inviuageto c indenn v jstouffvtlle the trial programof putting policemen back on the beat in stouffville -has- been extended definitely in- the program according to police chief bruce crawford still has afew technical problems that have to be worked out he said he preferred not to specify what the technical problems were policemen were assigned to walk a beat for an experimental two week period to determine if it is feasible to put policemen back on the street in other areas of york region the day and evening shifts were assigned to walk main st the chief told the tribune he is not dissatisfied but not entirely satisfied with the way the foot patrols have worked out one problem has been that the officers have had to leave the cruisers unattended while they walk the street there was one incident where the cruiser was pelted with eggs j mr crawford said the local rounders present no c problem and that vandalism to the cars can be controlled we are trying to establish whether we can take a man and make him immobile and still serve the community the chief explained he said he is worried about the response time to calls when the officer has to walk back tohiscarv hh he said there has been quite a bit of mail to the police commission and it has been overwhelmingly in favor of keeping officers on foot patrol there have been letters from other towns urging the police to institute the program inthose communities they like the idea but vm not sosuretheyjl think so highly of it if there is a delay when they want a policeman chief crawford warned x he felt it would be pointless to continue if the officer is called back to his car every 15 minutes vol 89 no 18 whitchurch stouffville september 19m 20 cents 16 pages junior kindergarten underway this fall volunteer fireman jim renriie appeared to be missing dn essential part of his uniform when he showed up for a truck fire at bethesda saturday af- ternoonto tell the truth jim wasnt really in that much of a hurry it was just that he was taking advantage of the warm day and was wearing shorter ftjpantsvv stouffville a kin dergarten for fouryearolds opens for the first time at st marks separate school this fall according to- principal robert girard the program is for fiveyear olds as well as four- yedrolds with birthdays prior to dec 31 a total of 15 have signed up for the class so far this j is the second year junior kindergarten has been offered by the york separate school board but it is the first year transportation- for it has also been offered mr girard said the junior class taught by victoria rolfe of elmrd will run 91130 am while senior kindergarten will occur 1330 pm daily meaningful organized playwill be the chief activity in the junior kindergarten mr girard said altheyre learning something fromjt both the junior and senior kindergartens at st marks will have a staggered start system to help the children break into their routines more easily this means that five children will come the first day with five more added the second and so on until the whole class is there the parents will accompany their children on their first day in the new environment as well said mr girardits the most humane way of bringing them in separate school supporters may still sign up their children for the junior program ac- cording to mr girardwith the r maximum for the class set at 20 mentioned m contest stouffville sharon tranmer rr2 stouffville v received an honourable mention for the essay she submitted to i the canadian community v newspaper associations hometown paper com- petition the association received 500 essays from across canada v telling why the readers liked their local weekly paper f theorize of 400 went to geoff tagg of foremost alberta a- miss tranmers- honourable mention is quite an achievement as putfof the 500 entries there j3waonly one winner and 10 honourable mentions given former towh resident kilted in plane crtish wesley james a former stouffville man was onebf10 peoplej killed vwhen aplarie crashed i into hydro lines r in heavy fog about 60 miles north of cochrane v ia 7im ty mr james 53 was the fred tapscott a retired native of milliken saturday there will be displays of oldtime arts- managefv of energy and i en- dropped in to the markham museum recently to crafts and trades with many stouffville area virbnment for ontario hydros display down east style fiddling mr tapscott will be on hand at themuseums heritagefestivarthis with residents participating john montgomery penitentiary riot ji f act mayor markham fair miojieer contest cbiild be revived markham the coming jafkhamfair sept 30 oct 3 has ileft markham museum curator john lunau with a 60- v pound problem totsoive for eight months iiow he has bwndelyingmtpthehistory of sdnie mysterious round stones in ahfforto find out if they were vused in contests at the fair 50year4 ago kjf itis said at the local blacksmiths used to hurl j the was a large powerful man so it is conceivable that he was able to those heavy stones- conceded mrlunau v however he was rather doubtfulabout reviving the contest for this years fair he doesnt think there are enough men around who can hurl heavy weight like that not onehanded anyway he said v uxbridge a t penitentiary reception centre in uxbridge is not an ac- complished fact said mayor carl puterbough at last weeks meeting here of- the uxbridge- 1 canadian penitentiary service information committee r iwant tomake that loud o the minds of many complished factand theyre wondering what were messing around for the mayor said f the final rdecision he ex plained would s be made by somebody in ottawa council has made their decision in favor of the centre butwe dont- have the final say some members of the ucic expressed the view that it is the federal ministrys ap- proachat present not to put the centre anywhere its hot wanted councillor bill ballinger said hebelieved the cehtreis an accomplished fact subject to a site plan agreement the committee last week also discussed the public true for the rest of the township pointed in the calibre of the population- people who attendedit totally of the 256 who sent back surprised me who did show up i their