3mmggsff the jfiiibvse thursday nov 6 175 vziw established 188s charles h nolan pnblishtr- kumhwrttry tbwwy m 54 mala iu stoumvill out tcl mulftl barre beacock toronto pnom mmmt siagk copies subscription uoo ptr yur in advertising manaeer fcdllor ondjttlcltwtiro member oaudt bureau olcucuutioa canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number mm 7tskl tbe tribune h one oi the inund publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers which includes tbe alaxwhitbypickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke caiette markham economist and sun newmarketaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news don i i i i r i the line must be held the antiinflation line must be held by the federal government at all costs despite the i premature racket being heard from the i sdss teams are volleyball j champions again l in one particular sport stouffville dist secondary school is beginning- to make a reputation for itself the sport is volleyball last week sdss teams repeated the feat they accomplished the year before by winning the midget junior and senior titles in the york county championships the sport is not as widely known as some others and the yorkfinals were a good demonstration of topflight competition in the game coaches jimrehilland pete sanderson deserved credit for their efforts powerful unions and the political motivated nitpicking of such leaders as ndp stephen lewis mr lewis wants ontario to set up its own board to rule on wage settlements un doubtedly to give larger exemptions this would add further to the expense of the program besides making a shambles of the whole scheme should all provinces take the same stand however were sure that mr lewis is well aware of all this it would appear that in the final analysis it is to be big unions against the rest of the country they appear bent on grabbing a bigger slice of the economic pie than is their due unless government remains firm against this onslaught we could well all go down the drain together in the future no one is being asked to give up his or her job merely to exercise a little restraint is this too much to ask for the welfare of the country as a whole unions have been unduly fast off the mark with their denunciations of the program such defense of greed cannot be condoned the plan is put forward for the benefit of all to put the brakes on runaway inflation admittedly it will not be easy to pinpoint some violations but it is much too early to label the whole program as impossible bible thoughts or the week from the living bible then solomon built his own palace which took thirteen years to construct one of the rooms in the palace was called the hall of the forest of lebanon it was huge measuring 150 feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet high the great cedar ceiling beams rested upon four rows of cedar pillars there were fortyfive win dows in the hall set in three tiers one tier abovetheother five to v a tier facing each7 other from three walls each of the doorways and windows had a square frame- 1 kings 715 5 viewpoint starting is the hardest part by don bernard false alarm is no joke one afternoon recently three stouffville fire department vehicles roared out of the station down main st to the 9th cone they pulled up in front of a house and where met by enforcement needed for t lower limit york region agreed last week to lower the speed limit on the bloomington rd on the sectionwestbf the 5th coric from 50 to 40 mph while we agree with a lower speed limit- because of the school entrance along that stretch we also feel that york regional police could be more diligent in patrolling that length of road the average speed of cars clocked along there was 64 mph trucks averaged 61 mph the old limit was 50 mph obviously stronger enforcement is needed to make the school entrance safe for school buses the startled occupants who had no idea why they were there the reason they were there is pretty obvious some joker had called in a phoney alarm chief walt smith dismissed the incident as being of no significance it is encouraging that pointless pranks such as this have not damaged the morale of stouffvilles rail j volunteer fire department t the volunteer firefighters provide an essential service at only the fraction the cost of a fulltime paid force they perform a tough job with wildly unpredictable hours and they do it ungrudgingly for very little financial reward the public spirit of the firemen is part of what makes a small town a community and not just a conglomeration of houses and businesses j it saddens lis to know that there are those who would so senselessly abuse this devotion to community the only encouragement we can take is that firemen have been able to put the incident in its proper perspective they ignore it a column writer is often faced with the problem what should i write about this week often inspiration fails other times the subject is very obvious but the question comes up where do i start a personal column should if honestly written reflect the feelings aspirations and even the personality of its creator it can be humorous anecdotal or weighty it may tell of some reallife incident or may be fictional it may deal in deep philosophical truths or may be frivolous sym most writers do articles covering thefulli gambit of these styles individual treatmehtj at that time i came in contact with some people who gradually over a number of months provided the proof i needed that god was really alive it was this witness that finally made me reexamine all my own pat ideas about god at a meeting in toronto on the third thursday in october i took the fateful step a heavy burden of life was taken from my shoulders and joy and peace filled my being god had responded to my challenge in university and made himself real to me you may be asking yourself why does he go over something that happened four reflects the personality of the writer pijyears ago this column is personal in the uitit sets the background for a new intimate sense of that word perhapsyoudeyelopmerit might disagree with my using thisspacefdr wssucpeonlewho who have not had a certain ex- jperience find it hard to understand that ex- someone eise all t happened to me but unless you for yourself you cannot fully understand this purpose but bear with meyoujmiightis find tliatyoutr- s thusiasm and j the problem the beginning if one can find thing occurred about four years agoafterja a man who discovers some fabulous life of doubtful benefit to manjkjnd during m treasure is so excited he wants to share his which i managed tpbe dlsappwnbeclinloye a j- find with others that same thing happens number of times and tried unsuccessfulljtto