the tribune thursday august 1k6 5 rreader writes tribune coverage in the old post office building on main st now sits vacant and unused except for the secondfloor apartment- council is con sidering renting the building from the federal government for a dollar a year and employ ing the building for community activities suggested uses so far- have been a senior citizens social center and a dropin centre for youth this view looking over the front counter into the main floor area was a common sight for most stouffville residents for many years s vv7 mayors report is home tour dear sir- v on behaifof the ladiesuf the womens committee7pofthe markham and district family life centre i would like tothankyou and your staff for the excellent coverage you gave our tour of homes last month there is no doubt that youf papers generous articles were a con tributing factor in the 600- plus ladies who attended the tour many thanks carolyn dancey s stouffville ratcliff told the tribune would agree to open their mayor gordon ratcliff lvebeen to meetings houses for emergency feels an effort should be about this in the past purposes even for just a madeto j supply jtemergericy housing in this area but has in- dicated the matfer is out of the hands of council theres certainly a need for this kind of facility in case of disasters- and so on the whole problem is being handled by the regions health social services committee he said and very little progress has been made they were trying to find some people who few days the mayor said the response has been largely negative he pointed out that emergency housing is available in communities along theyonge street corridor and indicated that people need not fear having strangers in their homes i think if people did- this theyd find the temporary residents are very well screened ratcliff said right now its up to the committee to see if they can find anyone willing to help anyone who would letter to the editor on y or by acting as an agent called a broker have at his disposal a number of entering thv gravel pits involved at this point our drivers 1 were being dear sir in- response to your editorial of august 5 entitled violence in strikes i feel some comment should be made to explain the true con flict which existed during the i socalled truckers jtrike si v atftnerriisk iri il if l r- iii rf i i- j i fects our tax base three basicmethodsof haulage to orki 7 atno time during this deparunentwhoworked i foresdrmect started operating a dump truck in primarily forthe strike- did don an- around the dockhogetba the industry as itexiste customer or end userof -dersoh- haulage vbrt itsour fleet back on the tnere used to be a lot of trucks for hire in each continually harassed case they have the option each time they entered a of either working for a gravel pit with verbal gravel company or threatsin one casetwo directly for the customer pieces of steel were involved as explained thrown at our -vehicle- fulfilling their haulage requirements as necessary failure to do so would mean a breach of contract i v jto conclude may i say that we don an- derson haulage limited like tn take part in an emergency housing program can contact the health unit at 8875245 a new plan has recently been proposed to biiild arfestaurant in ringwood dbyou feel it has any merit im nof against it if they can get good access to the site thats a prime comortorit though maybe it would help if the lot were larger a task force has recently suggested ex- tension of the regional forest would this have an adverse effect on whitcliurchstouffville im not opposed to that its not a major extension its more for the purpose of linking up various parts of the forest with footpaths and so on- this would improve the arer for passive recreational use jthe problem is i j l u -j- commend wourentire gettingrecognitionfrom i it tjje individual wiuvthe driver narrowly staff- the driversrfor psrion thathaving a r i l r- escaping injury and doing their jobunder iot omorest inuown af- simplifying i would like tok ithas been the considerable damage to continual harassment begin by discussing the- practice of don anderson thetruck and our maintenance today the first method is that of a privately owned dump truck operation in this- casea company engaged in the ex traction processing and marketing of aggregates the product andvto employees intimidate the highway following an act erosion in those areas negotiate with that jstrikersnpf interfere of senseless violence to 18- l f wa pretty annually welwith its organization as a of our tractor trailers marginal land i feel the for many c company it is- our- during the evening of july- forests- have generally 26 1976 had a good environmental customer also work for many company it is- our- gravel companies inthe responsibility tofulfilari area on a quotationbaiis obligation 10 our when we are requested to v customers which means submit a price on a and dennis forsythe general manager effect- on municipality this owns his own dump truck particular job equipment to his providing theservice as u i own product to as the successful bidder customers the truckers j the second type of strike did notinvolve a operation involves an union but an association individual who jjas representing those dump y purchased a truck- or truck operatdrsvhowith- trucks forone pr bothof j drew theirservices from the following purposes the gravel pits in an effort l hiring his services to a to secure higher gravel pit relying on the operating rates owner that pitfor his this was not a v vs bosses hiss services- to the f conflict as such the customer who purchases conflict arose when dump his product from a gravel truck operators sent to pit and reqllires a dump gravel pits i to pick up truck or trucks to have it products for customers delivered to his place of were confronted by am business y illegal picket lineset the third typeof up by those who hadwith- operation is that of a fleet drawn their services operation in this case he f the gravel pit may either purchase his companies ownvtrucks and hire during this stage of drivers to operate them the strike o a pit 6 1 v 3 operator although unable mjxihpl ii j to deliver his own product i man is killed to his own customers with i l- hired truckswasi stilli inffiftniv abie to make deliveries mjjuyiuij witn own com v vehicles if he owned some and to load trucks sent in by customers to- pick up products as the strike processed those who werepn strike decided to prevent everydher from reupholsteriwg a record 25 years in iwarkham hundreds of happyl customers our record speakst for itself lowest prices for the3est job free armcaps z deal direct with miff the big boss 5 year guarantee workmanship i monthly payments nq extra charge for free home estimates call 2942581 toromark72055 jtfl i t5fj ur f mishap at oshgjva gm uxbridge a local man herb hill 48 diedrecently in an ac- iddent at the oshawa gm rplant t v hill an employee of aldershot industrial installations ltd- 7 was foreman on a con- struction job being 1 carried but at the factory he died when a forklift truck onjcwhicir her was friding broke through the roof of a building and fell feet7vnother man on the same truck jumped to safety i l a ithe deceased lived at rtrlfluxbridgehe is survived by freda and children cathy daveand brenda chelate mr- hu1 was well known 1 in i local sports dubstaivd managed an j uxbridgej hockey- team for several jears 5 iitne occident isstilu under investigation by r durham regional police a ndli cc o m representatives v 1 j luesby memorial go ltdi 93 main st s newmarket v uy 3y8j vpiveredtoa custom desigga v vvvvt a specialty by our own craftsmen quality and satisfaction guaranteed for- personalized servicevisit w jsh j95 4931 ki djmw n p a n y r home appointmentstand transportation oy reauest come shop at iga and 0 quality service and value all at stouffville upen mon to wed 6 pm tfiurs fn til 9 pm sat 8 p m sssswe