4 toe tribune thursday march 4 1w ishie rtine established 1888 charles h- nolan publisher pwmblwvtrytliursdayas4waiastsfeufvillonttlmlioi barre beacock toroato paaaa miltm steak copies me subscriptioas m0 pr yr la advertfalne manager 1 caoamt1meliwtirtmcabreaiidnbwrcavofclrcwtatlecabdjaa 5 j don bernard editor i caamuaytynewspapers auocutioa aad ontario wmkjy ntwspapars auocutioa sccead ust aiail ristrtloa aumbtr mm i tha trlbuaa is on of it lauad publbbiaa co limited group si wborbaa acmeapan waka iacludas tna aivrtilttiyplckriafl news i advertiser bramploa guardian burliagtoa- past etomcoka gazttte a markaam ecoaomlst and sua newmarkvurera era oakvilla beavar j oihawa tab wtcfc aad miuiuavoa nam hamlet plan a good one at least some people were upset at the proposed secondary plan for ballantrae which was presented at a public meeting last thursday the plan calls for very limited growth in that hamlet or community as the plan calls it- the population would grow to 1000 by 1986 the plan is very good from our point of view in a number of aspects firstly it establishes reasonable compact boundaries for the community in that respect develop ment on the aurora sideroad east of highway 48 would be about all the new development allowed under the plan as presented besides infilling of lots already existing good suggestion for dog patrbls the subject of dogs running at large and getting into garbage came up before council again last week at that time councillor eldred king made a suggestion that we feel is absolutely brilliant in its simplicity and potential effectiveness mr king came up with the idea that kennel inn which handles the towns canine control be provided with a copy of the towns garbage pickup schedule and that they merely patrol those areas in advance of the garbage trucks the way garbage attracts dogs we feel this technique would net the maximumn number of dogs with the minimum number of patrols and would also have the advantage of getting the real troublemakers loose dogs are a nuisance at any time but most people would agree their nuisance value really peaks when they rip open garbage bags and scatter the contents we will be interested to see the results of this proposed coordination of schedules i r stzf the planner stated that new development was designated there to link the school and community centre with the rest of the com munity that is very good in our estimation secondly 1000 population is realistic to maintain the character of the community while still not requiring installation of costly sewers and water serviced the group last week was assured that there is enough water under the ground there to serve up to 1000 people the plan limits growth and allows the least possible damage to the environment however some points remain unresolved there are presently areas zoned residential and industrial on the fringes of these proposed boundaries one industrial area is 175 acres just norm east of the boundaries proposed in the secondary plan another area west of highway 48 is zoned residential that too is outside the plan as such the matter is further complicated by the desire of a number of property owners fronting on highway 48 who would like to sever off the rear portions of the properties according to the boundaries presented this type of development would not be allowed in the northwest quadrant a developer is even willing to give the land for the road to have his development go through that road would open up the back portions of the long narrow lots fronting on the aurora sideroad these people were justifiably concerned about encouraging development from high way 48 out toward the community centre this was forcefully brought out at the meeting however a choice must be made the population limit of 1000 has been chosen and we feel that it is realistic after 1986 technological changes could make it feasible to expand the hamlet in that case further growth might be allowable but for now the plan looksgood to us mansion house hotel mmn street stouffville-1880- vtfjicrs thoughts form uie i the lord says the people of israel have sinned v again j- and again and i will not forget it i will not leavethem unpunished any morefdr they have perverted justice by accepting bribes and sold into slavery the poor who cant repay their debts they trample the poor in the dust and a man and his father defile the same templegirl corrupting my holy name at their religious feasts they lounge in clothing stolen from their debtors and in my own temple they offer sacrifices of wine they purchased with stolen money amos 2 68 sugar and spice winter does have its moments by bill smiley this seems to be one of those winters that simply must be got through like a serious illness or a bad marriage now as a canadian of a couple of score years and then some i know theres no use whining we have to pay a price for living in the finest country in the world and winter is the price but there is surely a limit to the inflation of thai price this time around its getting a bit ridiculous whoever is in charge of the weather up there has got to the point where hes just showing off trying to dazzle us with the virtuosity of his- or her performance one day you are running around mopping up water because the pipes have frozen and burst the next day the temperature has soared 40 degrees and you are down in the basement mopping up the melted know that a- third day you start walking a 1 a i sunshineare caught in a blizzai amend trespassing laws v council is still trying to find a satisfactory solution to the- problem of firearms being v discharged in the municipality it seems certain they will banhunting in 1 the designated hamlets and other built up areas but this will hot completely solve the problem i some residents in the rural areas have- had problefhs hunters trespassing- or jwitlr bullets flying in their direction from hunters oh adjacent properties- v councillor merlyn baker points