4 the tribune thursday april 29 17s wxt ribuni don bernard established 1888 charles il nolan publisher published every thursday at 54 main 51- stouffville ont tel mo1101 i barre beacocx tat toronto phone ttlims single copies me subscriptions saoo per year in advfrtfsinff miar 9 canadasitmclsewherc member of audit bureau oj circulation canadian 1iji community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number mm the tribune is one o the inland publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers which includes the aiaxvyhitbypickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke caiette markhara economist and sun newmarketyaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news spruceup needed for town stouffvilles centennial year 1977 will be the occasion of a great outburst of civic pride and we would like to see this pride manifested in one particular way what we are referring to and what we would like to see is a general cleanup and revegetation of the former village par- ticularly the downtown area to not mince words let it suffice to say that downtown stouffville is somewhat of an eyesore the bed and banks of duffins creek are r full of garbage the streets are routinely full of dirt and litter and except for in front of the municipal building there is not a shrub flower or plant to be seen the only natural greenery to be seen is the occasional weed that manages to struggle up through cracks in the sidewalk there are many fine buildings beautiful homes andwellkept streets in town but there are also too many people who regard the creek and every vacant lot in town as some sort of natural garbage disposal unit the remedy to the situation we believe would be neither painful for expensive there would be little troubleorganizing a cleanup day and students members of the service clubs as well as the general citizenry could be encouraged to participate the day could be organized so that it would be an event rather than a chore surely some group could contribute a hot dog lunch and some activity such as a street dance could put a nice topper on the day last year the whitchurch stouffville conservation club organized a tree planting day for the flood control area and this was tremendously successful in spite of the fact that it was scheduled for the same time as the lions bikeathon the only form of inducement held out to those volunteers was in fact a hot dog lunch the problem of no greenery could easily be rectified with a few flower boxes on the main st uxbridge recently approved a project whereby trees will be planted in concrete boxes on the main street and there is no reason why that example couldnt be followed here the horticultural society would likely be pleased to maintain any flowers planted along main st since we are making such a production out of the centennial we could at least have a downtown area whose appearance we can be proud of thoughts j from the i i bible the freak snowstorm over the weekend brought a brief return of winter briar bush hospital was transformed by the snow resting on the branches and trees outside the building by tuesday evening the snow had melted hope fully winters last gasp don bernard st sugar and spice no one who has become part of gods family makes a practice of sunning for christ goovs son holds him securely and the devil cannot get his hands on him we know- that we are children of god ancu that all the rest of the world around us is under satans power and control- and we know that christ gods son has come to help us understand and find the true god and now we are in god because we are inv jesus christ his son who is the only true god and he is eternal life i john 51821 ripoff s raise bilvs ire by bill smiley continue excavation work one wonders about the working of government this is especially true with the decision not to supply funds to complete ex cavation of the two huron indian village sites on the pickering airport property one would expect that the ministry of transport would be anxious to fund the ex- cavation to have it completed that would remove one obstacle in the way of the airport going ahead at some future but in the longrun completion of the work would insure that the relics are unearthed and safely ensconced in museums the draper site is unique that it is a major village which appears to be relatively intact surely one more summer of work is not too high a price to pay for insuring that an important part of our history is preserved after all the hurons as an indian people were ailbut wiped out by fellow indian tribes uncovering of huron villages takes on added importance in that the tribes main area of activity was this part of ontario thus the draper and white sites represent major links in our understanding of this group of first canadians it is inconceivable to us that this work should be dropped at such a crucial point in the excavations the cry of monetary restraint is only falseeconomy is this case whena significantfindismade andthe work is already half completed have you had the feeling in the last couple of years that everybody and his brother and sister is trying to rip you off i have and i dont like it f erhaps its because of inflation but i dont recall any period in my life in this country in which so many people were pur suing the buck so avidly with an almost complete disregard for what they produce in return for that buck result is a steady deterioration in service courtesy and integrity in the business world l perhaps its just a reflection but the same disintegration seems to be taking place in the social world insolence and indifference are becoming the trademarks of the business world bad manners and worse language have become almost obligatory in the social world i havent the space to deal with both the tribune- suyearsagbth excerpts from the tribune from may 2 1946 there was a flood of complimentary remarks poured in to the editors sanctum because this column voiced a strong protest y when leader