1 toe tribune thursday jwv2j 1k carload savings knob hill farms the food terminal terminal wide savings ontario canada grade a large size white eggs dozen limit 2 dozen quality packers town club brand sliced rindless all centre slices side bacon limit 3 lbs florida new crop persian seedless limes large size 200s select your own ea 1st of the season f ruckloads daily ontario no 1 grade field tomatoes lbs fill your own bag canada packers o steaks roasts cut from canada grade a beef we sell only canada grade a porterhouse tbone sirloin round lb wonder or christies sunray premium quality white or brown sliced bread large 24 01 loaf freshdaily one price v 0 loaf silverwoods delivered daily 2 partly skimmed t all one price we limitquantities on porterhouse tractor trailer loads daily new crop ontario no 1 grade washed c white potatoes fill your own bag 50 lb bag 99 c lb milk z convenient 3 qttripak no deposit product of canada y turkey drumsticks box of10 lbs 379 lantic granulated limit 2 bags i while supplies last swifts premium wieners ilbvacpak fc direct from mexico new crop fancy quality white garlic large 4 size case of 30 lbs 1095 vt white sugar 2 kilo size bag each large 40 0z bottle pepsi cola plus deposit 1 case limit case of 8 229 0 ea evaporated carnation milk q 160ztins limit 6 tins fori jet liquid- detergent v320zsize case of 12 449 q9ea primo allpurpose vegetable oil limit 2 tins 269 ea canadapackers clover cream brand icecream limit 2 pails all flavours 4 litre plastic pail 2 69 each canada packers we sell only canada grade a reef cut from canada grade a beef shoulder steaks arriving daily from our ontario growers i green onions bunch radishes bunch select your own a lb shopsy suced corned 4 vac pak 2 oz size pack sacs canada packers maple leaf brand vac pak 4 to 5 avg smoked ready to serve picnic shoulders i ib product of canada utility grade cornish hens limit select your own ea canada packers maple leaf brand town club brand sweet fickled cottage rolls vac pak 29 2 to 3 lb avg lb canada packers maple leaf brand mix or match cooked meats q i assorted varieties 5 oz vac pak pkgs direct from florida tractor trailer load of mangos a size20s limit 10 select your own 0 1 ea ontario grown no 1 grade 1st of the season select your own head lettuce size18s ea ontario grown no 1 grade 1st of the season jumbo size selectyour own new cabbage o heads 1 00 ontario grown bunched carrots no 1 grade first of the season select your own bunches 1 00 1st of the season ontario grown no 1 grade green beans fill your own bag o lb 49 from our ontario growers full 6 quart basket truckloads daily early golden sl sweet plums medium size v plus 10 basket deposit 2 99 r we reserve the right to limit quantities the north food terminal knqgfflllfailms vrkthefb0dtermlnalv- m 1 1 x m ee v j v hywy7 kennedyrd hywy401 please note store hours of special interest and to cater to our cottage owners bur food terminal now open sat at 8 am hese items and prices available until closing tuesday august 3rd inmarkham woodbine ave hywy 7 wed thurs fri mon tues 9 am t0 12 midnight saturday 8 am t0 12 midnight open civic holiday iyionday august 2nd hwy 7 woodbine inmarkham lansdowne dundas in toronto closebiyid hplip hwyv brock rd in pjckering v