4 the tribune thursday september s 1g 15 58 business services 58 business services 60 auctions k w weiss denture therapy clinic 30 wellington st e marfcham ont 2946155 59 lost and found site reward for information itadmg to return ot missing school bu rom scftoolhousc on ken- road in unionville 2t7 2m m7s24i 60 auctions auctioneers wd atkinson mo1494 stout fville as farmer phone gormfey 887 5311 donburd 6402923 bryan green milliken phone 2wu33 60 auctions saturday september 25 12 noon farm sold auction sale including 25 mead ol cattle 22 steers charolais x heretords 1 2 yr olds holstem heifer due m october mf 145 diesel tractor with cab and power steering good 467 haybina like new n h 273 hay uaier oliver side rake int no 36 3 furrow t b plow int 10 no 45 vibra shank cultivator 3 pt hitch jd no 34 manure spreader 2 yrs wagon rack mh is run seed drill sedore snow blower like new int side rake gehl hammer mill blt 5 sections of harrows 3 hty levator on carriage gan augers land roller hay buncher cockshutt mounted mower 7 gram dryer jd riding lawn mov r good cattle clippers dehorners 2 farowing crates single plow ac no 66 combine int insilage cutter set of sleighs extension ladder pile of rails mineral feeder electric fence posts wagon load 2500 bales pf hay furniture heintzman piano bench excellent condition organ stool wicker fern stand 2 dressers moffat 30 stove kitchen cupboard tables bath tub laundry tubs washing fr machine 2 large crocks windows doors iars fruit tars numerous other items the property of irwii- kydd r r 1 uxbridge lot 9 con 4 3 mile north of sandford owner and auc tioneers not responsible for accidents or public liability lunch available sale at 12 noon sharp lloyd wilson sale manager auctioneer uxbridge 416 852 3524 3w16 auction sale herongate country auc tions every wed evenngat 7 00 a m located 4 miles north of rouge hill on the altona road off no 2 high way east metro or 4 miles east and south of markham featuring every week good selection of antiques line furniture glass china collectables etc so ioin us every wed and participate in one of ontarios most authentic old fashioned auctions with no bid ins or reserves the true auction preview all day j wea consignment and estate selling our specialty kahn j auction service ph 294 0426 bus or 985 8161 res tf36 auction sales satur0ayoct2 at 1010 am contents of older home m brooklm featuring mainly antique furniture old cutter crocks oil lamps etc the property of mr mrs ray harries located on 60 cassels rd east in village ol brooklm some highlights include pine flatback cupboard wmultl glass panes pine drop leaf tables pine chests of drawers pine drop front desk pine bake table pine chairs jacques hayes guelph organ mint con dition j h armchairs oak roll top desk a beauty 8 pc mahog dining suite antiquemahog tilt toptable victorian tables chairs iron brass bed washstands grandmother clock westminister chime clock oak hall stand oak record display cabinets maple harvest table refin old kitchen cupboard an tique childs buggy gramophone rockers 1857 parlour stove very ornate old iron cook stove old box stove mclaughlin cutter mint condition tiffany type lamp oil lamps various toilet sets stained glass windows mirrors oil paintings crocks trunks 12 x 12 wool rug quant of collectable glass china bells and much much more p s this sale offers many outstanding antiques and collectables as the harries have been collectors for many years terms cash no reserve lunch available kahn auction services ph 985 8161 2wl8 thursday september 30 7 30 pm holsteins complete barbehaven holstem dispersal for gerald barber r r 1 bloomfield sale will be held at the new malmont farms sales arena vi mile south of blackstock from hwy 401 takewaverly rd exit 74 go 1 writing desk from aucfmosalc friday september 241 1976 auction sale of all said owners household home furnishings electrical ap pliances bedroom chesterfields kitchenette gents den suites some odd antiques and collectable j pieces dishes glasswares utensils garden lawn handymans tools basement cellar articles various miscellaneous items ec for mr mrs stephen prevost at part lot 10 con 6 regional town of markham known as 4561 no 1 highway first place east from kennedy road unionville sale at 100 pm terms cash day of sale no reserves as vendors moving out to calgary asjp with their personal belongings only see posters for particulars etc or contact clarke prentice fai markham 64q4686 auction sale saturday sept2s 11 30 am