out that it- would be unfair to local farmers to bring in a totalban as farmers then would be unable to fcontrol wolves ground hogs or other predators that destroy their livestock of icrops according to provincial law property must be posted before hunters can be charged for trespassing there but we have heard complaints from many residents who say that when they do post their land the signs are only up for a week or so before they are torn or shot down v- we feel this puts the burden on the propertyowner rather than on the trespasser where it belongs the best solution would be to pass legislation similar to that dealing with snowmobilers on private property- they are required to get written permission from the landowner this could in our opinion provide a very good compromise farmers would still i able to control wildlife and then they could decide individually whether they wished to allow hunters on their properties that way if one particular hunter proved irresponsible he could be banned without ruining it for every body else- unfortunately the town does not have the power to enforcesuch a law as it is a provincial jurisdiction we would urge council to petition the province and request that they considersuch legislation f all discharge ofjirearms though should t be banned in the hamlets and higher density areas v to work in blizzard howling downfrom the pole gethopelessly lost and wind up in a supermarket or funeral parlor instead of yourplace of work we dont have any in our town but im told that in the city some guys have been so badly lost in some of our storms that they have wandered inadvertently into one of them there massage parlors as i write this at school we have just sent the kids home early on the buses because the roads were blocking in quickly as soon as the buses left out came the sun down dropped the wind its a perfect winter day and were sittingherewithegg on our face and no students- but just the other day we kept the kids in school for the full day even though it was storming and wound up with two busloads of students on bur hands for overnight t we got them all bedded down in the homes of teachers and parents i was batching it had lots of room at home and offered to take five girls for a pyjama partyor five boys for a poker party they turned me down the administration not the kids this week some of our history students are going toibe involved in a livein at fort st marie a replica of 17th century jesuit set tlement theoretically they will experience the actual winter living conditions of those times no modern aids to beat the cold such as oil furnaces pocket heaters or booze just lots of clothes lots of proximity its a mixed group and open fires good luck to them they should have taken a dog team theyll probably bring out the frozen bodies in the spring oh the other hand knowing students and the precocity of youth ill venture to say- it will be one big party and an experience to be savored for life but im glad im not chaperoning from son hugh in the desertlike chaco country of paraguay comes a cry from the other end of thestick oh for one just one white cold canadian winter day the tem perature here ranges from about 100 to 130 and just to keep yourself cleaned of sweat and dust requires almost all the energy you can summon i wish i could trade him one of ours for one of his in the midst of this wild winter my second grandson chose to make his appearance at the usual hour 330 am he was a healthy eight- burns up more steam in a day than ah muhammad does in a 15round title fight and when i try to keep up with him for an hour i j come out feeling like joe frazier the kid is a week old arid they dont even have a name for him yet maybe its just as well maybe this time reason will prevail last time my daughter was reading- dostoievski a russian novelist and my son- inlaw was dabbling in i clung a chinese pseudophilisophy poor little kid was named nikov chen thats why icall him pokey this time my daughter is studying music and my soninlaw architecture dont be surprised if i announce one of these days that the latest addition to the family has been named ludwig johann sebastian arthur lloyd wright sieber poor little fellow v or sibeliuskaarinnen siber that would put the finnishing touch to his futures imagine going through life being called sibby sieber if they commit any suchabomination ill revenge myself in the usual way remember that silly old songdance doing the cokey- okey ill nickname this one okey andhejandi his brother and i will join hands dance around in a ring and sing to his disgusted parents were doing the pokeyrokey and thats what its all about thatll fix them f aside from all the rigors of the weather- january and february are going to be ex pensive months in the future two grandsons- birthdays in january wife and daughters birthdays in february all that on top of the pounder and resembles quite a bit so the j z3 ladies say his big brother pokey i cant j i really tell at that age to me they all look like however however- let it snow let it tiny orangoutangs blow what nicer midwinter gift could a fellowg i hope for my own sake that he has a little get than a fine healthy grandson maybe less energy than his olderbrother the poke granddaughter nothing less y- istis bm0 i3 s stouf f ville centennial 18771977 viewpoint v jlarry gone hncfgpp bydg itftfitr a at i j travelling circuses were a form of entertainment on- the move even before stoiif fville became an incorporated village one of the earliest stage sites for such ashow was thearea now occupied by j lloyd avenue lloydavenue incidentally was stouf fvilles first subdivision these shows travelled on the country roads by horsedrawn wagons as they moved from village to village after the coming of the railway the circus moved to t this typeof conveyance and now they have become a thing of the past-v- iv theearlytimes were thadeywiuy the various hotel owners to accommodate their