday oct 91976 1pm auction sale of real estate antiques and furniture the property of mr and mrs russell pilkey being 6 miles north of uxbndge in the town of leaskdale this property would make a good starter home or retirement home and has many desirable features new aluminum siding full basement river runs through v acre of land near store and post office on paved road- anyone interested in viewing this property before sale call 649 2238 watch for complete sale listing next week earle pilkey auctioneer 649 2238 clarcmont auction sales saturdayoct2 atmnail contents of older home in brooklerc featuring mainly antique furniture old cutter crocks oil lamps etc the property of mr mrs ray harries located on 60 cassets rd east in village of brooklin some highlights include pine flat back cupboard wmuttl glass panes pine drop leaf tables pine chests of drawers pine drop front desk pine bake table ptne chairs jacques hayes guelph organ mot con t dition j h armchairs oak roll top desk a beauty ft pc mahog dining suite anttquemahogtltt top table victorian tables chairs iron brass bed ash stands grandmother dock westminister chime j clock oak hall stand oak record display cabinets maple harvest table refin old kitchen cupboard an tique childs buggy gramaphone rockers 1857 parlour stove very ornate old iron cook stove old box stove mclaughlin cutter mint condition tiffany a type lamp oil lamps various toilet sets statned glass windows mirrors oil t paintings crocks trunks 12 x 12 wool rug quant of collectable glass china bells and much much more p s this sale offers f many outstanding antiques and collectables as the harries have been collectors for many years terms cash no reserve lunch available kahn auction services ph 9858161 2wl8 satoct2 at 12 noon auction sale includes antique furniture and collectors items i e mahogany inlay s china cabinet with bevelled v glass doors corner what not cabinet with glass doors dressers side boards organs piano stools armolr jacques and hayes love seat side chairs wrought iron beds with brass knobs arrow back chairs parlour tables old chairs limoge royal doulton and other china items silver crystal depression glass old iarsr kupie doll and many other items reduction sale for trash and treasures woodbndge to be held at j maple community centre kccle st n maple t cash gord orr auctioneer 1 39 a m rjutzi co inc ts kick 2942965 electrolux canada vacuum cleaners sales service and supplies for home demonstration call 6984180 k vv weiss denture therapy clinc 30 wellington st e markham ont 2946155 5 lost and found lost on woodsy spl 7 asm lkh avenear ken- ztsy road j vr ow pointer oog wtiite wilh mack jpou tna ran wearing collar and tag anwrs to sport also female ipayed cat gray with orange and white marks med tnker call m7smi advertise weekly 60 auctions saturday october 9 the properly of mr mrs ernie trimble village of greenwood 10 miles east of markham off no 7 hwy household jurnltureand antiques no of fools and electric supplies sale at 11300 am terms cash no reserve a sale you shoutdnl miss earl causlin norm fauftner auctioneers tn saturday october 2nd tl 1100am property of clarence silk village of pickering 67 kingston road west complete household fur niture and antiques including 9 piece dining room suite mason and risen piano and bench a number ofsmall antique tables small china cabinet fern stands small parlour fablowihglass claw feet antique rocking chairs 3 piece bedroom suite with dressing bench antique wash stand towel bar on ends 4 piece bedroom suite with ladies dressing table oak desk and swivel chair an tique oak bench with hat storage 24 color tv electrohome pr pencl paintings with a number of mother pictures oemitasse cup on legs 6 piece china tea set 6 piece dinner set with serving dishes gravy boat and mraycrown ducal 4 pieces of cornflower cake tray fruit bowl candy dish vase number fancy cups and saucers royal albert tuscan etc hand painted salt and pepper on silver tray 10 cup teapot with sugar bowl antique shaving mugs many more pieces of silverware number of old tools terms cash no reserve owner moving earl gauslin norm faulkner auctioneers 9th annual kawarthaklassic western influence sale monday october 11 1976 l200joon atcarlsway farm onhwy7b 2 ml north of peterborugh ontario v selling 65lots registered angus cattle featuring the production from these herds carlsway farm peterborugh ontario drynoch farms richmond hill ontario mtm stock farm mlllbroofc ontario credit dale farm mlssissauga ontario forcatalogues contact carl doughty carlsway farm box 501- peterborough ontario wl thursday september30 730 pm holsteins complete barbehaven holstein dispersal for gerald barber r r 1 bloomfield sale will be held at the new malmont farms sales arena vi