toe tribune thursday july 22 iks s2rry estemumdltm c 1 koitomacckntti j punltth tnwytlmwday wf4 taamst24hmltowioaltsimtnt7 ith pw yaw t c dntlj tfcrm 1 airtljwwi ckqditto wiw a my wi jiat trtft fa ot i hind ytnrthi l ntwdwtisv braaploft marbrtiafmapai ettmcdw euttt marfchai tri t er qvjhgjoiiw th ww dmmhi h iii kj mqiiiry iiito york dump by ombudsman a good jprpposial preserve our water resources powr are asking council to take the dispute over the york sanitation dump and the possibility that it may be polluting the local water supply to ontario ombudsman arthur maloney we strongly concur with this idea powr summitview school a cbmpdcated islsiie the question of getting summitview school renovations underway has become a complicated one ai k york county board of education last week sent in to the ministry of education a list of building priorities for regional projects as v per the ministry guidelines accomodation for new housing was placed at the top of the list with summitview appearing number five- leading the renovations category after examining the list apparently the will approve funds for x number of projects 1 one hope for summitview may be that the ministry may be changing somewhat its stated priorities to emphasize fire safety over accomodating new housing another possibility is that when the funds finally are approved that money designated- for other projects could be diverted tosummitview through the whole process of drawing up a priority list by the board whitchurch stouffvule trustee harry bowes has been working on the problem with an untiring dedication he travelled over 4000 miles in an attempt to fairly assess the needs of all- schools in the region and as the best informed g trustee on the subject other trusteesoften had to take his word on what needs are most urgent v maintaining his- credibility with other board members while still representing the interests of whitchurch stouffvillehasnot been an easy task for mr bowes i we commend his efforts and now can -only- hope for the best with regard renovations at summitview school has checked with mr maloneys office and they havesaid they will investigate if they receive a request from the municipality in spite of the repeated denials of the environmental hearing board members we still are suspicious that the lengthy hearings on the dump were little more than whitewash there was a feeling throughout that the board was more receptive to the arguments of the dumps proponents and the ministry of the environment had decided in favor of the dump before the hearings even began whole issue has never been delved into in an impartial manner the antidump jr faction and the town were naturally enough extremely biased against the operation mr maloneys personal reputation integrity would add considerable weight to 1 any report from the ombudsmans office and we feel sure the community would be content j- to abide by whatever conclusions that office came to hopefully ills report would generate enough publicity that the ministry would think twice before ignoring it to date we havcseen very little that would give us any confidence in either the ministry or the hearing board ars ago this week our resident expert has been unable to identify this house the pencil sketch produced by sdss student joanne croft rr 2 markham was taken from a historical photograph of an early stouffvule home we have not managed to learn if the building isstill standing or for that matter where it stood any information in this regard would be greatly appreciated the sketch is a submission for the planned centennial sketchbook a sugar and spice r a great country in spit e of whiners to excerpts from the tribune from july 25 1946 hollywood north v t t i jthebigmainbuildingon the markham fairgrounds mayibeusedforitaking moving picturesduring the off period when it is not l on a recent evemngi watched on required by the fair board if anything itelevision twoelderly gentlemen benign in- develops from an offer read before the fair terviewed iri both cases the result was board tuesday night excellent testimony to jtheuman spirit and in both cases the oldtimers echoed something- ive believed for years that canadais the greatest country in the world in which to4ive by bill smiley editors mail not right tiiiie for oriarige piarade dear sir t l objectto the t orange parade held at goodwood saturday because of its biased overtones v f- parades are great and im all for them 1 but- to my mind thisisnt the timejlfor anti- catholic or antiprotestant parades of any kind- t v v vwith all the trouble going on in ireland this is the time for us to show we dont condone this kind of attitude c i dont think if should be allowed l yours truly eileenglover r r3 stouffvule a canadian picture company wanted to enter into negotiations for rental of the building and grounds or part of the grounds for taking purely typical canadian scenes the company is now said to be operating in quebec but would use markham building when they operate in this area it was un derstood that the concern is comparatively new the grounds committee was delegated to deal with the matter and individually members present indicated that all things being satisfactory thefair board would hot be adverse to the proposal fivecent cigar y the cigar smoker is going to find life a more difficult in the good old days the fivecent cigar was the common mans pleasant luxury the tencenter the label of the welltodo and the 15center belonged to the positive plutocrat then came theywarand the fivecenter became a sixcenter that washlt so bad but they slipped in quality quite a bit and were difficult to obtainnow thegovernment has made tax changes while tobacco labor arid v wrapping cost more and the lowly fivecent cigar of other days is to become a twofor15 t cent proposition f a lot of skunks for it to disintegrate or disappear what a refreshing change -from- the purveyors of woe who fill so many columns of t our newspapers and magazines and so much air time snivelling about canadas iioss of ourselves and we may be mongrel identity or search for it or attempt to retain italians or less phlegmaticgermaris were canadianswarts and all theres nothing id rather be and theres no country in which id rather i live and if that sounds v hke chauvinism so beit wehave ourfaulteand we bicker like hell these mdomitable elders itor something these are the same snivellers who have been with us sinceconfederation warning us that the big bogey to the south is taking us over and that well wind up as a banana republic ora satellite of the us l these carpers wouldnt knowt the canadian