great numbersof men and horses a- typical contract might cover thirty- men and thirty horses the- rate would possibly be 50 cents a day per man and 10 or 15 cents per horse as time moved jintothelilssos and tosthese j prices v ik needless tolsay the horsedrawn v 5 cavalcade as it moved along dusty country roads was quiteasight to beholdvvithvild finlmfilein hutf aaaaa ami uroamioff em wooden bridge over the stream at dicksons hill and was finally induced to come through the water try for centennial stamp representation has been made by councillor cathy joice member of the centennial committee to postmaster general bryce mackasey regarding the possibility of obtaining a special stamp to mark the centennial she was advised that there were presently 300 applications for such- stamps for 1977 and while he was sympathetic the outlook was not too promising v v stouf f ville postmaster gary fisher was present at the last centennial com mittee meeting and offered his help as well making various suggestions of- various types of stamps which might be used for the occasion themesong contest tomorrow friday march 5isthe deadline for thetcentennialthemesong contest words and music must be original limimalshugelcageahdwagdntafter entries on tape may be handediniat ag6n joorie5clonseveralelephmtswere mitview whitchurch highlaridsand housed in newburys buttons horse shed at ballantraepublic schools v st- r marks r cricit5isfirteuvatcieiexc itremdyiargeelephant refused to cross the secondary school first prize is 100 well harry is gone but his memory will remain with us for some time you see harry was our cat i say was because harry isnow back with his previous owner it isa story that bears repeating if only it will save someone else from the same predicament my wife is an animal lover she loves all animals but has great affectionfor cats in particular when we first married we had a cat named pookie pookie was not that cuddly a creature but he kept her company when i was away one day pookie ran away and failed to return a search of the surrounding area where we lived at the time proved to be fruitless pookie it seems just vanished then rebekah was b and my wife suddenly had her hands full ith a baby pookie was not replaced and we thought that was for the better with a very small baby but johanna loves animals last fall she i came across a kitten that seemed to be very loving and affectionate the next week when she went back the kitten came up to her again i nat pretty well clinched it for her the j owner was looking for someone to adopt the ycat i v after some discussion at our home i agreed to us taking harry into our family we had it figured outpretty well 0 course it z would bergood for bekah to get used to animals thats one rationale used to tip the balance in harrys favor- if sasa kitten harry was terrific- he seemed to be very affectionate quite a contrast to v i i however we put that off and e grew and developed for some time he maintained his good manners however we could see trouble ahead bekah is a very livelychild she also seemed to take great delighnh playing with harry however being onlyw months old- she was rougher with him than we would have liked as time went on he seemed to resent her t intrusions on his privacy moreandmore7 he would be sitting in his favorite chair by v the window and she would run up and climb into the chair beside him disturbing his tranquility other times he would be laying quietly only to be roused from his nap by bekah on the move as usual j at first harry seemed good natured about her antics he would push her away but would not extend his claws it yas just as if he knew- she didnt do it on purpose my wife was happy that bekahwas learning about animals and we were very careful to encourage her to be gentle with him i had heard however that while malej icats become moregentle if neutered theyt also tend to lose their y ill to live they often become listless and then tend to become veryj fat removing his claws would leave harry defenseless if heeverdid go jj all in all it was a difficult position for usj meanwhile he seemed to be getting more and- more aggressive if bekah came hear him hei would make amotion asif he wanted to bite her oheday he scratched her just below herjj eye that pretty well clinched it we asked around to see if anyone wanted a cat an ad in the tribune failed to find at- home for him luckily the former owner was quite willing to take him back vj h even after we decided to part with him- we put off bringing him back somehow we hoped that he would pull out of his aggressive mood and become the lovable kitten we had adopted after his return wasall arranged he scratched bekah in the face again andwe knew that was it r pne of her first words she learned to say still we were reluctant to give him upitj was hyee her rough translation of the cats v is very strange how one can become attached name latershe look totalling him vcfcv- cat you can see that hehad become a- household fixture a playmate for bekah and a companion for my wife in the evenings i even likedharry f i f my wue neard lrom harrys new masteri but as he grew up harry started to that he was very happy with his new homej become more agressive- he would long togo- the first thing he did after arriving was goforj outside and would sit at the window for hours a walkaroundthe proper tyyou seethei l on end gazing longingly at the freedom which people live in a rural area and can let him rutij toa petwefqund h out when he wentj 11 away- parting was riot the easiest thing in the world- althoughwe had no alternative we know that bekah will miss him i mywife heard from harrys riewmaster was eludinghim o t ithji rspookie whoasaloof and not very friendly whe itrairiedxahdfit well he eveh j t it was at this point that we found our- l cdntemplatirg having him neutered freely he also has another catto playwitli plus ayttygenttedogji i harrywillbe happy thereof that we are oj-