furniture antiques including lamps tables railroad lanterns telephone hall tree rocking chairs volume t p s weekly washer dryer crocks franklin stove dressers hutch pine wash stand toilet set wicker etc the property of ross disney greenwood village 10 miles east of makham 5 miles west of brooklm on hwy no 7 in greenwood watch for sign earl gaushn norm faulkner auctioneers 640- 3079 640 5691 friday sept 24 twilight auction sale of furniture 18 swimming pool and accessories toy tram set complete colour tv lower and antenna 21 cu ft freezer g s w dryer washer roto tiller tool shed rug rubber dingy boat garden tools dressers beds dishes many more articles the property of robert keillor 21 frederick st off church stouffvilte terms cash no reserve owner moving sale at 5 30 p m norm faulkner earl gaushn auctioneers jacqueline mac varish and karen hari are busy in the kitchen area of the junior kindergarten room at st marks school annegret lamure 12 miles north to blackstock 50 head r o p tested classified deep full pedigrees 4 very good features of this sale include a 2 yr old by count crystan due in october her 4 direct dams are g p 18000 b then3 very good all with high records a very good 16000 lb apex iust fresh with a heifer calf by mano war 2nd dam g p by almerson sov supreme and 3rd dam v g 2 star another feature is a very good ideal fury reflector due in february her 3 dams are all very good this sale i also in eludes 25 fresh and close heifers and cows from full pedigreed herds an ex cellenl opportunity to buy milk with pedigrees lloyd wilson sale manager auctioneer uxbridge 416 852 3524 2w18 licensed auctioneer estate sales and appraisals call fcrnest cobden 887 5234 weekends 773 5135 evenings tf26 twilight auction sale friday sept 24 at t 30 p m in the victoria square community centre being 3 miles north of no 7 hwy on don mills rd sale of an tiques furniture clocks collectable items 2 pianos dominion player piano working bell upright sealer collection 1 beehive 2 beavers 1 star 2 best king the wears the daisy the ideal acme etc brass bed round oak table an tique wooden telephone finger lamps school clock gingerbread clock wall clocks 2 planters peanut iars set of 6 pressed back chairs domestic sirouk carpets mahogany high boy dressers with bevelled mirror mahogany dresser spool bed icecream parlour set 4 chairs tabid mens double dresser with mirror pressed back rocker pine washstand pine blanket box oak hall table plane stool with back oak hall seat curved glass china cabinet plant stands copper kettles brass pr of ooulton flow blue plates lanterns crocks decoys orange crush bottle tea tins carnival dishes 2 hump back trunks wooden beer keg brass horn hames gunstock chair 3 pc settee mirrors buggy wheel coffee table cast iron terrier milk tot ties oak office desk drawer chest 10 15 gal crocks pine document chest plus numerous othet articles terms cash nc reserve call john annis 985 3477 auctioneers i mon sept27tn 1 00 pm furniture and antiques auction sale including round oak table and 6 chairs oak buffet china cabinet 3 pc wicker set small bedroom box stove brass double bed antique chesterfield and 2 chairs in excellent condition admiral tv press back rocker antique bedroom suite in excellent condition antique chairs several an tique tables pine pieces mantle clock wall brackets 2 trunks quilts dishes pine cupboard copper boiler chests of drawers antique tea wagon desk hall trae wash stands mirrors viking wringer washer pictures crocks large nu ot fruit iars antique dishes tools garden tools electric lawn mower new the property of mrs cecil heard 31 king st uxbridge from commerce bank go north to corner of king st lloyd wilson sale manager and auctioneer uxbridge 416 852 3524 2w16 monday morning september 27 10 am furnitures antioues an excellent sale including walnut bookcase top drawer has drop front for secretary desk tea wagon antique dresser with tear drop pulls walnut sideboard mantel clock antique tables antique picture frames pineapple poster bed dishes floor lamp chesterfield several walnut chairs rugs the property of miss laura newton at 35 toronto st n in uxbridge lloyd wilson sale manager auctioneer uxbridge 852 3524 saturoay october 9 the property of mr mrs 4 ernie trimble village of greenwood 10 miles east of markham off no 7 hwy household furniture and antiques no ol tools and electric supplies sale at 11300 am terms cash no reserve a sale you shouldnt miss earl gauslin norm faulkner auctioneers 2w1i