mile south of blackstock from hwy 401 takewaverly rd exit 74 go 12 miles north to blackstock 50 head ro p tested classified deep full pedigrees 4 very good features of this sale include a 2 yr old by count crystan due in october her 4 direct dams are g p 18000 lb ihen3 very good all with high records a very good 16000 lb apex ust fresh with a heifer calf by man o war 2nd dam gp by almerson v supreme and 3rd dam vg 2 star another feature is a very good ideal fury reflector due in february her 3 dams are all very good this sate also in eludes 25 fresh and close heifers and cows from fucl pedigreed herds an ex cedent opportunity to buy milk with pedigrees lloyd wilson sale managerfi auctioneer uxbndge 416- 852 3524 2w18 ballantrae contractlnglto newhomes barns etc renovations concrete work for estimates callarchie paterson 6404758 barker roofing and siding ltd jphnh lindop household repairs 8 aamnrcnonco smnil lobsourspeciality bus 6402440 res 425 5523 norman may construction homclmprvement masonry a cavpenfy bnck or stone fireplaces plastering 6554320 tf repairs reroofing eaves roughing free estimates 6404966 triad travel service ltd ged stonehouse manager f 6405491 2946571 153 main st stouffville aluminum siding specialists t stouffville home improvements ltd 6401891 free estimates 6401891 alcan building products authorusd dealer windows soffit doors fascia siding trough awnings stouffville printing office supplies 64 main st w- 6402612 business forms cards letterheads line of office complete supplies furniture and four season aluminum sales phone 2945606 alcan buildaig products sunday oct3 930 am 5 pm antique show and sale lions hall im centre st e olf yonge richmond hill 25 dealers bargains galore auction sale saturday october 9th 1976 s public auction sale of agricultural tractors in diesel and gas large medium machines of popular makes also vehicles household furnishings some odd an tlques collectable suites appliances kitchen ware utensils dishes glasswares pictures rugs carpets broadloom lines bedding towellings pillows curtains hardware handymans garden toots lawn fools numerous miscellaneous items etc being all of private parlies eon- signments at prentices auction yards on high way lto mites north of town 4 of markham sale at 1 pm terms cash day of sale no reserve see posttrs or contact clarke prentice f ai auctioneer markham windows doors awnings fascia soffit 6avestr0ugh al glenn stoulfvillcont d wright builder i houses additions renovations alterations decks- recreation rooms phone 6404283 for free estimate tf jim wagg construction alterations renovations addition rec rooms decks fencing etc 6403185 pennanen roofing industrial residential- flats repairs to all types of roofs call glenn 6403926 stouffville maple leaf backhoe service trenching excavating post holes i max ewart 4166401332 j stouffville aluminum regd aluminum siding doors windows soffit fascja eavestroughing roofing 6405512 t wilsons water welis ltd pumps sales 8service 887 s3j7 r after 600 pm j tfjj castle aluminum tile setting ceramic and mosaic k also repair work 6402040 r nick rohwer custom home additions alterations phone 6492441 ra- comtech electric 1 plumbing and 1 a heating ltd formerly watts electric electric plumbing heating contractors retail occtrical supplies appliance sales and service 106 main st north markham 2943642 custom made wrought iron specializing in railings room dividers fire screens tools etc free estimates bob jensen 2945066 jerry breen general new homes additions renovations kitchens estimates 8523516 shop saddlery western atsbooks 2945148 r r 4 stouffville ontario 6402011 a a a stouffville goodwood new construction remodelling alterations and repairs residential com mercial industrial 2941414 painting contractor commercial residential i pa i nt i n g wallpapering days 6405844 evgs 6404338 if siding it- gutters 9 windows 1c awnings doors soffit 6402759 ken smurthwaite heating air conditioning custom sheet metal stouffville 6401428 itf kllchtn bathrooms remodelling sptciahit gord brook 6492839 clabemoht ra jstaylor heating air conditioning contractor phone stouffville 6401908 oil gas electric fur naces duct systems oil gas burners hot water furnaces humidifiers electronic air cleaners swlmmng pool heaters q lake alu i gr flooring r carpctvihyl installation and repairs glehnjackson- robt slack- 6405169 6404843 siding trough alcan buking products j free- estimates 6405909 af windows soffit doors fascia plumbing fixtures iand supplies at the right price v call mister plumber 2344349 80 bullock dr carpet rug cleaning loose carpets wall to wall or furniture shameooor deep steam extraction call stouff- vllle a14 don mills uumu 1 s i 1 rank steele enterprises advertise weelvlpor best resulfsl v