jacket stolen from hitch hiker uxbridge a markham hitchhiker had 15 and a jacket stolen from him last week after he was picked up on highway 47 ronald boyce of main st markham told police he received a ride from two men in a light blue or brown sedan who stopped their car just west of uxbridge and took his cash and jacket the two men believed to be in their late twenties bad talked about doing him bodily harm if he didnt surrender his money mr boyce told durham regional police six month sentence for the tribune thursday january 8 1976 is eman advertise weekly york region a 22 year old uxbridge man was sent to jail for six months after- being convicted in newmarket provincial court last week on charges of break enter and theft and trafficking in lurcotics douglas d mackay was jailed six months for breaking into a king township home last summer and stealing about 10000 worth of goods including stereo equipment jewelry silverware and furs he was given another fourmonth term on the trafficking charges which will be served con currently with the first conviction mackay will also serve a two year term on probation following his release from jail judge munro beard police evidence which stated that after finding marijuana a pipe and weigh scales in the ac cused mans car in a markham parking lot a search of the accused mans home was made about 10 ounces of marijuana was found in small plastic bags a total of 175 in money was also found by police in the same kind of bags defense counsel for mackay said his dient was not involved in selling the stuff as a commercial venture he told the court the ux bridge man gave it away to friends counsel asked for leniency stating mackay now unem ployed has a very good work record the court was also told that mackay had broken into the king township home of his former employer because he felt he had been dealt with unfairly counsel w m newmarket main st just south of davis drive 8981800 markham 7th concession line 100 yds north ol hwy 7 2944440 barrie the bavmart plaza just north of bad 8oy across from georgian mall 7280899 said that the accused man had madeno attempt to sdl or get rid of the things he had stolen and had intended to take them back at some time judge munro passing sentence noted that mackay had almost a one years supply of narcotics in his possession he might have been growing it for all we know judge munro commented to the court he also said he i could not swallow the explanation given by defense counsel that the drug was for the use ol friends free course by board durham region a free course will be held soon to inform the public about the operation of durham board of education the twosession course will beheld jan 20 and 27 at r s mclaughlin collegiate stevenson rd north oshawa commencing at 730 each evening to enrol in the course phone 5764600 extension 318 there is no charge fifi have your chesterfield reupholstered from the bestfor less vi the price of a new suite 5 year workmanship guarantee 25 years in this area 4 monthly payments no extra charge toromark 2942581 2972055 tfua cm shag new image hilo patterned i multi colors on rubberback soyd on jute sqyd print deliverance the economical way to do your large indoor areas sq yd loop titan low level hard wearing tweed tones in eight dynamite colors splush spring valley our very own favorite seller low low shag so yd 12 colors to choose from saxoay splush mw day on so yd rubber backing made from 100 percent continuous filament nylon with zepel carpet protector by dupont helps resist soil and stains mimme c s s m 1 x hwy 7 markham v toronto broadloom mills 1 o c i c 1 a dtvls dr newmarket 1 baymart plaza from toronto multiculturalism bilingual framework a way of life for many canadians roots from other lands hove now flowered into the unique mosaic that is our canada today no other radio station in canada has contributed more to the forming of this colourful and fantastic mosaic than chin radio now broadcast ing in many languages to over 30 cultural communities in this our tenth year we have given voice and forum to the cultural heritage information and entertainment needs of more than one million canadians of non- anglo nonfrench origin who live and work within the sounds of chin chin multicultural radio with total concern for cultural origins colour and religion has ployed an outstanding and significant role we believe in the freedom of expression in speeding up the process of integration the explaining and inter preting of news and most important of all keeping alive the cultural traditions of ones heritage in a multicultural society all this has fashioned a brand new mar vellous way of life for many canadians v in our ear years we experienced many growing pains one of which was the establishing of identity and concept we have succeeded and in return we have received wide acceptance os a major market station all tls in ten short years no easy task i must admit but i assure you we wear our sue vs with humility and gratitude with profound affection and gratitude chin radio sallies the more than one hundred thiralonguaqe dedicated producers and coprodurs men and women who daily and on weekends entertain and interpret canada to their own growing community in a manner of music and language programming unique in all north america i i to our producers to management to our fast qrowinq audience to all of us at chin has come a glowing enrichment a multicultural multilingual broad casting concept that really works and it was born 10 years ago born of love for heritage and a still greater love for canada a way of life for many canadi ans proudly i am such a canadian johnny lombardi president 1966 1976 of multilingual broadcasting reaching out to a potential 2000000 listeners whose heritage and roots are from other lands the tribune the weekly newspaper read daily ijc vjow of fflfarwtmn markham parks and recreation dept spring registration commences january 13 1976 registration forms are available at unionville centennial library markham centennial library thornhill community centrellbrary markham parks and recreation dept for further information phone 2971900 ext 222 1540 montofri 600855 wake up italian