vol 89 no 2 whitchurch stouffville may 20wf v 20 cents 32 pages bailantrae commumty centre f v iseusswn no on contmversia stouffville planning board spent considerable time last week wrangling over whether to call tenders for the 86000 extension to the bailantrae community centre and in the end made no decision councillor merlyn baker introduced the topic after all the business on the agenda for the meeting had been dealt with mr baker commented council should not have dealt with the matter at the last meeting as councillor becky wedley in whose ward the centre lies was absent he made a motion that the resolution to call for tenders be dealt with at the may 25 plan- ning board meeting planning board chairman eldred king a member of the community centre board urged the other members to make a decisionasto how much they and culture and recreation wintario are pending mr3 bakers argued they would- not be committing encephalitis meeting at mimicipal biiilding will be willing to spend for an themselves to anything by addition calling tenders as they could reject them if they came in too high if- they the tenders come intoo high well have to deal withi it at that time he saidvj councillors art starr and cathy joiceagreed they should set a maximum figure of 86000 and a resolution specifying this maximum was called for mr bakers motion that it jheisaid the centre board members were moving somewhat in the dark and mayor j gordon ratcliff added that the contribution of 50000 from the felray subdivision has been promised toward the renovations but we have to set a limit on it councillor june button strongly opposed spending the money for the project and she be dealt with at the next plan christian jocks from athletes in action suf- fereda defeatlast week in several competitions with stouffville high school students shown here contributing to the students victory is student idwight ewart unsuccessfully attempting to iblockthin iswhiaptgbluoniderchuck harrison to his right is russ davidson j and toronto marlie brian creighton students downed the professionals 4441 and outdid the athletes in basketball a situp contest and surprisingly a tug of war the session was interspersed with testimonials andy concluded with a moment of prayer 71 x v vjva john montgomery ir is- ujvw goodwood bring back more control of pits and quarries to the local level i that was2 1 the message members of the ontario mineral aggregate working party heard from both members of durham region planning and development committee and from f the uxbridge ward 1 ratepayers association l the working party com missioned to prepare recom mendations for changeinft provincial pits and quarries acc- metvinigpodwoodas fone of several stops in areas troubled mason said each municipality should be able to tailor the provincial act to their own needs a spokesman for the t ratepayers group was eeter poot who introduced his subject saying that ours is a fighting brief- mr poot said that 2500 local residents are affected daily bygravel pits in the area l this rape of oui countryside cannot go orihe said the j group presented a summary of r five major recommendations they ih- amendments to the 1 pit and quarry legislation was another topic of complaint uxbridge councillor bill i ballinger himself a member of the working party pointed out that at present one man must police 200 gravel pits 40 of- which are in uxbridge that currentlegislation should be more actively en forced he said is a very small request v arid very reasonable request added mr jewett region refuses stouffville fan in formal meeting on encephalitis is to be held at the town council chambers on wednesday may 26 at 2 pni an official from the ministry of the environment will speak and answer questions from the public at that time a in the meantime the ministry of the environment along with the ministry of health has recommended several measures to control mosquitoes and prevent the spread of the encephalitis virus it is important according to a pamphlet jointly released by the ministries to eliminate potential breeding sites such as stagnant water in old tires clogged ditches and plugged eavestroughsand vegetation should be reduced to a minimum with hedges trimmed and tall grass cut the possibilities of being bitten canibelessenedby the wear ingof ifghjcolburect protective clothing and the use of repellents and insecticides it also r makes sense torepair screens and close fireplace dampers to prevent the pests from entering the home the ministry points out that the vast majority of mosquitoes are harmless only a percentage are of the type which cephalitis small culex transmit en- expressed concern that funding would have to come from the lot fee account if grants expected from jei ther of two government sources do not come through grants from the ministry of ning meeting was voted on and lost the maximum figure resolution was introduced and see community pg 13 trumped iip excused to revive airportsqys sinclair stevens ottawa yorksimcoe mp sinclair stevens recently questioned transport minister otto langs contentionr that mai ton airport is overcrowded i mr stevens accused the minister who claimed over crowding would necessitate rerouting some traffic to mirabel of using that trumped up excuse to reactivate the pickering airport site and 4o salvage that white elephant they are now living with in mirabel x the government will not sell the land expropriated inpickering because itissure another-air- port will be needed in the toronto area i i j he said discussion with the ontario government regarding the building of service roads is continuing an answer j given by mr there is no evidence of aircraft langtota written questionby arrival delays because of air- mr stevens indicates that side congestion was cited by malton is not yet handling the dr godfrey i traffic it could lang was also accused mr i lang said that ottawa of exaggerating the cost of willspend 624 million by 1978 v upgrading rail traffic between to alter and expand the two t toronto and montreal passenger terminals at toronto the government has used a international which seems to figure of l5 billion dollars but indicate the problem liesnot using figures drawn hroni withs airplanes but with current railway construction in passenger facilities v theunited states