embark upon a teaching career godcaine- into my life in a real and powerful way that j personal decision for christ was a momentous step for me i had been an agnostic who would argiie the existence of god in many late-night- sessions in university usually iwould be the devils advocate during these sessions it was during that time that i remember clearly saying that god had toprovehis existence to me beforel could believed- 7lvl the turning point- came just four years j ago almost to the week i wasa staffi repprterfor the newmarket era and tfaingss were starting to work out for me i enjoyed my m work and seemed to have settled in well atthe era jwhen a person finds the fabulous spiritual treasure jesus ist and this has been my experience in dealing with members of my own family they have listened patiently for the most part but failed to respond that is they failed to respond before last week the first person i shared my experience with four years ago was my sister venessa she is four years younger than i am she seemed bpento it but never really could embrace christ fully herself t she knew christ had brought a change in mylife needless to say we had been praying for- her and her boyfriend norm efforts at sharing the gospel with him seemed to meet a roadblock most of the time norm usually avoided meetings with us if he could s but just over a week ago it was apparent that something was starting to happen when i returned to my office after lunch and found a note on my desk its message was simple norms sister called and asked you to pray for venessa i had only met norms sister once and could not figure out how she even knew where to contact me it was just like god put that note on my desk i phoned johanna and told her the message she started to pray not knowing what was happening in erin where they live it was a busy day but once or twice i stopped at my typewriter to pray i got home late that night about 11 pm and was just getting ready for bed when the phone rang tojgi my surprise it was norm he had accepted christ as his saviour that day about the time we were praying i might add nt as we were talking on the phone my sister arrived home from work to say that she had herself accepted christ at about the same time in a washroom at work i was flab bergasted god had answered our prayers without us having done anything but pray norm who had had little use for me phoned me first to give me the news it is a wonderful thing when god touches another persons life but quite extraordinary when it is a member of you owhfamily it took four years of prayers but gpdanswerefl jri his time youmay not accept what i write it is a very personal thing but you can not easily account for it by coincidence or chance it could not have happened by accident god did it a crazy ladybtyafr a 3 by annegret lamure now that the frosty mornings give the mi first hint of winter i am reminded of an in- vjj small child she stood frozen glassyeyed andappeared to be choking as i turned cidenr that illustrates well the remarkable towards her to explain she gave me one last talent of little children to land adults in em- horrorfilled look and fled down the street barrassing situations i somewhere in the region of york there is it started innocently enough with a trip to awoman who when the weather the corner rink one sunny morning i set off with four wellbundled toddlers to do a little skating after maneuvering eight very limp little feet into their tiny skates and doing up four pairs of laces i blew on my frozen fingers reflecv tively was it really worthwhile putting on my own skates inevitably as soon as i had them completely tied on the first small child would complain of being tired and demand to go home turns cold tells her friends about he woman she saw gliding wildly about the ice flapping her arms and yelling caw caw caw on a completely empty rink in a desertedpark for the children of course were well hidden in the nest theteeriescenejorthe lonely barren tree and tie decirpju rowing bench at its base isa gloomy sight when seen in the overcast days ty i jiiisfiiis 2 offauthe sweeps through the vacant branches foreshadows the coming of winter i v johnmootgomery sj however i was lucky it was a glorious morning the ice was silkysmooth and best of all the rink was completely vacant there wasnt another soul in sight when a little one got tired i boosted him into a snow filled nook created by the boards and a corner of the outside fence this nest like space gave rise to the wonderful bird game- onejby one the little ones would tumble but of thenest and try their wings on the ice when they finally tired of this they all settled in their nest and demanded widemouthed to 5 be fed j- jiswooped up and down the ice in great loops s my swings mightily and croakingcawcawcaw with en- thusiarasi soughtitheir food vpasudden noise made me halt in midflap and i turned to see a mother clutching her v 30 years ago this week excerpts from the tribune from nov 8 1945 timbers best boy plowman winners were announced and prizes presented at vellore on friday night at the annual home plowing banquet presented by the york county junior farmers w l clarke gormley the judge spoke briefly concerning the quality of the plowing and outlined the difficulties ex perienced in this years competition the macgregor trophy and a cash prize of20 for the best plowed land was won by robert timbers stouffville the t eaton trophy was won by david ratcliff stouffville impudent rascals- a couple of impudent young rascals who deliberately knocked a lady- off the sidewalk on halloween night and then attempted to run off with the ladys- hat j which fell off were soundly swatted by the husband who went towork on the lads and as he said straightened them up it was a timely lesson although it was the first peacetime halloween in six years the lads contained themselves very well on that night of nights when city folks fairly went crazy in toronto locally the usual pranks were indulged in and a few folks who found steps and walks overturned j were anribyed- but the damage was light the older lads took to pelting good eggs at several business buildings and- the tribune office stood up well sunder the barrage also the house of our esteemed citizen mr ej davey was spattered and a residence east of church st also two cars at the mansion house belonging to travellers who unfortunately for them spent the night here a town official offered to pay for cleaning up one car that looked like a big omelet but the offer was turned down vfir e i although the wherewithall to appease the youngsters was a problem to provide in 1 the absence of sugar to make candy the shellout gang fared very well t a y