style this programme hosted by vittoriw coco features bright music newssports traffic reports and interviews 8551100 open miketoik show in english 11001200 shalom jewish exhilarating and completely entertaining programme for he jewish community a wide range of yiddish and israeli music from contorial liturgical to rock its hostess zetda young sprinkles the show with just enough inform ative interviews theatre and news 12001730 3 lock of italian programmes 1200-1300- per v0i signora womans hour a programme aimed at the italian housewife beauty hints recipes child care fashion etc itosfed by fiorella 13001400 parliamone insieme lets talk about it together a talk show hosted by different personalities either from chin or from the com munity topics and problems of the moment unemployment workmens compensation immi gration religion social issues discussed by the host and his guest and then thrown open to the listeners for comment and inquiries obviously the pro gramme is informative and its aim is the formation of better new canadians u001500 la musica e v0i you and the music a potpourri of italian songs chosen by o young dynamic announcer franco vclli who feels young romanticism is never neglected 15301730 four segments host- ed by nico navarro contra st two singes every day fighting each other on musical ground chin hit parade the best ital ian songs recorded in canada by ncwconadian ortistst via veneto music and songs from rome gossip from the entertainment world galltjrla dei ricordi memory lane the most beautiful italian songs of the past saturday 700830 weeken0 show part 1 portuguese modern and folk music from portugal and from brazil produced by rev fr cunha 9001030 lou ge0rgareas greek entertaining and in- formative the best of greek music in oil its forms popular folklore and old favourites host savas laventis 10301600 finesettimana con la chin weekend with chin italian a potpourri- of folk songs- songs of the past- cultural items jokes host nico navarro f 16001730 weekend show port ii portuguese producer rev fr cunha sunday 600830 classical an0 re ligious programmes eng lish 830900 religion italian 9001100 the ontario jew ish programme english dedicated to entertaining the jewish communities of toronto and outlying areas with on up- todate variety of yiddish and hebrew music israeli news and jewish community events host david scott 11001230 religious pro grammes english live church service 11001200 timothy eaton memorial 12301400 songs from home irishscottish 90 minutes of music newit and sports the programme has an irishscottish flavour but the music- appeals to a wide audience host brian kearney 14001730 finesettimana con la chin weekend with chin -italian- a potpourri of folk songs songs of the past culturol items jokes host fiorella em 101 jvs foh of the lolloinng programme reflect rh hentoge ol the thnoculvrol group i their hntory the trodifconi the fotuore then fruvc or mingle tt colovrful pretenlalioai thol i ellect the eiubetonc of the people vch programme help oiw the minority group of southern ontario that the heritage wji be pre mvd and the children wilt be encoucoged to leorn the longvge ol their oncehori they oho preient on opportunity to the member of conado majority grovpt to cotch o vnique glmpie ol ie lected culture and appreciate more their contnbv lion to conodion me mon to fri 500700 sveglia italian host vittorio coco 700900 continental breakfast german host harry markner 9001030 continental breakfast dutch john bosch 10301130 pani iadwiga polish mrs t giera 11301230 sounds of croatia croatian john loncaric 12301300 neva russian nick wosielewilsch 13001400 program prometheus ukrainian mrs mendeluk 14001500 caravan of friend ship- yugoslav mrs f starchev 15001530 r0dna pesen bulga rian v elieffp pandev 15301615 carousel portuguese isabel joll 16151700 a place to meettreff punkt german s tiepelt mon days h markner tues fri 17002000 musica nella sera italian fiorella 20002100 echoes of portugal portuguese isabel joll 21002300 kapsalis radio show greek konstantin kapsalis 22302300 mon armenian a sarian tue korean rev sang lee wed e indian tali vij thurs lithuanian j siminavicius fri maltese henry formosa 23002330 religion english 23302430 the j mcdee show west indian jasse mcdonald 2430200 blues soul- bill payne fri poika party polishcanodion ed guca saturday 600-700- soul and iazz english bill payne 1 700730 hindi religion syed jafry 730900 iultrung hindustani farida nizami 9001200 happy weekend ger man herbert hisel 12001400 dutch programme dutch john bosch 14001530 caravan of friend ship- yugoslav francisca starchev 15301600 the macedonian voice macedonian dragi den- kovsky 16001700 yugoslav cultural- programme yugoslav mike mil- icevic 17001730 ukrainian religious programme ukrainian father donyluk 17301800 the voice of mun0 ukrainian zenon chwaluk 18001830 0dum ukrainian stan- islav hamulak myroslava romach 19001930 -religion- russian 20002100 the magic carpet arabiclebanese marcelle gideon 21002130 the chinese v0ice- chinese paul cheng 21302300 the hungarian voice of ontario hungorion marfi lorant 2300200 the j mcdee show west indian jasse mcdonald sunday 600730 canadian classics and religion- english 730800 hungarian religion hungarian john toth 800830 -religion- english 830930 sumadia serbian bora drogasevich alex georgevich 9301130 sport soccer italian live from italy 11301200 ukrainian religion ukrainian father danyluk 12001300 the filipino hour tagolog bernard forrol 13001330 the macedonian voice macedonian dragidenkov- sky i 13301400 memories fr0mlith- uania lithuanian john siminavi cius i- 14001500 sounds of croatia croatian john loncaric s 15001530 dutch religious dutch reverend thuyl 15301600 ravna g0ra v serbian bill durovic- 1600-1615- religion- greek 16151700 voyage to greece greek marios georgiades e 17002000 weekend italian0 italian itolo luci 20002030 the t pakistani pro gramme vqufeshi 20302100 radi0 hahk00k- korean myung kim 21002130 r hungarian religious hungorion john tcilhi v v 21302400 voice of india east indion loli vij s i 2400500 allnightitaliah show classics italianfrench franco volli mtrrhihimni rnu- urdu mohammed ayub a ibaflta u1uvaai