antioues furniture and tools at sun valley antiques and used furniture on the 9th cone ol whit church at musselmans lake 3 miles north of stoutfvllle on friday october 1st at 530 pm terms cash no reserve auctioneers earl causlin norm faulkner fridayoctlstatlpm auction sale of trucks cars iar parts farm implements tools roofing many other articles the property of marjorie elson also known as ballantrae auto wreckers no reserve terms cash as property is sold frank bennett auc tioneer 2w18 wednesday sept29 clearing auction sale for mrs lila campbell at ringwood hwy 48 being 1 mile west of stouflviiie property sold including findlay electric stove g e refrigerator good toilet set 6 piece dining suite good china cabinet antique ireland good antique walnut bedroom suite 2 sewing machines antique scales vacuum percolator shoe repair kit 2 what nots 2 large rugs scatter rugs picture frames no lamps fireplace accessories washing machine antique radio with ear phones rocking chairs antique hall rack with mirror 3 8 gal milk cans power lawn mower apple peeler large ferns antique wool wreath on velvet quilting frames bedding comforter feather tick pillows no odd dishes glassware iars crocks ladders antique tools lawn chairs new westinghouse 24 stove b 8 w 23 tv 3 pc oak b r suite chime clock 5 piece chrome kit chen set chrome stool new buffet and hutch new 12 x 15 rug new pine coffee table walnut coffee table cedar chest desk and chair wicker fernery spring scales box springs and mattress new pole lamp leather rocker arm chairs no odd chairs washer blanket box radio jar diniere no lamps lanterns hall tree wagon wheels wheel barrow lawn mower polisher sweeper copper boiler no small tables kitchen utensils dishes cushions pictures quilts childs rocker and slide tubs windows doors etc etc many other useful ar tides not listed note this is a good sale be sure to attend property sold refreshments by the ladies sale 1 p m w d atkinson sale mgr and auctioneer saturday october 2 11am furniture antiques farm sold this is an ex cedent clean sale with many beautiful pieces antiques a quality sale you won t want to miss auction sale in eluding pine wardrobe black walnut butlers tray sawbuck table pine window frame mirror walnut beside table pine coat rack niagara area pine plant stand two pine captains chairs pine chest of drawers pine bucket stand sheraton games table tier table mahogany nest tables two wing chairs french prov setteearm chair jacques 8 hayes chair solid cherry end table and coffee table table lamps china workshop equipment tools china glass garbage compactor manual typewriter cedar and alum patio furniture sunbeam mixmaster oval duncan phyte coltee table garage storage cabinet on caster stepladder bar b cue sinclair sleigh llnd say mott mower and other equipment an excellent quality sale the property of mr mrs harry zerlng on 8rock reach town line 4 miles north of greenbank and 3 miles east or 7vi miles north of port perry 4 mile west lloyd wilson sale manager auctioneer ubridge 852 3524 3w18 teacher vickey rolfe is deeply interested in the pink snails susan poupore is fashioning out of playdough in the junior kindergarten class annegret lamure uxbridge arena is reprieved uxbridge uxbridge arena will be allowed to stay open one last winter council learned the ontario labour ministry which had declared the arena unsafe two months ago ruled that the building will be allowed to stay open provided certain ad- ditional safety precautions are met this means the town will have to monitor snow loads and wind velocity and clear the arena if safe limits are exceeded reconstruction of the arena will be postponed until april or may not to be outdone by a mere girl dean burch tries to outlift classmate jacqueline mac varish during the morning session of junior kindergarten note the fancy footwork and unusual grip he is using in an effort to best her annegret lamure omb rules on lot stouffville parcel of land on the the ontario municipal north side of vandorf board has set aside a sideroad and concession committee of ajustment 7 louis chung and decision concerning a thomas byberg had o i appealed a town ad- oireel named justment committee stouffville decision that would not auction sale saturday sept 25 1230 pm richmond hill region legion annual auction sale at richmond hill legion parking lot ohio drive many interesting and useful articles for sale sam fockler auctioneer mostar street it is council finally decided on that title for the road