c the tribweuthursday november 13 1s i longtime urea resident stouffville funeral service was held oct 31 for william d porter who died oct 28 at brier bush hospital he bad been a resident of clarke st he was the son of jane linton and william porter having been born in ux- bridge mr porter lived most of his life in the uxbridge and later stouffville areas he leaves his wife the former nola farrow a brother ross of toronto and a sister mrs fred genges of lbs angeles california y funeral was at oneills funeral home with rev j l carder officiating- pallbearers included charles feasby rojph white martin gall john syines jr glenn thompson and clarion hood interment was in uxbridge cemetery snowmobiles can be great fun this is what ontario is doing to help make sure theyre safe fun we now have new laws for motorized snow vehicles usually known as snowmobiles all snowmobiles must be registered with ontarios ministry of transportation and communications if previously registered they must be reregistered registration is free also people who operate snowmobiles off their own property must now have a permit to do so the fee for the annual permit is s1 000 the only exceptions are in certain designated areas of remote north- western ontario actually complying with the new reg- ulations is easy you can reregister a previouslyregistered snowmqbile and v obtain your annual permit at any ministry of transportation and communications licenseissuing office in ontario where you r get your automobile license if you buy a new snowmobile the dealer must register it on your behalf within six days of the sale the number of your registration cer- tificate must be attached to or painted on both sides of your snowmobiles hood in numbers 2 to 3 high and must contrast with your snowmobiles colour to be easily seen your permit will be affixed to your registration certificate and you will be given two adhesive stickers to affix to your snowmobiles hood according to directions thats all there is to it do not drive your snowmobile anywhere except on your own property unless it has been registered and you have a permit make certain that you know and observe all operating rules and safety regulations for snowmobiles and be sure to check local bylaws in the municipality where you use yoursnowmobile 1 for rriore information contact public and safety information branch ministry of transportation and r communications 1 201 wilson avenue downsview ontario m3m 1j8 ministry of transportation and communications james snow minister i province of ontario william davis premier why fight don valley traffic rnrc has an easier way to downt own toronto towncentre express bus fromscarborough town centre park-your- car free at scarborough town centre at the north end 6f the parking lot adjacent to progress avenue about 30 minutes 35 in rush hours to downtown via 401 and vrj don valley parkway convenient stops downtown westbound oh richmond at jarvis church yonge bay and york and eastbound on adelaide at university bay yonge church and jarvis leave scarborough v town centre monday parking lot through friday 700 aml900 am every 1 2 minutes 900 arh400 pm every 30 minutes 400 prh548 pm every 1 2 minutes leave downtown simcoe adelaide 736 am900 am 900 am330 pm 330 pm624 pm 4 ll fares r v- 2 aduit tickets or 75c ex actcasri each way no reduced ratesfor senior citizens children or students on this special express service dec 10 dateline committee seeks centennial year stouffville do you have an idea for a centennial symbol for 1977- the stouffville centennial committee is sponsoring a contest to find a suitable logo for the former villages 100th birthday those- wishing to enter must submit their designs by wednesday annual meeting the annual meeting of the goodwood park and community centre association will take place wednesday nov 19 at 8 pm three members are to be elected to the association at that meeting dec 10 entries must be en white paper with a minimum size of 6 by 4 and a max sizeof lo by 714 r amateurs or professionals who are residents of whitchurch stouffville are eligible to enter first prize is 100 second is 50 and third prize of 25 entries may be submitted at cards hardware orchard park p s summitview p s st- marks separate school whitchurch highlands p s and stouffville dist secon dary school for further in formation call bill murphy 6402702 joan kamps 6402915 graydon card 6403622 and john roberts 640- 1433 peace of mind music thats why so many involved arid responsible people turn to chfi at the end of the day cur peacefulrelaxing