drri godfrey jflri astatementreleased last v suggests the cost would be much weekydurhamjwestmppj lesslr jtj 3odfrey-accusedmrj- jt langbf jcqntinuinga scare i campaign- to promote an j airport at pickering- v- dr godfrey maintained v the facts of the matter are j that jthere is no i evidence v whatever iof crowding f at malton i 7 a- recent survey indicating mrv lang- told the commons chariesigodfreyaccusedmr afi2i2iqys boblejti stands for nomination no bdard decision on surfimitview eluded byjgrayel extractiontproblemsi planning municipal- and pits thef ward ratepayers and quarries acts toproyide v n called for full municipal municipal control jc6m- fiivi trtr pmipfit control over aggregate ex- f toall those adversely rr m- f i r traction- while regional affected by aggregate ex- i representatives stated that the traction and a more com york- region- york province j first needed toforr prehensiveistudy of ontarios regional council refused to bail mulateah overall stratj with aggregate needs to give amore jout the police department thelower levels of goverimiehtadequatebasisfdrooperati responsible- for itsimfwithl6cal governments fplementation t f 2 i m working partylchairman george jewett of the minisfiy of natural remiifcesvcallecljs the regional j brief the p in sightful arid thoughtful stouffville summitviewnd orchard park public schools were toured by board of education trustees lastweek in an effort to help tliem decide the fate of proposed additions to thoseschdols v many iparents had been hopeful the decision would be made at a meeting of the committee on planning and building scheduled for may 13 but the meeting was cancelled asnot enough trustees showed up to form a quorum theissue will come up at a committee meeting tonight t 1 the committee previously recommended 1 that all capital projects be in- eluding the addition to summitview public school r k this recommendation runs counter to board of education staff advise that all projects in the school district be shelved except the proposed allpurpose room for orchard park public school eration thursdays for in anticipated maoa insurance arid renniretv5 fthkt the group requested insuranceahdrepairs no further granting of newv ks hard to imaj and presentation the party hadyet one point raised by the regionwas that while uxbridge and caledoni have v a fsimilar amount of tonnage extracted each year that the problems in if ther grantingof newv its hard to imagine the licences- and extensions 6f tpouce cant find 31000 irftheir ovietinn iiiunmumv niinnuu4 75 million budget challenged f maydra bobc forhah 5of a i newmarketin recommending the-requestbedenied- sv existing licencesbe allowed until new legislation gives control at thv municipal level j the last recommendation was that all legislation applyto establishedaswell sas new operations v regardless of previous commitments j specific request by- the ratepayers group v was that uxbridge fappeari much more residents r surrounding acute due to the distributionjdf proposed gravel pit beinformed the pits cvvj when an owner has applied for a i planning anddevelopment licence in that area vv committee r clark- enforcement of the current borrib mciiniordered ft- sextraditedfback here the owner of a faulkner ave- have diverted between home that was bombed inl971 390000 arid 540000 for his has been ordered extradited from england x charges the house which is now a ttitthe companyhad soldy rehabilitation home for nuns chinchillas to breeders for suffered 100000 damageat between 350andl300s v the hands ofa sullunknown asthe result of a two day bbmbertah j bearing mrkirbywboasi a4dwilliam kirbyv a u in london jn march- newmarket orderedtoacctte tbeft prombterhadjjdrtfsolduieifchargeslntauwda buildingand goneto spain jhe fe extradltiorif before five bombs exploded in extra funds were to cover an increase of 12210 over r budget for insurance i premiums ci or the forces loooovalued cruisers afurther 19367 is- needed for additional repairs to the cars because insurance deductible has been increased from 100 to 1500 council wastold mayor dave schiller of richmond hill called for police to tender and he termed the v jump horrendous however r chairman gar- j field wright said the regional treasurer found v no other companies v interested- r in carrying t the policy- xrtjs v- i nqbodyiikestotpay auto v insurance claimed richmond hill t councillor glrjrowe noting his own rates increased vhorreridouslysavk-i- police considered deleting s the collision insurance on its fleet to save 8000 but with the cruisers valued at 10000 in- dudinga6000radiotheyfeltit would be gambling noted newmarketc6uricillor ray theres nothing like a shot of cold water to get ei your attention- darienecogarrightfoond this out whenjiheacddentiny sprayed f herseu while to raisemoney for the grade 7 classl public school students are frying is ainsley card y york region jtfbob lewis ta stouffville systems analyst wins the xnew democratic party- nomination j he and king township mayor margaret britnell may lock- horns again in the- rfexti provincial election r the ndp nomination meeting i which par ty leader f r plans to attend- will be held monday june2lf at vandorf community hall at 8 pm3 y j bob lewis a r former stouffville couricillorhas an nounced his intention to seek the new f dmocratic v party nomination fore yorkt north- riding forthe third timer he will have to- beat out yorknorth riding associationpresident ian scottai newmarket high school ubrarianifv i iismrvlewis hasjnothingbut admiration for iah scott hes gotjithisvridirigjust perking j said mrlewis fii nevertheless mr lewis f fedshehasenoiigh support to carry the nomination again s margaret britnell vlias j alreadyj been s selected asithe j- liberal candidate at a meeting of over 200 liberals at aurora hirii imtitfkharri i vi mrework8s markhamv vthose wishing to celebrate victoria day in the traditional way with firewofkswillhave to markham again this year vxtherewill be no display in stouffviheibutjthe- markham hwatdsc3ubare8ponsoring ifireworksdemonstrationatdusk oh monday vsftheevent will be held at the markham fairgrounds editorial stnil siuh weekihasan- runcedtheappotatment y of v the joined un yearsvago s pectatorto the background repiacesuon bernard who has iiu j ai a resigned his position m