to the south of cable tech on hwy 47 the cable tech president apparently asked the road be named either mostar or noma council had passed a motion in a previous meeting saying the name should be mertyn road 60 auctions pollards auction barn vh miles east of keswick sales every saturday 12 30 pm always a variety of complete household fur nishings including antiques and collectables we specialize in complete estates sale held rain or shine large parking area snack bar 7223112 tf7 permit maintaining an existing dwelling on a 22 8 acre parcel 77 polaris snowmobiles available bill walls bethesda 8881998 sat october 2nd 100 am property of clarence silk village of pickering 67 kingston rd west complete household furniture and antiques terms cash no reserve owner moving earl causlin norm faulkner auctioneers triors sept 33 auct ion sale of furniture and oarden equipment the propertyof frank wagg 7 edward street stouflviiie beside coop see last weeks paper for details norm faulkner earl causlin auctioneers sale at 5 pm vitamins discount prices on natural all brands sizes and potencies newmarket health foods gortiam st sutton rd 954017 now on 1 year term anita lopez is doing a little hairdressing while attending the new junior kindergarten at st marks it didnt take the youngsters long to settle in and participate in all the activities victoria square news women s meeting held bjmrswsandle the september meeting of the womens institute was held at the home of mrs earl empnngham on tuesday evening of last week the guest speakers were mrs c clossenand mrs mary miller of highland creek the ucw met for the first meeting of the fall season in the sunday school room on wed nesday of last week in the form of a pot luck luncheon the annual auction rummage produce and bake sale sponsored by the victoria square district lions club which v as held oh sept 18 at the community hall proved to be very successful the winner of the cake draw was mrs jack walker on behalf of the club members lion president jack walker would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make ita success the euchre season is upon us the first euchre of the season will be held on friday evening oct 1 at 8 p m in the com munity hall everyone welcome several from here attended the induction service on sunday evening of last week for the rev james beuell of the sutton west virginia charge ham suvoty fall colours in for informotion what to see where to stay phone or write halibiirton highlands chamber of commerce box 147 minden 7052861760 beech view cottages modern loctfei speed autumn d mount phone 705489 2489 r r no 2 nunden silver springs cottages on elephant lake f in woleye muik e and ban duck hunteri welcome harcourt ontaro 705 448 2617 halimar unt i thonktg v ty pt hal bufton 705 437 1300 the wagon wheil motel rr no im nden ont 7052862794 old mill cottage resort rr no 2 minden 705489 2223 modern accommodation good fish ng naran home recipe plan takes off ugly fat the naran plan can help you lose pounds of uns ghtly at tight in your own home this home recipe weighuontrol plan is easy to follow and costs i ttle go to your drug stot e and ask tor the naran reduc ng plan the whole plan is included in every package the d reetions are tight on the label pour the liquid into a pint bottle and add enough grapetru t ju ce to f ii the bottle take two tablespoonsful twice a day as needed take the vitamin supple ment included and follow the low calorie weekly food menu your f rst purchase should show you a simple easy way to lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves reducible pounds and inches ol eicess fat should disappear from neck chin arms hips abdomen calves and ankles it you ate not completely satis ed with your f rst purchase just return the empty carton or your money back follow th s easy way endorsed by many who havejned th s plan to help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness note how qu cmy bloat disappears how much belter you leel more alive youthful appearing and active l home grown vegetables cv pick your own corn tomatoes beanspotatoes pucumbers beets dill roma beans much more underhill farms 6403956 locations to serve you stouffville rd location 1 8th ave markham 9th line farm greenhouses 7 proclamation town of whitchurchstouffville pursuant to a resolution endorsed by the whitchurchstoutfville council at its meeting september 14m7l hereby proclaim the month ot september 1976 4 school bus safety month gordon ratcliff mayor