t tribune thursday march 1817 afeyafaii j o 1 iv i v i xi hi k lyvv yfccarajx u 800 arri to midnight jan 1975 to jan 1976 and growing cfto1617007 wkbw 142300 h cblt 104 chch 102700 wben 98000 wgr 96800 city 17600 a gldbaltnofteported in station total- tstatioh total viewers v4 hour averagejan 1 976 800 ami wkbw gblt wgr wben chch gllobal city 4 w 700 p rfi to 1100 pm jan 1975 to jan 1976 1 and growing r 500 source a cn chch wkbw gmt wben wg 1 t 260800 24c200 229 205400 178 100 23700 up greater jhan all ther news p v auclieheesgo cblt news- 121700 wkm news 533qa vv0r news- 46d 00 wbenisiews 17706 total 2388d0 i global not reported in station total stationtotal viewers hbiir averag j jan 1 viewers a x world beat news 6 viewers j t i 976 station total monfri 630700 averaged hour viewers