Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 15, 1976, p. 4

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j the tribune thursday january is 1m wxt jsmiunz established 18ss charles h nolan publisher stouhville onl tel m02i01 i nnv nfiivipn published every thursday at m main st stouhville ont tel m0i101 barre beaccck i toronto phone m11o0 single copies me subscriptions uob per year in acherusidk manager bailor eadiiaaivhremmnbwaaudhburejuofelrculationcaiiadian lil i i e i canadesiooelsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number mm the tribune is one ol the inland publishing co limited group ot suburban newspapers which includes the aiaxwhitbypickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke gazette markham economist and sun newmarketaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news editorials population limits set the increases in population which most communities in this area have experienced in the past few years have been somewhat up setting to people who would like a slower growth rate c however there is no doubt that pressure twill increase for growth especially in suburban housing developments stouffville is already anticipating a project north of town that could eventually house over 2000 people but in the broader scope the region of york must look at increased development especially in the yonge st corridor and in the southern reaches of markham and vaughan this kind of growth which would have come anyway is being increased due to a provincial government scheme called ontario housing action program ohap this proposes to make housing available by over- r coming some of the redtape and delays i seat belt issue i is saving lives whether a person wants to live dangerously or not is his own business that is one of the arguments that has been fused against provincial seat belt legislation now in effect in one sense the argument has merit the government has yet to outlaw cigarette smoking a real killer or alcohol which v probably causes more highway deaths than the nonuse of seat belts but in another sense the seat belt law rlike those governing motorcycle and snowmobile helmets is an enforceable way of saving thousands of lives the implications of having to legislate personal safety standards nonetheless is sobering associated with usual development the ohap projects are also supposed to include moderately priced homes three major ohap projects have been talked about in the southern part of york region these include milliken mills kennedy rd at steeles ave thornhil vaughan and pine valley woodbridge the projects if approved as proposed add 80000 people to the population of york region some members of regional council object strenuously to these large projects especially the way they are being introduced they are being approved by the provincial government before being approved by either regional or local planners under the south central york servicing scheme known as the big pipe the markham vaughan richmond hill aurora newmarket area will be allowed a population limit of 416000 for the next 50 years or so last week the region agreed to ask the provincial government do add the 70000 ohap population figures to the 416000 capacity when building the big pipe thus the sewer system would be built to accommodate 486000 people while the motion passed a number of councillors expressed concern at the situation they feared that favoring the in creased size of the pipe would in affect in dicate approval for the ohap projects the horse however was already out of the barn the big pipe agreement signed by the region and the province last year agrees to the 416000 figure plus ohap the motion was only making a formal request for something that was already part of a signed agreement whether they want it or not the region will likely see most of those ohap projects go ahead as planned it shows again a lack of concerted regional action regional council failed again to take a regional approach the results could be disastrous tf j sugar and spice hockey has gone down hill by bill smiley volunteers inake it go the phenomenal success of the stouffville recycling depot can be attributed to the dedication and hardwork of the volunteer people who man the depot twice weekly the nucleus of volunteers has made the depot operational soon the depot will have a new building built by the town for the express purpose of serving as a recycling depot up until this time the depot has done everything by volunteer help on a shoestring budget no budget at all really one fear we ihave is that the fact of the town building the facility could prove a deterrent topeople who come forward to volunteer there is no doubt that the depot can x operate more effectively from the new building the bins will be stored inside and there will be an office and this could be just the start of a greater effort to encourage people to recycle their garbage so the depot could go on to see a greatly increased volume of material being handled there or it could begin to peter out we hope ithat the community will get behind the project and that people will start to get the message that only if we recycle our garbage will we be able to handle the volumes of waste being created the stouffville group has done a great job we hope with increased community support it will do even better in the future no free market system much has been made of some remarks prime minister trudeau made recently about permanent controls in the canadian economy a number of people especially businessmen and opposition politicians are condemning