of the conservative party john bracken criticized the king government for not using some french in the reception ac corded the new governor general of canada we seem to have struck a responsive cord among our readers but the article was not printed for the purpose of receiving praise it was published because of the direct insult to our mind- committedby mr bracken when he or any other man gets up in canada and says some language should be used other than english it will always draw a protest from this newspaper the french language has been forced on us too much now by the king government and mr brackens bid for quebec on the strength of his protest against the use of english puts him a way down in bur admiration of the man it is costing the taxpayers of canada thousands of dollars monthly printing the french language on all the government forms and other literature issued by the govern ment money that could be better used for other pruposes every child in canada should be compelled to study english use it as basic and only other languages as secondary this we feel is the belief of great majority of our people smelly tube hans laube will put you on your toes with your nose if he gets his way about television for laube a swiss electrical engineer has perfected something which advertising writers call smellivision- this gadget fitted inside a cabinet the size of a regular television set can transmit odors you look at a rose you push a button and you smell a rose laube who has only been in the united states for two years doesnt speak much english and when you start asking questions he speaks even less i cant tell you that hesaid before the words were out of my mouth he wont reveal how he makes a televised rose smell like a rose or how he makes the picture of a cow smell like a cow but its done with an elec tronic instrument which is synchronized with the image on the screen when you see a fresh wood chip or a fat steak frying you just push a button and theres the odor floating about the room when one odor cuts off it goes completely with no lingeringone minute youre inhaling a rose and the next youre nostril deep in honeysuckle laube has one view of a circus at work which gives off such realistic odors that his audience almost always lets out a yell and runs however the button is right there as laube pointed out and any frail folk can reach out and push it laube believes that advertisers in television should have a field day with the gadgetit can be placed in any ordinary home set he said and the owner never bothers with it in fact until he pushes the button he wont even know its there aspects in one column so ill just catalogue a few typical examples of the kind of ripoff and shabby treatment that are merely the tip of the iceberg my wife ordered two pairs of infant pyjamas from one of our huge national department stores that catalogue- priced them at 225 a pair now the catalogue did state that prices quoted were only guaranteed until a certain date the parcel arrived a few days after that date the goods were satisfactory each pair was encased in the manufacturers plastic package clearly labelled 225 but the bill from the department store was for 250 a pair these had obviously been bought to sell at a good profit for 225 probably 100 per cent markup suddenly they cost 250 chickenfeedyou say more likechicanery if you add up allthose quarters on a national basis and multiply it by all the other items boosted in price for no reason at all except that- the department store can probably get away with it my wife ordered a caftan from some outfit which advertised satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded she ordered one down to her calves and received one down to her navel she sent it back and asked for her money back two weeks later a form letter said the company would be happy to fill her order for the right size sometime only 14 but they have the money and she doesnt have the dress and i know what the outcome will be they will stiffarm her with form letters in response to her angry passionate or pleading inquiries until she gives up some day the shoddy thing will arrive designed for- a lady midget or a professional basketball player went to the city for winter break stayed at a hotel wed frequented for- years didnt bother to get a reservation after reading articles about city hotels operating at a little- over 50 per cent capacity what you want a room without a reservation yes well how do you intend to pay getting a little browned off i ticked the- item marked by cheque thats how ive paid for years oh we dont accept cheques well what the hells it on the registration card for oh we have a new policy thatll be cash in advance by now steam was coming out my ears here i was an old customer obviously not a deadbeat the hotel was about onethird full if id been alone id have told them what to do with the entire operation sideways but my wife was sitting there on the luggage i paid muttering plus 2 key deposit another item in the new policy yient to our room ordered some ice i went out for a paper my wife signed for the ice standard procedure a few moments after i got back a flustered waiter was at the door- waving a bill i was anadvance and had to pay cash the sum was 1 he was em- barrassed i was furious j things werent good the room was- rather shabby breakfast arrived borne by a surly waiter half an hour late the handle on the coffee pot was broken the wheat cakes were cold nothing improved to top the whole performance they tried to overcharge me when i checked out it was only 115 but by this time id have taken itto the supreme court i hollered and i got my pittance ji its no wonder city hotels are less than half filled i know what youre saying smiley had- his dignity hurt because he was treated like a transient l not at all my dignity whats left of it cant be hurt by such trivial theres nothing wrong with cash on the barrelhead but there is something wrong s when customers are treated with