a the tribune thursday july 2 ltis j newmarket complaints sent into the york regional board of police commissioners will begetting some extra perusattn future from the ontario police com mission 9 r in future all com- plaints registered against officers of the force will be submitted twice yearly to the commission at that bodys suggestion chief -bruce- crawford told the board last tuesday that be is willing to comply with the commissions request and indicated to the board that while the commission is now only suggesting fich a procedure it niay well become a requirement the letter from the ontario commission states that legitimate complaints must result in action not cover up in the interests of justice the ontario police commission also sent along a procedure form which they would like to see used by the york regional police force in dealing with any com plaints r chief crawford noted that most of the procedures suggested in tfce commissions letter are already being used he told the board be sssd inform theopc of the number and give a brief summary and the diipostion of any com- plaints every six months says police commissioner too niimy mdar toxips newmarket york regional police commissioner gordon z two whitchurch stouffville girls were presented awards recently for outstanding fathletic achievement judy sackfield left of cballantrae became national bantam girls jugh jump champion seventh among all age groups in canada and the youngest ever to make the top 10 karen sheffield of the ho- tai judo club won a gold medal in her division at the canadian- junior judo championship making the presentation was mayor gordon ratcliff coskof king township has bluntly told regional police chief bruce crawford and the board of police commissioners 4l that be will not support s anyjnove by the chief for the hiring of seven more officers for the force mr cook claims that too many men are presently being used to police radar- units par ticularly in the wellington st area of aurora mi cook feels its a waste of manpower and claims many area business men are com plaining mr cooks comments were in reference to regional councils ap- proval of a 7 million plus police budgetwhich was hacked by 200000 the board is also faced with rising costs for vehicle insurance of over 30000 id be pleased to see one in front of my place every dayj com missioner stewart rumble of markham told mr cook in reply to his comments chief crawford told the board that his department has had many complaints regarding drag stripping in the area which might account for extra radar on wellington st remember when you could get the same low feature prices in the city and in the vacation areas at iga you still can all features are effective in all ig a stores in south central ontario canada gradeaeviscerate0 listing of future fall fairs fairs of all sorts have been enjoying a resurgence in popularity in the past few years and attendance figures have been spiralling this paper has traditionally printed a list of all fairs within striking distance and this years fairs in alphabetical order are a aberfoyle sept j 10 evening j 11 acton sept 171819 almonte sept 9-10-11- alvinston oct 12 ancaster sept 242526 apsley aug 20- 21 amprior aug 12 to 15 arthur sept 10 evening 11 avonmore aug 21 aylmer aug 18 to 21 ayton sept 1011 barrie aug 24 to 28 bayfield sept 3 evening 4 beachburg tasept 234 beamsvule v sept 9 to 12 beaver valley sept 1011 beeton sept 14 evening 15 binbrook sept 17 evening 1819 blackstock aug 28 bobcaygeon oct 12 bolton sept 2526 bonfield sept 1112 bracebridge sept 17-18- 19 brampton sept 17-18- 19 brigden oct 91011 brussels sept 21 9 evening 22 burford v oct 11 burks- falls sept 3 evening 4 6 beaver ton sept- 1718 caledon sept 11 caledonia sept 30 to oct 3 campbellford aug 6 evening 78 gait sept 9 to 12 mt brydgesoct 12 carp sept 2425 centreville sept 3 evening 4 bruce mines sept 1011 charlton sept 7 evening 8 chatsworth sept 2425 chesley sept 1011 chesterville sept 101112 clarence creek sept 101112 cobden- aug 262728 coe hill aug 28 coldwater oct 12 collingwood sept 30 oct 123 cober aug 5 evening to 8 cookstown sept 17 evening 18 delta july 26 evening 27 28 desboro sept 18 dorchester oct 8910 drayton sept 111213 dresden aug 25 evening to 28 drumbo sept 24 evening 25 dryden aug 192021 dun- church aug 2021 dundalk sept 10 evening 11 durham sept 1718 elmira aug 19 evening 2122 elmvale oct 89 embro sept 18 20 emo aug 1314 ems- dale sept i u englehart sept 17 evening 18 erinoct 8 to 11 exeterj sept 24- 25 