mr trudeau for wanting to destroy the free enterprise system that would be true if indeed we truly had a free enterprise system but it has been tinkered with and manipulated to a point that there are few areas of true free enterprise r most of the forces in the economic system are applied by large groups and organizations various monopoly and semi- monopoly groups prevent the laws of supply and demand from working according to the classic model economists use all of this points to a lack of un derstanding of what the real problem is we have come to expect to receive more and more while actually contributing less and jess you can only cut up a pie into so many pieces at some point somebody is not going to get a piece 1 and this is the sad situation we are faced with as a nation mr trudeau was only saying out loud what many people must know in their hearts there must be restraint by certain powerful groups in the economic system or the economic system will collapse so far few of these groups have shown such restraint we are well into another season of what passes these days for the oncethrilling canadian sport of hockey far more interesting than being a spectator at games will be watching from the sidelines some renewed and determined at tempts to decrease the potential mayhem in the former sport as any intelligent eightyearold knows hockey is no longer a sport it is an en tertainment superior to professional wrestling in this department only because it is faster bloodier and most of the participants though not all are not fat and middleaged some are fat and young some are also middleaged some are old enough to be grandfathers and 80 per cent of the socalled athletes in this new form of grand guignol s vaudeville are grossly over- paid i a few discerning sports writers and a good many former fans of the game are sick at heart over what has happened to what was once the fastest and most thrilling game on earth the great majority of the socalledfans however along with most sports writers and nearly all of management deride any attempt to restore the skills and thrills of what used to be the most skillful and thrillful sport of them all professional hockey perhaps that isjbecause the current crop of fans consists of yahoos looking for blood the sport writers are sycophants looking for an angle the owners are stupid as they have always beenlooking onlyjfor a buck at any rate ontario has a new attorney general roy mcmurtry a former athlete of some ability and he is determined to stamp out the viciousness that has turned pro hockey into a roman circus he had the appalling audacity to declare publicly that assault and battery on the ice would be treated the same as it is on the streets with a criminal charge he took the unparalleled step of putting cops in the arenas and laying charges against the goons who try to decapitate an opponent with a stick or emerge from a spearing duel with the enemys guts wrapped around the point of their sticks mcmurtry is making political hay out of it but i and a host of others dont care and say go to it boy as expected his edicts have been greeted with hoots of scorn by the yahoos the sycophants and the manipulators or as variety the showbiz magazine might put it in one of its succinct headlines hock jocks mock socks translated that would mean that hockey people make fun of any attempt to stop the fighting and violence in the game solidly behind mcmurtry however is a majority of the people remotely interested in the game the better sports writers who have seen it go steadily downhill kids who want to play hockey for fun without being terrorized parents of kids who play hockey real fans of the game who have seen their favorite sport turned into carnage of clowns surely even the robber barons of hockey the owners with their 19th century mentality can see the handwriting on the wall large and clear the game is going down the drain let me give some frinstances when i was a youth our town hid a junior a team they played it fast and tough and clean the referees jumped oi slashing spearing boarding kneeing fijits were infrequent in a town of 4000 therj were 1500 at every game a hundred cars would accompany the fans to playoff games 50 miles away today i live in a town of 11000 which boasts a pretty fair junior b team the crowds at games run around two or three hundred hockey night in canada used to bind this whole nation together from radio days well into television its ratings have dropped disastrously whats happened a lot of things first the quality has gone down and the price has gone up thats a nono in any business sixty per cent of the pros today couldnt have made a fairtomiddling senior amateur team 25 years ago arena owners egged on by greedy players and those parasites their agents have hoisted the cost of tickets to the point where ticket scalpers are committing suicide but most important of all the sheer viciousness of todays game with its nazi stormtrooper techniques its open supportof intimidation its appalling message for young players that violence beats skill and speed has made a great segment of real fans turn their backs on it in disgust when the players are all millionaires and the arenas are half empty maybe the morons who control the sport will get the message losing at monopoly by ted wilco todays health- it- rehabilitation service helpful by david woods the act of restoring to a good condition regenerating or making over in an improved form is what rehabilitation is all about when it comes to rehabilitation of the physically handicapped the idea is to get