questionnaires the biggest think the people who supposedly concern among them was wanted more information didnt concerning security at the want any information at all proposed institution half of ofthe three open houses in them didnt want any additional zephyr uxbridge vand good- information and of those who wood a totalgiofi3only 225 showed that of the seven or eight per centmvho responded one third were for thecentre onethird- were against the centre for specific reasons and v third rejected itoutright the 64 question is is this responded toathe question- naires j commenting on the open houses held recently to inform people aboutthe proposed centre councillor bill ballinger commented hes was disap- willbegim reconstructionrof highway ljg the company he had worked for 1 as an engineer for 25 yearsf v as a member of the royal commission on electrical power planning he together with 11 other members was participating in hearings northern communities 1 the fatal crash occurred on the last leg of a trip between moosonee and timmins saturday theplane was flying under a low ceiling when it- h entangled with hydro tran smission wires and crashed- spokesmen for ontario which wouldj- threephaseo current 132000 voltsrlix v c i ithereihas beensdme t speculationthe electricity could 4 have touched off an explosion in the plane that would have killed mirtymundwanchdiameter environment lawyer frocks ina were awarded r a trophy that t v 1 mighttpossiblystilllbeinaavlce souffjlt t existence today y f uathefair directors would 1 1 ii likeno see theevent revived if 011 legal riffllts theyjcanfinduthowit was 1 j p stageclxxvr ur rirntat i sunfortunately noone has- mjj mlolcslcrs r been able to more information about- the stones which y to the markham rlfair board by harry rolph v fmrjrolpha longtime the opposition to continued use of the york sanitation dump on highway 48 is continuing as members of preserye our water resources rand some markham resident hadkept the counciuors were to meet today storiesin garage for almost with an environmental lawyer oimtij imiiu imirtiiom nvi- powr chisirman ranees sainsbury said the group would probably retain him if the l ministry of the environmeht approves the dump for an ad- j 50 years arid finally pufthem in hlssrock garden where they were much admired for their roundness the stones had been given to hiniby robert campell who in turirhad receivedthem from mrs campbellmrs campbell hid had an uncle john jerrnan iwho was a pioneer blacksmith in tig area- and the stones f ap- pirently originated fronihim it is said that john jerrnan wplwman to world contest ditional five years of use as recommended by senior en- l virohmental officer paul isles mrs sainsbury vowed the group wouldappeal any decision favorable i to the dump operators she said there is an environmental appeals board s although it was previously accepted as fact that there is no appeal a decision by the environmental hearing board wlnow thatpowr members vare back after thesummer she said they would shortly apply to 2i donald y o t the canadian plowing the ombudsmans office to have champion will be leaving for ithe matter investigated v sweden on sept 14 in order to vv mrs- sainsbury- said the compete intheworld-cham- meeting with the environmental pionships to be held at vara on lawyers is to familiarize the ltne25 and26 t i vv group with their rights and their fekjicoach floyd forsythe who probable chances of overturning flsindiarge of the canadian an unfavourable decision- v team said that they were going the dump is located- 6000 early in order to get used to the feet north of the stouffville well hewequipment and the soil of vxuieareaay ritkvvmv iivshiriey dunkeld the champs wife and jean white hisaunt will accompany the staen on the trip v there is fear that chemicals dumped at the landfill sitecould emigrate into thetown rwater y supply the main aquifer is believed to flow beneath the dump itself i the reconstruction rhighway a lhihpss t 47 frdmmain sttotto7firaic ifj md villageundaryjustfsouthof tacbutmuch of the fuselage jthystouffyaiesalesbarrir jbe underway thisfall cathe v government t the town clast week received munications thatjtheworkwill goahead vat the earliest date andi porter funeral home of port credit with interment at see reconstruction pg 6 vpoft credit t fis wej9k0hi d eq len dif r 1stouffville a busy weekend lies ahead for area residents 3 as no less than five majorevents are planned in arid wviueml- v vvv v baseball tourneys around stouff- both the boys and girls house league ball teams are havingtheir it tournaments on saturday and sunday in various area parks and the popular mongolia open golf tournament will again be held by mill run golf course the fun sijtourneywill feature a sliotgun start to ensure no waiting and many fnrizes and sruvialmnntc tioliotc nan otitlkn j unl strationssuch as spinning weaving blacksmithing tatting and printing as well as old engines and machinery at work there will also be some downeast fiddling and for those who enjoy something moreconcrete a craft and antique display ad- mission is socents for adults children under 12 25 cents jv v historyxin action r wstejphen moueewas escorted intofsura- turn of eyehts infact nwe oftbe kjbidergatten mhview jjobl tuesday- mornhig by his mother diane for huveryflritdayof school young stephen doesnt appear too unhappy about this students were upset about being leftat tchoola large throng of mothers younger children and dogs were on hand for the opening of school irv- ff history in actionsis again being featured by the pickering museum in broughamon sept 1112 from 125 pm au the old pioneer skilb will be demonstrated to the public there yjwill be butter churning woodslputtmgchaircaning threshingrug- hooking wood carving watchmakingquilting and many others to ryf illustrate the various aspectsof pioneer life 33fef s iifor the youngstere there arealsosfeam engines ancient tractors and a miniature locomotive on display sfie 4 7 j f ijsk c il rztjs f uxbridge fairwill be rafridaysaturdayasunday the fair features many agricultural exhibits a dog show midway and lm chbdrens competitions- uavj v- i yj v