toe tribune thursday august 2tui estabbstatf charles h nolan piaoslttr tisbarrebeacock wmmmmmsf john montgomery t s u7 bonwmaitdwrrn wactm mmi laaw yi t4 pgrryun gr euiibridls poliieeiiian bkck on the beat a weleome igkt in the village it seems stouffville has been singled out able to respond fast enough to an emergency by the regional police force as the location for call c- s an experiment ui putting the policeman back this does not seem to us a great on the beat v t v r problem as the officers park their cruisers in for the past week or so officers have been a fairly central location and are at most only a back in 1908 when this photograph was taken this form of conveyance very- visible in the town conducting foot couple of minutes away from themriyv fwas right in style thettvo men in the buggy are preston and lu morden patrols fc j4 v the local response to this program has m r f police chief bruce crawford has- cited been very enthusiastic many people have economic reasonsas the major factor in this said they feelmore secure with policmeh programllt is much cheaper to park a walking the streets pohcemenwe have spoken withhave expressed approval of return to the old system they feel they can get to know the community better and are thus more effective their jobs s i our opinion the greatest benefits are in the public relations field it is such a change to exchange a few pleasant words onthestreet with an officer especially whenas for most of us tbejpnly words we hearfrom a policeman are alright lets see your licence insurance and registration with the cop back on the beat the officer again becomes a human being instead of a summonsissuing automaton v m by the old post office building dirt roads were also the vogue when this picture was taken the photo is actually printed on a post card cruiser andhave the police officer conduct footpatrolsthan to have the police of ficer drive around for the whole shift v the chief also acknowledged jthat part of police officials is that the officer will not be ifl qlyhipign second ehaicjesbie inem i l h v-k- vb bill smiley imemy big bay everything was great r shaking like a wino it wasnt quite britains path summonsissuing automaton 1 l a we observed a very pleasant sight an extremely tall policeman was making his rounds accompanied by a yery small boy they were sharing a chocolate bar if this return of the officer on a beat is a result of insufficient funds then we hope it takes a long time for the force to overcome their economic difficulties while we may look with some scorn and i not without a little alarm at the economic positionof britain today are we not on the same path be it some distance back an overdose ofsociahsman oppressive tax system which has sapped all the incentive from the system and an alarming trade deficit have all helped put britain in economic peril t pkvl v a full cup of socialism and a horrendous trade deficit areputtingiscouhtry om the fcsame slippery ipathoufitradedeficikhasv reached nearly 10bihionmore thandouble yi p reporter thoroughly enjoyed his chat bthefigureomhreeyearsago vor urecentlyjfwidr n f tomhnson of our workers wages much above those in vclaremont a front page story last week told old fashioned values keyto long active life 1 tthe us are slowly pushing our products out j of world markets we are simply unable to compete inmany fields we borrow more and cwesellfraw materials in an effort tocom- pensate but suchaction cannotgp on forever s jtestuidustnalriportssh6withatitis v i fiveyears now sincesoihe lndustries showed a tomhnson higher homegrown cojisumptionhouseholds n 1 and ihdustry numbers tocheaper imported goods v britain has been forced toswallow wage restrictions of 4v4percentmid had a drastic devaluation in currency in an effort to turn the deficit position around this seems pretty- drastic medicinein ottawa but could it come to that j how dr tomhnson at 89 continues to play golf and to treat some v lifelong patients among other activities mow that the games are over and all the tears have been shedittime to look ahead to the1980 olympics i v what the international olympic com- mittee needs like a hole in the head is new ideas but ill give them one anyway its simple give everybody a second chance im sure people like debby brill and bruce simpson and yankovich strmzlwvzlski will agree with me s most of us get a second chance in life whether its falling down on the job impaired driving or being married why not the olympic athletes j i got a second chance once upon a time and i was ecstatically grateful for ititwas a long time ago and the olympics had been cancelled for the duration but oierewere some pretty serious games uvprogress just thesanter r- t it is one of the greati ironic and my students simply cant understand i i try to explain but yours truly arida lot of others were involved in a bitter competition we were trying to become fighter pilots so we could be killed that silly but it was so no olympic suffered anymore tension anxiety or frustration than we did when it came to the big we lived in constant fear oh not of killing ourselves nobody was concerned in the least about that the dread phrase was washed out that meant that you werent going to be that dashing figure m fighter pilot but that you were going to be retained as a mere navigator wireless op or tail gunner in other words sent to the minors the s if you survived the heats off you wentto j finishing school known as advanced flying r this was like making the olympic team but knowing youd probably finish in 31 place i was sent with a lot of other young idiots- dying to be killed to camp borden it quite an august group includihgone jake- gaudaur the large jovial gentleman who is now the commissar of the canadian football league hi jake 1 ir camej i was snowing but it wasnt quite not snowingarid the intercom wasnt working normally this isnt a big deal the uw tercpm was just a little sort of telephone mto which the instructor shouted obscenities and student ground his i i buton a wings test it can be something f