music really helps smooth out the ruffles from a busy days work so sit back take your mind off the reports memos and statistics and relax a while with chfi good music good people cjiflf981 stereo fm john lord celebrated the first an niversary of his store on stouf fvilles main st friday evening unionville writer dudley witney was on hand to autograph copies of his new book the lighthouse he is also author of the barn don bernard jftrlniaiirdiij stouffville scene 1 wluus going on i 0 i il gussie hoover funeral services were held at mennonite- church wednesday nov 5 for gussie hoover who passed away at the home of her cousin mrs will reaman nov 3 she was the only daughter of the late isaiah and adah hoover and was in her 82nd year miss hoover was born in pickering township and later moved to mongolia she had been a resident of parkview home- since 1968 pallbearers in cluded joe nighswander levi and thomas grove norman fretz- harold mcdowell lewis reesor rev paul martin officiated in terment was in the ad joining cemetery sunday dinner guests mr andrmrs nor- man bridgeman of niagara falls- mr and mrs harry prestonmr and mrs harvey preston of pine- orchard were sunday dinner quests o of mr and mrs joseph l fockler of ringwood legion draw winners myrna hathaway oi stouffviue won first prize a handmade quilt in the draw at the legion ladies bazaar saturday second- prize knitted afghan and pillow went to a- goldsmith ofi toronto james heintz man of willowdale won third prize a knitted cape unicef cards next tuesday nov 18 unicef cards and gifts go on sale at the whitchurch stouffville public library they will be available there until dec 20 trip to paris members of the stouffville office of shea af j real estate ltd enjoyed hsfm canada strike capital canadas reputation asbeingthestrikecupiiaii- of the world is ap- parently reaching all continents john nolan of stouffville who is possibly the communitys mosti widelytravelled citizen- reports that he learned of v our post office strike fin filled to capacity x- ringwood con- gregational christian church was filled to capacity friday night when the young peoples group sponsored the gospel film so long joeya social time followed in the basement the companysponsored trip to paris those on the tour included mr and mrs cec hendricks mr and mrs john daniel edna luther joyce spensleyand vi binsted bob dart and dick fintelman also qualified that wherever he travels south america africa europe he finds that canada is pictured as the most strikeridden country this fact is puzzling in these foreign countries who know that our citizens are close to being the most welltodo minimarket held on oct 18 the ballantraeuiited church women held a mini- market which was a resounding success and they would like to thank all those people who donated baking crafts rummage etc and those who patronized- the market f communicating by phone orl from london- england m tops bazaar says that the people fau is bazaar time- ere look with disbelief and the local tops group on what- various groups take off- pounds sen- asking in wage in- sibly is holding a bazaar crease food prices saturday nov 15 at e in britain latcham hall it extends are about on a par with from 930 am no transfers issued or accepted yv noiparkirig problems nodrivers nerves when you vide the y j 4- ii vfowncentre express- v tjc information 4844544 v to 3 pm our town presented richmond v hill curtain club is presen ting the thornton wilder play our town v performances are set for nov 21 22 2629 and december 36 admission is 3 and 175 for students at wednesday formances for tickets call 8842638 psrkvlsur ha7nir- the parkview bake sale bazaar and han dicrafts sale is scheduled for wednesday nov 19 from 24 pm at park- view home on rupert st those in canada but wages are little more than half the canadian rates- senior citizens dinner the senior citizens christmas dinner- is slated for saturday dec 6 at ballantrae cow- munity centre- starting time is 530 pm although admission is free to all senior citizens in whitchurch stouff- jvillev invitations arc being sent out those wishing to attend and enjoy a roast beef dinner should call 6402035 640- 2420 and 4736024 a christmas program will follow the meal to 2twc for the festiveseasoh slip into the spirit of things in a long silky evening dress thaimoves as you do choose from styles for alhomc and for the most elegant evening on the town prices from 4500 to 11500 390 bay street i lof cncowrm m toy i omm4 telephone 3661441 sherwayoaroens- shopping centre telephone 0228480 4