the disabled person back into the mainstream roping as soon as possible j rehabilitation services focus on returning people who have suffered some kind of physical handicap back to their former lifestyle patterns or if thats impossible to assist them to adapt to a new lifestyle jj who needs rehabilitation just about anybody who has undergone some physical trauma amputees paraplegics people whose lowe limbs are paralyzed quadraplegics those with all four limbs paralyzed people who have suffered strokes fractures- spinal injuries or certain forms of arthritis v v 5j ann winter the ontario ministry of healths senior consultant in rehabilitation says matmedicalirehabilitaionserices in physiotherapy utilizes exercises heat- treatment and electrical stimulation to help patients regain strength and mobility and relieve pain in affected parts of the body occupational therapists teach ap propriate activities such as carpentry and other work forms to help patients regain mobility and strength and also to relearn the activities of daily living how to cook a meal from a wheelchair for instance people who suffer an impaired ability to communicate verbally and who have voice disorders are taught speech and com munications skills by speech therapists while social workers assist patients and their families to readjust to a meaningful way of life j i most ontario hospitals offer some rehabilitation services in addition there are five regional rehabilitation centres in the province that accept patients for intensive effective rehabilitation is to start it as soon as possible most of the services can be made available by referral from your physician and she advises not to be afraid to consult your physician if you feel that one or more services might be helpful i read with interest about two 10year old oshawa boys who recently made ah assault on a world record news photos showed the two lads hunch ed over a game board boneweary as they attempted to shatter the record for the longest monopoly game ever played the record stood at something like 58 hours but they only managed to make it about 33 before they conked out reading about their valiant if somewhat unhealthy effort no doubt brought to mind innumerable other monopoly games in the minds of many monopoly which is known as the worlds most popular board game has gotten a grip on literally millions of people since its in ception during the great depression the game i might add has special appeal to people who are instinctively greedy miserly and or frugal that may have something to do with why i liked the game so much when i began earn ing money on a paper route as a boy i ac tually used to save the twodollar a week wage and spent it on socks or underwear as you might guess many a cheap thrill was had for me through playing monopoly the game rules actually are not unlike the toronto real estate market residential treatment there also 30 years ago this week excerpts from the tribune from january 17 1946 j chicken thieves provincial police have issued a warning to farmers in ontario county to be on the lookout for a gang of chicken thieves known to- be operating throughout the county farmers are asked to report im- mediately any suspicious person or persons they see near their farms latest report of chicken theft- comes from bruce williamson poultry farmer in the northern section who had 30 pullets stolen from his runs hall proposed a deputation of stouffville world war ii veterans headed by dr n c smith waited on the municipal council last week and laid before that body their aims and hopes for a veterans hall in stouffville which could be recognized as a memorial from the people of this place for the splendid work done by our boys who went overseas and gave valiant service that we might enjoy our way of life properties are acquired by each player 7 sometimes dirt cheap then developed to their capacity and tagged with outrageous rents the winner is the most corrupt landlord j all who forces all competitors into pauperdom while he becomes a veritable howard hughes r please dont misunderstand i still sort of like the game just last week in fact i badgered my wife into having me a match t the experience though gave me my fill of monopoly for some time j when it comes to monopoly you see my spouse is no novice she had played the game so steadily through her childhood that she practically had the prices of the properties memorized x if not a pro she was at least someone very very tired of monopoly by the time she had reached 15 to give parker bros due credit our game last week was fun up to a point that was about the point that i had landed on income tax the seventh time in a row and my competitor had acquired about three different property chains t soon each trip around the board spelled fiscal disaster for me i occasionally risked funds to upgrade boardwalk and park place one keep up appearances my only- monopoly but my expenditures clearly were outweighing my earnings 1 j- finally i had landed on j pennsylvania avenue one time too many and my doom was complete i had no other choice i declared for bankruptcy following the loss my only comfort was the thought that even by capitalist standards monopoly is after all a crummy game werent we all taught that in a free market system no one corporation wouldi come to dominate the others v besides that the experience taught me once again to avoid those games of chance that can inspire greed and moral turpitude especially when youre likely to be trounced at them by your wife

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