ore thana minor nuisance my f instructor ouldshoutatmetpdoasteepturrftotheleft would guess at the muffled instructions and o a loop he would yell at me to do a loopand d do asloppy slowroll j j after half an hour of 1 this blind irianv- iuff he indicated with a ferociousgesture of his thumb that he was taking over and we r w were going to laridwe did he climbed out- t despite the augustnesstof the group we speechless i climbed out with my tail well be- trained in midwinter wetflewirixsnow my legstfsv fyf landed on snow we crashed vlaiided into- y hejustlookedatmeandshoqkhisheadi snow and occasionally anintrepidstudent justlookedat hifnand wagged mytailwe s usually an australian proved once againthat 7 both knew that i was washed outohe walked an aircraft falling 6000 feet will not penetrated awayvl looked aroundfdrsbmerimmediate- the ice of georgian bay the whole deal was means of committing suicidethe only thing i the reason for this is both that hes zw wlngs lone beforetha not unlikenapoleons retreat from moscow and all the time leering over 7 our shoulders was the s face of that thing called washed out t c 3o t y remained active and as he says that he never quitejbecame modern perhaps amajor andfatal j characteristic of becoming 0- modern nowadays is to be cynical and self- i centredunabletoienjoylife and people keytoa16hg andaceful life may be in the end holding to andhving by values 4 that standthe test of timet 1 j long beforethat- of course were the eliminationsfirst was the physical exafninationiiwas tough many a youth with 4dreams of dicing through tkeclouds in a dogfightwasshot clown in the jmos office because he had flat feet orwas color blind next came the preliminary heats these were known as elementary flying training could sefevwas awhirling propellerand that swasabit top niessyur vp rl there inusc of course beclimax tb this- fascinating narrative and tthefe is next it seems incredible looking backthat we morning iwas moping about feling i were m such terror of that creaturerjf all the though id just learned my mother was a young fellows in the worldihad managed to prostitute and my father a quackibprlionist i 1 have themselves washea out there wouldnt a voicet smjiley get vybur gear on have been anyone to fly and kill arid dies u another instrucf6rwidely known as a d f oiith x bastard we took off i hate bragbut v fr v butwe allthe palpitations of u if you came through about 60 hours of flying this consisted of about one hour training without beingiterriblyair sick psychological torturemn which the t student without bouncing more than40 feerri land- flew the aircraft througlia number of un- j yingsand without running into another air- comfortable and alarmingexercises while an v craffand killing yourself you made the semi- instructor sitting in the front seat snarled finalst imprecations- o a r itpjtetom ui careless abandonbf a man who knows he- olympic contestants aswe edged closer and the galleys anywayi fling that vj closer to that triumph of sadomasochism the theskyin a dvearif wrngs test wings lest i fsj y to daysjatef i notohly had mywings j m xj cjl j- a- of j na suddenly j become an officer and a ht gentleman wjij iv k iip canadas deteriorating relations with the s united states were reflected in the tone of the jbysmclpir steyeps mr l and in the end they create only shortages t blackmarkets and higherpricesforthese comment he smiled and said perhaps we would like more of your oil congressman j v m the original opportunity to attend y v allen in washington one plank in the gopy program bluntly ttie subcommittee states is time for a series of newdepar- dirig he said i tures in ourrelations with canada vticulate way to i facedwiththis reference to canada otherse governor robert dray of iowafchaifmari of the convention ot thecommittee on resolutionsvwhichuydealt with wage and pnce controls abortion ehactmeiit of aconstitutionaramendment to j t presented the draft platform the con- r and gun control j j restorepfotectiori of the right to life for un- vention said we are tired of squabbling therepuhlicans tried a wage and price born children w j ft i l fvihontjnlxon thats arrfntivelvstronir s over matters in which there appears to beno t r reason for disagreement where it isjinour mutual interest we want todo all we canto reachagreement without using a combative approach then he added arose i surmiselfromthefrayeclrelaoons between us arising over anagreement fora pipeline through canadav t v- j s obviously the trudeau confrontation tactics in dealing unitedistates are not appreciated republican americans spokesmen as a rule specify particular irritants seemed to be a mixturebf-fanxiety- controls program under president thats a relatively strong standfora j anl ofr tnl im altai 3 alt kul antil excerpts 1946 1 canadasrole in nato the saskatchewan ji partial takeover of j dora brownscombewere hurrying to escape a r threatened rata stormftwhem miss browns- the potash industry- worse weather a- j s combedeclared shefeltsomethingjljad hit iwehaveitfromnoless an authority than herrjust the jolt pf car said the driver aministervofthe actually who rushed onlater it was discovered that a magazinesaax v snowed up at ballantrae last sunday aug 25 b k passmg through uie seattnd actually g the ladys girdlethe hole in the car through the seatwerevery apparent but t v j-iii- u bulletcouldnotbeiocatedyamarkwas i on peace security and foreign policy where faurlycovered with snowwell- that wasa meft the metal stay6fthe the originated said hedid not know- freak storm for- uncertainly was summer sisk iij f ethe ctenninologycamets fromi weatterandncool enough for snow- it meahsthere shouldbeacbange mysterkmsshot atwi tvi tr fhavitm i4x itu nj it d m stranse eone town declined to- j and a lady friend were driving home from r it is believed that the shot was from a high r powered rifled but whether hwas intentionally aimed or a stray shot is alnystery since it wasiafternlne jodockandquite dark possibility of someone shooting groundhogs or other animals is unlikely j