identity if it sneaked up and bit first of these mdomitable elders was conn smythe widely known fiwcyearsin this country as the irascible outspoken manager of the toronto maple leafswhen that hockey team was a byword in canada smythe is 81 and he hasnt lost much of tthe tough blunt attitude that made him respected by many hated by some and almost revered by others vi t r he detests whiriersand layabouts ass t canadian mannersahd moresis yours uly most of us do but he doesnt mind saying so in but i sure dont go around worrying about or public jhedoesnt likea of the things that lpsingany sleep over the canadianideritity are going on in this country arid makesrio nor poes- anyone elswhoreally knows bones about it t anything about this country or who has fought but when he asked whether he in onelof uhe two r big- wars ithe canadian vthougrcanada as such would endure just laughed and said in effect that r it would it was too great a country had too mahyfine people although there are less obnoxious ehglishnyen or less excitable themon the backside one of the most jfesistent critics of race but ask 93 per cent of us if wed like to be i something else and live somewhere else and youd get a resounding no t secondoldtimer 1 mentioned was t jackrabbitjohnsonso named because at y nearly 100 years old he was still crbsscouhtry skiinglivingalone proud and independent hes a norwegian who came to this country as y i youth and loves it deeply hewas asked whatwere the most im- portent things in lifeatfloo you arent too much worried about what people will think of yquropinionshis answer was riiore less clean air clean water feeling good by i keepingfitnrf he added j canada f having just put ourselves through the horrible ordeal of negotiating the purchase of a house in stouffvillefmy wife and i will soon face an even more unnerving trial f we have to rhove into theplace it moving is always a brutal business arid j im not optimistic this one will be any better its not that we are now living on the fourth floor of an apartment building sans elevator that bothers me j- neither am i particularly concerned that all our furniture is old plentiful and heavy it doesnt- bother me in the least that we are frantic minutes of scrambling and losing our balance on the narrow stairschanging our minds and determining it had tocome down this activity was somewhat hampered to say the least by the fact that half the work party was separated by the bulk of the stove and with limited communication it seemed that iriore often than riot when we were trying to ram it up they were trying with equal determination to get it back down or die in the attempt after about threequarters of an hour of this seesawing back and forth the thing just irathbcyesvuriffixed tothe sideof an an- piqnwmerlmtteamfengraeowned bymvan smclaughunofchurchlll the tteam englrie is the- firsts moving calamity i can remember being involved iri was when i helped my sister and brotherinlaw move several years ago- j we were carrying the stove a par- ticularly large and clumsy one up the stairs when we came to a turn near the top we did the natural thing under the circumstances we twisted heaved and manoeuvered until finally we admitted defeat jl it was then we realized what we had done we had forced it just far enough it wouldnt go up or down- this was not welcome news to my older brother who was jammed into the corner 4 w iixii 4- tuier 4f wcpushed and jl psled cursing i generally bland labels attached to mbdeniveheinenily when- wejhad the wind first products- v deciding that yes if we really put our backs moving on a long weekend when keeping our volunteer helpers hard at it will require the tfsouthefnchatogang staunching the flow of blood from our bleeding v i j knuckles we chanced to look tip the stairway the unexpected is what scares me the and we sawwhy it had come loose so easily rental truck that wont start the person with our effort had achieved something we the only key to the- new residence mysteriously vanishes a seemingly fine day degenerates into a blizzard fth first moving- nlfl just then the couch decided toturn itself into a bed and it started to unfold i told the other guy whowasf busy 4 whining and snivelling about how they should have called ina mover toehold on while i forced the couch sack together ai ii was trying to balance the couch and fix it when suddenly i heard this tremendously loud f cracking noise- 1 looked upto see the floor to ceiling plate glass window that theother guy was standing in front of splinter and shard there was a hail fotf great long splintery pieces of glass falling around the seemed to float free almost getting loose and v complainer y-a- yyw v crushing usin the stairway suddenly thehall- was filled with between congratulating ourselves and gawking onlookers arid i could hardly hear the complainers- think im- cut over w superintendents bellow of iwhat the hells ygoing on here jotfi as it turned out one of the shards of glass had caught the complainers nether cheek and somewherein the neighborhood of ts stitches i were required is j while he was rushedoff to hospital the v super decided to give us a hand get us out 4 before we destroyed the building isuspect 9 he suggested we take thething through the window hole as it was now conveniently j f empty of glass this would have worked fine if wehad taken into cdrisideratlonithefire ex- sftijjjlt i montgomery tlnto it we could force it up and then after had smashed the wall into a fine powdery dust widening the stairway just enough to withdraw the stove there considerable delay while my brotherinlaw went out to buy a new stove and pick up an extra large box of polyfilla i will not belabour- the point with a description of the time a friend and i moved with a 1958 volkswagen v a the last move i participated in not my own thankfully had to be the worst on record the girl moving had invitedconned t didnt arid before we knewwhat wia several people into helping her i immediately going- on ithad broken free and was gaily r came to the conclusion the worst thing would rolling along the length of the couchspraying v be the foldout bed i- tc t foaminteveryfdirectionandiintomyjface f another fellow rather reluctantly took the finally we wrestled it intosubmissiori other end and we beganto carry- the heavy idcttmnkineverforgetuielookonthe brute up the stairs it was a basement supers face as he stood fa the haflmongthe apartment r4jv vvjf we hauled it to the head of the stairs all that remained was a slight jog to one and we would have been homefree ni- i ui honestly m say ive never been on adull move r r vi j l a