houghton octl fenelon falls aug 21 fergus sept j7 evening 18 fever- sham sept 17 foley sept 345 forest sept 2425 georgetown oct 1 evening 2gorrie oct l evening 2 grand valley sept 2425 hanover sept 345 harriston sept 2425 harrow sept 2 evening 34 highgate oct 9 huntsville sept 2425 hymers sept 56 jlderton oct 1 evening iron bridge sept 1718 kenora aug 12 evening 1314 kincardine sept 34 arid 6 kingston july 20 to 24 kinmount sept 345 lansdowne july 30 evening- aug 2 leamington july 27 to 31 lindsay sept 22 to 26 listowel sept- 10 evening 11 lombardy aug 678 london sept 10 to 19 lucknow sept 17 evening 18 mc donalds corners sept 25 mckellar sept 18 maberly aug 2021 madoc sept 2526 magnetawan sept- 3 evening 4 manitowaning sept 10 evening 11 markdale aug 2728 markham sept 30 to oct 3mar- nura sept 6 massey aug 26 to 29 matheson sept 3 evening 4 meaford sept- 1718 melbourne oct 9 merrickville aug 20-21- 22 metcalfe oct 123 meadowviue sept 18 midland- sept 1718 mildmay sept 1011 milton sept 23 evening 2425 milverton sept- 25 minden aug 2829 mitchell sept 3 evening to 6 deseronto sept 18 mountforest sept 11 to 14 murillo july 31 aug 12 napanee july 31 aug 12 navan aug 13- 1415 neustadt sept 18 new hamburg sept 17- 18 newington sept 3 to 6 new liskeard sept 9- 1011 wetland sept 14 to 18 simcoeoct 5 to 9 northshoreaug 2728 picton sept 101112 port hope sept 17 evening- 1819 port perry sept 56 powasson sept 11 providence bay aug 20- 21 belleville sept 15 to 18 ramona sept 25 renfrew sept 8 evening to 12 riceville sept 1011 richmond sept stisted- sept 2425 stratford sept 22 to 26 strathroy sept 3 to 6 sunderland sept 15 sundridge sept 17 evening 18 suitor wesiaug 5- to 8 tara sept 1415 tavistock sept 1011 teeswater oct 9 thedford aug 27- 28 thorndale sept 25- 26 tillsonburg aug 30 to 1619 ffldgetownaugl213 sept2timmmvsept norwftod oct 9-10- hjl ripley sept 24 10h tiverton oct 2 oakwood sept evemngv25frocmyn cneaug 18tosepti6- aug 27-28- sept 25rocktonoct 9- roval winter sof m 1011 rodney sept 21- 22 roseneath oct 2 rosseausept 18 russell aug 678 st maryls- july 161718 seafofth sept 16 evening 17 severn bridge sept 11 shan- nonville sept 1112 sheddon sept shelbourne sept fresh youngs turkeys exclusive at iga canada grade a frozen young eviscerated ladleklte prebasted turkeys sugarplum readyto serve cry0vac b0nein smoked hams 175h85 odessa osweken sept 1011 orangeville sept 4 evening 6 orillia sept 9 to 12 orosept 2425 oronosept 9 evening 1011 oshawajuly 15 to 18 ottawa aug- 20 to 29 ottawa winter fair oct 20 to 23 owen sound sept 91011 paisley sept 20 evening 21 parham aug 21paris sept 2 to 6 parkhill sept 2324 perth sept to 5 peterboro aug 10 to 14 petrolia sept 91011 royal winter fair nov 12 to 20 troutcreek aug 2829 tweed oct4 evemeg 2 uxbfidge sept 1112 wainfleet sept- 2425 walkerton oct 1417 wallacetown oct1 evening 2 walsh sept 2526 wark- wqrth sept- 18 4 wellesley sept 14 17 evening 15 wiarton evening 18 smithville sept 1718 william- sept 345 south stown aug 678 mountain aug 202122 woodbridge oct 91011 south river sept- 25 woodstock aug 2429 spericerville sept 11 wyoming sept- 18 stirling sept 34 zurich july 24 dinner hams beef patties side bacon ia s 98 por sausage ia8uriii slicfd bologna sh0psv cole slaw s 169 potato salad a m15 v 89 spaghetti or readycut macaroni primo i pasta bag saicounsweetened a h c- blended cct itu it grapefruit 48fl u or orange 0z mm juices tin 1g salad s7 tableritefeature of the week tablerite meners 49c 1lb pkg i0a raisin bread dempstersdc off label italian loaf i chippnmcs aoudroubhcmr favoumtes supc fudce oh ta0p1cai caeams westons biscuits ica regular potato chips almond ah hu chocolate baftm peanut iuttea cups hershey candy bars crisco salad oil meulaacaind ui- chasesanborncoffeea m1tl iced tea mix town of whitchurchstouffville proclamation civic holiday pursuantto a resolution adopted by the whltchurchstouffville council i hereby proclaim monday august 2nd 1976 as the civic holiday for thev town ofi whitchurch stouffville all persons are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly gordon ratcliff mayor n godsavethequeen wl79 l0urrmumeouu0llluicol0kduaciieiamel cheddar cheese sticks nl limivtcnuieou vkmet margarine fiiiizenmccaurs 1u raichment igain motasses or tomato sauce v it 35 beans with 000 f02nkcafj 3vlic nn d r straight cut french fries 109 0 k w sunlight foe wa m size t 0ztin a imz pk0 79 detergent size box use ontario grown fruits vegetables in your daily salad produce of republic of south africa x outspan navel