insolence indifference and bad manners and ripped off into the bargain unless they fight like tigers- 0 countdown wpjg stouffville ceiiteiinial 18771977 did you know that on the corner of- stouffer and hawthorne sts stood the stouffville wicker works an establishment manufacturing all types of baskets and furniture from willow- wood grown on the property while the factory is long gone some of its products are still to be found in stouffville homes that the vacant lot on main st im mediately east of the george ross photo studios was the site of the queens hotel which was a flourishing stoppingoff place three quarters of a century ago the building was a large yellow brick structure with a verandah stretching the full length a popular place for guests to sun them selves u i that the present houstons drug store was two stores 50 years ago while the corner half was still a drug store in the- 1800s the west half once housed the municipal office and later a dominion store i vsiv ij- v that the new block immediately east of- the cnr depot was occupied seventyfive years agovbylta large frame- building housing a barbershopacandystorea- feed store and a commerical diningroom the frame building was destroyed by fire in the early thirties and became a used car lot tor some years it was also considered as a site for the legion hall before the present hall was erected on 9th line north sketch book although the deadline is oct i 1976 local artists should already be working on drawings for the centennial sketch book the book will likely combine contemporary and historical sketches to make a memorable book for our 100th anniversary sketches may be handedin at the tribune office to be forwarded to the sketch book committee i countdown i there are only 35 more weeksuntil the start of centennial year that is a mere 246 days long preparation it takes months of preparation to stage an event connected with centennial and already work is being done to organize the various events- the early part of 1977 should be very full with a number of events planned on a monthly basis leading up to the homecoming weekend july j as it happens on a friday and makes a very good long weekend- wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm a case against capital punishment dear sir i do not always agree with opinions ex pressed by bill smiley in his column but i do support his arguments against capital punish ment as a christian my beliefs and the way i live and relate to my fellow man should be governed by the teaching of the scripture it would appear to be the clear teaching- of the old testament that wilful murderers were to be put to death gen 96 ex2l12 etc however it should be recognized that old testament laws including- the noahic covenant were given by god to be ad ministered by his people governed as a theocracy where god was acknowledged as sovereign in that church state death was the punishment not only for murder but also for adultery for striking or cursing ones parents for owning a dangerous bull which allowed to be loose killed a man or a woman and for many other crimes few christians believe that these latter transgressions require the life of the transgressor today why single out murder as the only crime wat ranting the death penalty- we are now living in the era of the new testament christs church is notan earthly theocracy our citizenship is in heaven here we are only pilgrims and sojourners and we are not- required to strictly follow the old testament laws of course gods i law summarized by the lord jesus christ in the two great commandments is unchangeable and will stand for ever the scriptures testify that itis god who determines how long a man shall live job 145 in the old testament era he delegated power to men to take another mans life the question at the root of the whole issue is do we have this same authority in the new testament age does a society which does not recognize the lordship of christ have the right to end a mans life as far as i per sonally am concerned i believe that the sermon on the mount answers the first question in the negative please do not misunderstand me i believe in punishment severe punishment for grave crimes i would advocate long terms of imprisonment and hard labor along with opportunity for repentance and rehabilitation sin must be seen to deserve its due reward but i do hot believe that the correct punish ment today for a murderer is to kill him norman ross hawthorne ave thanks extended for music night dear sir i would like through the tribune to thank whomsoever brought about the delightful- concert held in latcham hall on easter mondayevening the program brought praise and glory to our saviourj through lovely easter music so to the unknown sponsors and to the artists- mr pike mrs ham miss simons mr baker a- and the baker hill choiri wish to extend my tf sincere appreciation and thanks francis vague sccondst stouffville truck terminal j causes doubts dear sir i read withnterest your editorial on the proposed truck terminal in stouffville you concluded by saying you hoped all the promises made in mr andersons namei would be written into the site plan it is a point welltaken approximately four years ago a mushroom farm was proposed for a 10acre site on 19th ave near where i now live im told that at the time the proposal was presented promises were made to markham council regarding site location grading and planting that made the proposal sound quite appealing somehow these promises never came to be and apparently little was done to make sure they were kept consequently the site is now a disaster areafilthy rundown and looking more like a town dump than a com mercial enterprise because i live in thetown of markham i realize- this truck- terminal is not a direct concern of mine i only comment because i like stouffville and hope the council has the good sense to make sure the entrance to the- town is- not degraded for rwant of unkeptf promises 3 embrangers r t r r 2 markhanir 4